Supporting filtered jump (#2279)
* Support filtered jump based on loclist item type (E or W for now) * Use flags to customize the behavior of ALENext and ALEPrevious * Update <plug> bindings with flags * Update documentation about ALENext and ALEPrevious * Use ale#args#Parse in JumpWrap
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
" If there are no items or we have hit the end with wrapping off, an empty
" List will be returned, otherwise a pair of [line_number, column_number] will
" be returned.
function! ale#loclist_jumping#FindNearest(direction, wrap) abort
function! ale#loclist_jumping#FindNearest(direction, wrap, ...) abort
let l:buffer = bufnr('')
let l:pos = getcurpos()
let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, bufnr('%'), {'loclist': []})
@ -17,6 +17,18 @@ function! ale#loclist_jumping#FindNearest(direction, wrap) abort
let l:loclist = filter(copy(l:info.loclist), 'v:val.bufnr == l:buffer')
let l:search_item = {'bufnr': l:buffer, 'lnum': l:pos[1], 'col': l:pos[2]}
if a:0 > 0
let l:filter = a:1
let l:filter = 'any'
if a:0 > 1
let l:subtype_filter = a:2
let l:subtype_filter = 'any'
" When searching backwards, so we can find the next smallest match.
if a:direction is# 'before'
call reverse(l:loclist)
@ -41,6 +53,10 @@ function! ale#loclist_jumping#FindNearest(direction, wrap) abort
\ l:search_item
if (l:filter is# 'any' || l:filter is# l:item.type) &&
\ (l:subtype_filter is# 'any' ||
\ l:subtype_filter is# get(l:item, 'sub_type', ''))
if a:direction is# 'before' && l:cmp_value < 0
return [l:item.lnum, l:item.col]
@ -48,22 +64,46 @@ function! ale#loclist_jumping#FindNearest(direction, wrap) abort
if a:direction is# 'after' && l:cmp_value > 0
return [l:item.lnum, l:item.col]
" If we found nothing, and the wrap option is set to 1, then we should
" wrap around the list of warnings/errors
if a:wrap && !empty(l:loclist)
let l:item = l:loclist[0]
if a:wrap
for l:item in l:loclist
if (l:filter is# 'any' || l:filter is# l:item.type) &&
\ (l:subtype_filter is# 'any' ||
\ l:subtype_filter is# get(l:item, 'sub_type', ''))
return [l:item.lnum, l:item.col]
return []
" As before, find the nearest match, but position the cursor at it.
function! ale#loclist_jumping#Jump(direction, wrap) abort
let l:nearest = ale#loclist_jumping#FindNearest(a:direction, a:wrap)
function! ale#loclist_jumping#Jump(direction, ...) abort
if a:0 > 0
let l:wrap = a:1
let l:wrap = 0
if a:0 > 1
let l:filter = a:2
let l:filter = 'any'
if a:0 > 2
let l:subtype_filter = a:3
let l:subtype_filter = 'any'
let l:nearest = ale#loclist_jumping#FindNearest(a:direction,
\ l:wrap, l:filter, l:subtype_filter)
if !empty(l:nearest)
normal! m`
@ -71,6 +111,36 @@ function! ale#loclist_jumping#Jump(direction, wrap) abort
function! ale#loclist_jumping#WrapJump(direction, sargs) abort
let [l:args, l:rest] = ale#args#Parse(['error', 'warning', 'info', 'wrap',
\ 'style', 'nostyle'], a:sargs)
let l:wrap = 0
let l:type_filter = 'any'
let l:subtype_filter = 'any'
if get(l:args, 'wrap', 'nil') is# ''
let l:wrap = 1
if get(l:args, 'error', 'nil') is# ''
let l:type_filter = 'E'
elseif get(l:args, 'warning', 'nil') is# ''
let l:type_filter = 'W'
elseif get(l:args, 'info', 'nil') is# ''
let l:type_filter = 'I'
if get(l:args, 'nostyle', 'nil') is# ''
let l:subtype_filter = 'style'
elseif get(l:args, 'style', 'nil') is# ''
let l:subtype_filter = ''
call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump(a:direction, l:wrap, l:type_filter,
\ l:subtype_filter)
function! ale#loclist_jumping#JumpToIndex(index) abort
let l:buffer = bufnr('')
let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, l:buffer, {'loclist': []})
@ -2467,14 +2467,36 @@ ALELast *ALELast*
`ALEPreviousWrap` and `ALENextWrap` will wrap around the file to find
the last or first warning or error in the file, respectively.
`ALEPrevious` and `ALENext` take optional flags arguments to custom their
behaviour :
`-wrap` enable wrapping around the file
`-error`, `-warning` and `-info` enable jumping to errors, warnings or infos
respectively, ignoring anything else. They are mutually exclusive and if
several are provided the priority is the following: error > warning > info.
`-style` and `-nostyle` allow you to jump respectively to style error or
warning and to not style error or warning. They also are mutually
exclusive and nostyle has priority over style.
Flags can be combined to create create custom jumping. Thus you can use
":ALENext -wrap -error -nosyle" to jump to the next error which is not a
style error while going back to the begining of the file if needed.
`ALEFirst` goes to the first error or warning in the buffer, while `ALELast`
goes to the last one.
The following |<Plug>| mappings are defined for the commands: >
<Plug>(ale_previous) - ALEPrevious
<Plug>(ale_previous_wrap) - ALEPreviousWrap
<Plug>(ale_previous_error) - ALEPrevious -error
<Plug>(ale_previous_wrap_error) - ALEPrevious -wrap -error
<Plug>(ale_previous_warning) - ALEPrevious -warning
<Plug>(ale_previous_wrap_warning) - ALEPrevious -wrap -warning
<Plug>(ale_next) - ALENext
<Plug>(ale_next_wrap) - ALENextWrap
<Plug>(ale_next_error) - ALENext -error
<Plug>(ale_next_wrap_error) - ALENext -wrap -error
<Plug>(ale_next_warning) - ALENext -warning
<Plug>(ale_next_wrap_warning) - ALENext -wrap -warning
<Plug>(ale_first) - ALEFirst
<Plug>(ale_last) - ALELast
@ -151,9 +151,12 @@ if g:ale_completion_enabled
" Define commands for moving through warnings and errors.
command! -bar ALEPrevious :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('before', 0)
command! -bar -nargs=* ALEPrevious
\ :call ale#loclist_jumping#WrapJump('before', <q-args>)
command! -bar -nargs=* ALENext
\ :call ale#loclist_jumping#WrapJump('after', <q-args>)
command! -bar ALEPreviousWrap :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('before', 1)
command! -bar ALENext :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('after', 0)
command! -bar ALENextWrap :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('after', 1)
command! -bar ALEFirst :call ale#loclist_jumping#JumpToIndex(0)
command! -bar ALELast :call ale#loclist_jumping#JumpToIndex(-1)
@ -218,8 +221,16 @@ command! -bar ALEComplete :call ale#completion#AlwaysGetCompletions(0)
" <Plug> mappings for commands
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_previous) :ALEPrevious<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap) :ALEPreviousWrap<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_previous_error) :ALEPrevious -error<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap_error) :ALEPrevious -wrap -error<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_previous_warning) :ALEPrevious -warning<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap_warning) :ALEPrevious -wrap -warning<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_next) :ALENext<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_next_wrap) :ALENextWrap<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_next_error) :ALENext -error<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_next_wrap_error) :ALENext -wrap -error<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_next_warning) :ALENext -warning<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_next_wrap_warning) :ALENext -wrap -warning<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_first) :ALEFirst<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_last) :ALELast<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_toggle) :ALEToggle<Return>
@ -5,23 +5,24 @@ Before:
\ {'type': 'E', 'bufnr': bufnr('') - 1, 'lnum': 3, 'col': 2},
\ {'type': 'E', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 1, 'col': 2},
\ {'type': 'E', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 1, 'col': 3},
\ {'type': 'E', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 1},
\ {'type': 'W', 'sub_type': 'style', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 1},
\ {'type': 'E', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 2},
\ {'type': 'E', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 3},
\ {'type': 'E', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 6},
\ {'type': 'W', 'sub_type': 'style', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 3},
\ {'type': 'W', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 6},
\ {'type': 'E', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 700},
\ {'type': 'E', 'bufnr': bufnr('') + 1, 'lnum': 3, 'col': 2},
\ ],
\ },
function! TestJump(position, wrap, pos)
function! TestJump(position, wrap, filter, subtype_filter, pos)
call cursor(a:pos)
if type(a:position) == type(0)
call ale#loclist_jumping#JumpToIndex(a:position)
call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump(a:position, a:wrap)
call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump(a:position, a:wrap, a:filter,
\ a:subtype_filter)
return getcurpos()[1:2]
@ -36,46 +37,61 @@ Given foobar (Some imaginary filetype):
Execute(loclist jumping should jump correctly when not wrapping):
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('before', 0, [2, 2])
AssertEqual [1, 3], TestJump('before', 0, [2, 1])
AssertEqual [2, 3], TestJump('after', 0, [2, 2])
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('after', 0, [1, 3])
AssertEqual [2, 6], TestJump('after', 0, [2, 4])
AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('after', 0, [2, 6])
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('before', 0, 'any', 'any', [2, 2])
AssertEqual [1, 3], TestJump('before', 0, 'any', 'any', [2, 1])
AssertEqual [2, 3], TestJump('after', 0, 'any', 'any', [2, 2])
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('after', 0, 'any', 'any', [1, 3])
AssertEqual [2, 6], TestJump('after', 0, 'any', 'any', [2, 4])
AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('after', 0, 'any', 'any', [2, 6])
Execute(loclist jumping should jump correctly when wrapping):
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('before', 1, [2, 2])
AssertEqual [1, 3], TestJump('before', 1, [2, 1])
AssertEqual [2, 3], TestJump('after', 1, [2, 2])
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('after', 1, [1, 3])
AssertEqual [2, 6], TestJump('after', 1, [2, 4])
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('before', 1, 'any', 'any', [2, 2])
AssertEqual [1, 3], TestJump('before', 1, 'any', 'any', [2, 1])
AssertEqual [2, 3], TestJump('after', 1, 'any', 'any', [2, 2])
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('after', 1, 'any', 'any', [1, 3])
AssertEqual [2, 6], TestJump('after', 1, 'any', 'any', [2, 4])
AssertEqual [1, 2], TestJump('after', 1, [2, 8])
AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('before', 1, [1, 2])
AssertEqual [1, 2], TestJump('after', 1, 'any', 'any', [2, 8])
AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('before', 1, 'any', 'any', [1, 2])
Execute(loclist jumping should jump correctly with warning filters):
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('after', 0, 'W', 'any', [1, 2])
AssertEqual [2, 6], TestJump('after', 0, 'W', 'any', [2, 3])
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('after', 1, 'W', 'any', [2, 6])
Execute(loclist jumping should jump correctly with error filters):
AssertEqual [1, 2], TestJump('after', 1, 'E', 'any', [2, 700])
AssertEqual [2, 2], TestJump('before', 0, 'E', 'any', [2, 700])
AssertEqual [2, 2], TestJump('after', 1, 'E', 'any', [1, 3])
Execute(loclist jumping should jump correctly with sub type filters):
AssertEqual [2, 3], TestJump('after', 0, 'any', 'style', [2, 1])
AssertEqual [2, 2], TestJump('after', 0, 'any', '', [1, 3])
AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('after', 1, 'any', 'style', [2, 6])
Execute(loclist jumping not jump when the loclist is empty):
let g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('%')].loclist = []
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('before', 0, [1, 6])
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('before', 1, [1, 6])
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('after', 0, [1, 6])
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('after', 1, [1, 6])
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('before', 0, 'any', 'any', [1, 6])
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('before', 1, 'any', 'any', [1, 6])
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('after', 0, 'any', 'any', [1, 6])
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('after', 1, 'any', 'any', [1, 6])
Execute(We should be able to jump to the last item):
AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump(-1, 0, [1, 6])
AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump(-1, 0, 'any', 'any', [1, 6])
Execute(We shouldn't move when jumping to the last item where there are none):
let g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('%')].loclist = []
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump(-1, 0, [1, 6])
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump(-1, 0, 'any', 'any', [1, 6])
Execute(We should be able to jump to the first item):
AssertEqual [1, 2], TestJump(0, 0, [1, 6])
AssertEqual [1, 2], TestJump(0, 0, 'any', 'any', [1, 6])
Execute(We shouldn't move when jumping to the first item where there are none):
let g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('%')].loclist = []
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump(0, 0, [1, 6])
AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump(0, 0, 'any', 'any', [1, 6])
Execute(We should be able to jump when the error line is blank):
" Add a blank line at the end.
@ -84,7 +100,7 @@ Execute(We should be able to jump when the error line is blank):
call add(g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('%')].loclist, {'type': 'E', 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 3, 'col': 1})
AssertEqual 0, len(getline(3))
AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('before', 0, [3, 1])
AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('before', 1, [3, 1])
AssertEqual [3, 1], TestJump('after', 0, [3, 1])
AssertEqual [1, 2], TestJump('after', 1, [3, 1])
AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('before', 0, 'any', 'any', [3, 1])
AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('before', 1, 'any', 'any', [3, 1])
AssertEqual [3, 1], TestJump('after', 0, 'any', 'any', [3, 1])
AssertEqual [1, 2], TestJump('after', 1, 'any', 'any', [3, 1])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user