Pylint only [checks for pylintrc] (and .pylintrc) files in the packages
aboves its current directory before falling back to user and global
pylintrc. For projects with a src dir, running pylint from the
directory containing the file will not use the project pylintrc.
Adopt the convention used by many other Python linters of running from
the project root, which solves this issue. Add pylintrc and .pylintrc
to FindProjectRoot. Update docs.
[checks for pylintrc]:
Signed-off-by: Kevin Locke <>
Although using %t to lint changes was desirable, many pylama checks use
surrounding paths and file contents (e.g. C0103 module name, E0402
relative import beyond top, etc.) The more such errors I find during
testing, the less %t seems like a good idea. Switch to %s.
Also set `lint_file` to 1 and mark Pylama as a file linter in the docs.
Signed-off-by: Kevin Locke <>
ale#Escape function seems to prepend and append ' to the file name, which
are not present in the pydocstyle output. Having the parsing regexp match
the file name was overkill anyway, since there is an obvious 1:1
correspondence between the buffer number and the (potential) errors
reported by pydocstyle.
The linter can correctly parse pydocstyle output with any of the following
command-line options enabled: --explain, --source, --debug, and/or
When set to true, and the buffer is currently inside a pipenv,
GetExecutable will return "pipenv", which will trigger the existing
functionality to append the correct pipenv arguments to run each linter.
Defaults to false.
I was going to implement ale#python#PipenvPresent by invoking
`pipenv --venv` or `pipenv --where`, but it seemed to be abominably
slow, even to the point where the test suite wasn't even finishing
("Tried to run tests 3 times"). The diff is:
diff --git a/autoload/ale/python.vim b/autoload/ale/python.vim
index 7baae079..8c100d41 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/python.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/python.vim
@@ -106,5 +106,9 @@ endfunction
" Detects whether a pipenv environment is present.
function! ale#python#PipenvPresent(buffer) abort
- return findfile('Pipfile.lock', expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h') . ';') isnot# ''
+ let l:cd_string = ale#path#BufferCdString(a:buffer)
+ let l:output = systemlist(l:cd_string . 'pipenv --where')[0]
+ " `pipenv --where` returns the path to the dir containing the Pipfile
+ " if in a pipenv, or some error text otherwise.
+ return strpart(l:output, 0, 18) !=# "No Pipfile present"
Using vim's `findfile` is much faster, behaves correctly in the majority
of situations, and also works reliably when the `pipenv` command doesn't