  call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('php', 'phpstan')

  WithChainResults ['0.10.2']

  call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest()

Execute(Custom executables should be used for the executable and command):
  let g:ale_php_phpstan_executable = 'phpstan_test'

  AssertLinter 'phpstan_test',
  \ ale#Escape('phpstan_test') . ' analyze -l4 --errorFormat raw %s'

Execute(project with level set to 3):
  call ale#test#SetFilename('phpstan-test-files/foo/test.php')
  let g:ale_php_phpstan_level = 3

  AssertLinter 'phpstan',
  \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze -l3 --errorFormat raw %s'

Execute(Custom phpstan configuration file):
  let g:ale_php_phpstan_configuration = 'phpstan_config'

  AssertLinter 'phpstan',
  \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze -l4 --errorFormat raw -c phpstan_config %s'

Execute(Choose the right format for error format param):
  WithChainResults ['0.10.3']

  AssertLinter 'phpstan', [
  \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' --version',
  \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze -l4 --error-format raw %s'
  \ ]