When set to true, and the buffer is currently inside a pipenv,
GetExecutable will return "pipenv", which will trigger the existing
functionality to append the correct pipenv arguments to run each linter.
Defaults to false.
I was going to implement ale#python#PipenvPresent by invoking
`pipenv --venv` or `pipenv --where`, but it seemed to be abominably
slow, even to the point where the test suite wasn't even finishing
("Tried to run tests 3 times"). The diff is:
diff --git a/autoload/ale/python.vim b/autoload/ale/python.vim
index 7baae079..8c100d41 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/python.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/python.vim
@@ -106,5 +106,9 @@ endfunction
" Detects whether a pipenv environment is present.
function! ale#python#PipenvPresent(buffer) abort
- return findfile('Pipfile.lock', expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h') . ';') isnot# ''
+ let l:cd_string = ale#path#BufferCdString(a:buffer)
+ let l:output = systemlist(l:cd_string . 'pipenv --where')[0]
+ " `pipenv --where` returns the path to the dir containing the Pipfile
+ " if in a pipenv, or some error text otherwise.
+ return strpart(l:output, 0, 18) !=# "No Pipfile present"
Using vim's `findfile` is much faster, behaves correctly in the majority
of situations, and also works reliably when the `pipenv` command doesn't
Solargraph allows to set configuration options by creating a
.solargraph.yml file at the root of the project using it. Therfore this
file is a good canditate for finding ruby projects root paths.
Initial discussion:
I see no reason to do this? It is just setting the environment to what
it already is?
It was originally added in #297, but that entire PR is not a great idea
in the first place; that PR (together with #270) tried to make the Go do
non-standard and non-supported stuff like compiling packages outside of
That's not something that works well (I tried), so was eventually
removed in #465, but these "go env" calls remained, for no reason in
particular, as far as I can think of.
This will improve on #1834; you will now no longer get a confusing error
(but still won't get a meaningful error; need to think how to do that).
* Adding support for haskell-ide-engine
* Work with the current directory if no stack.yaml file is found
* Added Cabal file detection, updated documentation and added tests
* Updated help
* Rust Cargo linter: Improve workspace support
When using Cargo workspaces [1], there is a 'Cargo.toml' directory in a
top level directory, listing all the crates in the project. If we are
currently editing one of the crates, 'cargo build' should execute in
that directory for that crate's separate `Cargo.toml`, otherwise Cargo
may spend more time possibly rebuilding the entire workspace, and maybe
failing on one of the other crates, instead of succeeding on the current.
[1] https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/second-edition/ch14-03-cargo-workspaces.html
For now, it only detects undefined steps. The nearest `features` dir
above the buffer file is loaded, so step definitions should be found
Tested only with Cucumber for Ruby, but it should work for any cucumber
that follows a substantially similar directory structure.
This removes the argument if the specified toolchain is empty.
As far as I can tell there is no +nighly (or similar) option [1] leading to
the termination of the server. But since people needed this option and
have yet to complain about it it stays the default for now.
[1] https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rls/blob/master/src/main.rs#L87
* Add first qmlfmt support
* Add GetCommand() function
- pass --error/-e option
* Add handle unittest
- fix pattern regex
- store col as integer
* Update docs
* Add command callback unit test
* Add fsc as a Scala linter
* Pull reused code into `autoload/ale/` directory
* Include fsc into the README
* Add unit test for testing the scala handler
* Add unit test for scala's fsc linter
* Rename scala unit tests for clarity
* Fix typo in README
* Fix typos in doc/ale.txt
* Fix author headline
* Put methods for fsc commands back into fsc.vim
* Move command_callback tests to correct location
* Rewrite handler test so it actually tests handler
* Clarify description of test in test_scala_handler
* Fixed (g)awk linter
* Made it secure, albeit less useful.
* Added gawk handler; the cpplint one was not working?
* Added gawk handler test.
* added warning to gawk handler.
* added gawk command callback test
* added comment about --source
* added back optional commandline option