Typically proto files depend on and make use of proto definitions in
other files. When invoking protoc user can supply paths to inspect for
This patch makes it possible to configure flags passed to protoc. This
makes it e.g., possible to change include paths of the linter's protoc
The test already handled arbitrary paths reasonably well, but setting
the directory interfered via leakage with others tests for some reason.
This patch removes the call to `SetDirectory` in the fixture setup and
the subsequent cleanup in the teardown as they are not required.
rustfmt normally acts on a file in place, and applies configuration
from rustfmt.toml files according to the path of the file.
Using a temporary file for rustfmt breaks this functionality, so
removing the '%t' from the rustfmt command.
Switches all vale instances to JSON output and provides an appropriate
handler for that. Without JSON, no end_col is provided and text
highlighting only catches the first character of every result.
In Go you can "vendor" packages by putting them in the `vendor/`
directory for a project. Adding the `-srcdir` argument makes `goimports`
pick up these packages, in addition to what you have in GOPATH.
Without this, `goimports` is not very useful, since most projects vendor
their packages.
This grew out of my work in #1193; to ensure the statusline was being
updated I had to add:
fun! s:redraw(timer)
augroup ALEProgress
autocmd BufWritePost * call timer_start(100, function('s:redraw'))
autocmd User ALELint redrawstatus
augroup end
Which kind of works, but is ugly. With this, I can replace the
`BufWritePost` with:
autocmd User ALEStartLint redrawstatus
Which is much better, IMHO.
Actually, this patch actually replaces adding a function, since you can
augroup ALEProgress
autocmd User ALEStartLint hi Statusline ctermfg=darkgrey
autocmd User ALELint hi Statusline ctermfg=NONE
augroup end
let s:ale_running = 0
let l:stl .= '%{s:ale_running ? "[linting]" : ""}'
augroup ALEProgress
autocmd User ALEStartLint let s:ale_running = 1 | redrawstatus
autocmd User ALELint let s:ale_running = 0 | redrawstatus
augroup end
Both seem to work very well in my testing.
No need to `ale#Statusline#IsRunning()` anymore, I think?