diff --git a/autoload/ale/lsp.vim b/autoload/ale/lsp.vim index e44b5bc3..1dac3ab1 100644 --- a/autoload/ale/lsp.vim +++ b/autoload/ale/lsp.vim @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ function! ale#lsp#NewConnection(initialization_options) abort " open_documents: A Dictionary mapping buffers to b:changedtick, keeping " track of when documents were opened, and when we last changed them. " callback_list: A list of callbacks for handling LSP responses. + " initialization_options: Options to send to the server. + " capabilities: Features the server supports. let l:conn = { \ 'id': '', \ 'data': '', @@ -22,6 +24,13 @@ function! ale#lsp#NewConnection(initialization_options) abort \ 'open_documents': {}, \ 'callback_list': [], \ 'initialization_options': a:initialization_options, + \ 'capabilities': { + \ 'hover': 0, + \ 'references': 0, + \ 'completion': 0, + \ 'completion_trigger_characters': [], + \ 'definition': 0, + \ }, \} call add(s:connections, l:conn) @@ -44,6 +53,11 @@ function! s:FindConnection(key, value) abort return {} endfunction +" Get the capabilities for a connection, or an empty Dictionary. +function! ale#lsp#GetConnectionCapabilities(id) abort + return get(s:FindConnection('id', a:id), 'capabilities', {}) +endfunction + function! ale#lsp#GetNextMessageID() abort " Use the current ID let l:id = g:ale_lsp_next_message_id @@ -185,6 +199,38 @@ function! s:HandleInitializeResponse(conn, response) abort endif endfunction +" Update capabilities from the server, so we know which features the server +" supports. +function! s:UpdateCapabilities(conn, capabilities) abort + if type(a:capabilities) != type({}) + return + endif + + if get(a:capabilities, 'hoverProvider') is v:true + let a:conn.capabilities.hover = 1 + endif + + if get(a:capabilities, 'referencesProvider') is v:true + let a:conn.capabilities.references = 1 + endif + + if !empty(get(a:capabilities, 'completionProvider')) + let a:conn.capabilities.completion = 1 + endif + + if type(get(a:capabilities, 'completionProvider')) is type({}) + let l:chars = get(a:capabilities.completionProvider, 'triggerCharacters') + + if type(l:chars) is type([]) + let a:conn.capabilities.completion_trigger_characters = l:chars + endif + endif + + if get(a:capabilities, 'definitionProvider') is v:true + let a:conn.capabilities.definition = 1 + endif +endfunction + function! ale#lsp#HandleOtherInitializeResponses(conn, response) abort let l:uninitialized_projects = [] @@ -200,6 +246,8 @@ function! ale#lsp#HandleOtherInitializeResponses(conn, response) abort if get(a:response, 'method', '') is# '' if has_key(get(a:response, 'result', {}), 'capabilities') + call s:UpdateCapabilities(a:conn, a:response.result.capabilities) + for [l:dir, l:project] in l:uninitialized_projects call s:MarkProjectAsInitialized(a:conn, l:project) endfor diff --git a/test/lsp/test_other_initialize_message_handling.vader b/test/lsp/test_other_initialize_message_handling.vader index 3a7c7f62..f9567ee0 100644 --- a/test/lsp/test_other_initialize_message_handling.vader +++ b/test/lsp/test_other_initialize_message_handling.vader @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ Before: \ 'projects': { \ '/foo/bar': b:project, \ }, + \ 'capabilities': { + \ 'hover': 0, + \ 'references': 0, + \ 'completion': 0, + \ 'completion_trigger_characters': [], + \ 'definition': 0, + \ }, \} After: @@ -64,3 +71,107 @@ Execute(Other messages should not initialize projects): call ale#lsp#HandleOtherInitializeResponses(b:conn, {'result': {'x': {}}}) AssertEqual 0, b:project.initialized + +Execute(Capabilities should bet set up correctly): + call ale#lsp#HandleOtherInitializeResponses(b:conn, { + \ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', + \ 'id': 1, + \ 'result': { + \ 'capabilities': { + \ 'renameProvider': v:true, + \ 'executeCommandProvider': { + \ 'commands': [], + \ }, + \ 'hoverProvider': v:true, + \ 'documentSymbolProvider': v:true, + \ 'documentRangeFormattingProvider': v:true, + \ 'codeLensProvider': { + \ 'resolveProvider': v:false + \ }, + \ 'referencesProvider': v:true, + \ 'textDocumentSync': 2, + \ 'documentFormattingProvider': v:true, + \ 'codeActionProvider': v:true, + \ 'signatureHelpProvider': { + \ 'triggerCharacters': ['(', ','], + \ }, + \ 'completionProvider': { + \ 'triggerCharacters': ['.'], + \ 'resolveProvider': v:false + \ }, + \ 'definitionProvider': v:true, + \ 'experimental': {}, + \ 'documentHighlightProvider': v:true + \ }, + \ }, + \}) + + AssertEqual + \ { + \ 'capabilities': { + \ 'completion_trigger_characters': ['.'], + \ 'completion': 1, + \ 'references': 1, + \ 'hover': 1, + \ 'definition': 1, + \ }, + \ 'message_queue': [], + \ 'projects': { + \ '/foo/bar': { + \ 'initialized': 1, + \ 'message_queue': [], + \ 'init_request_id': 3, + \ }, + \ }, + \ }, + \ b:conn + +Execute(Disabled capabilities should be recognised correctly): + call ale#lsp#HandleOtherInitializeResponses(b:conn, { + \ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', + \ 'id': 1, + \ 'result': { + \ 'capabilities': { + \ 'renameProvider': v:true, + \ 'executeCommandProvider': { + \ 'commands': [], + \ }, + \ 'hoverProvider': v:false, + \ 'documentSymbolProvider': v:true, + \ 'documentRangeFormattingProvider': v:true, + \ 'codeLensProvider': { + \ 'resolveProvider': v:false + \ }, + \ 'referencesProvider': v:false, + \ 'textDocumentSync': 2, + \ 'documentFormattingProvider': v:true, + \ 'codeActionProvider': v:true, + \ 'signatureHelpProvider': { + \ 'triggerCharacters': ['(', ','], + \ }, + \ 'definitionProvider': v:false, + \ 'experimental': {}, + \ 'documentHighlightProvider': v:true + \ }, + \ }, + \}) + + AssertEqual + \ { + \ 'capabilities': { + \ 'completion_trigger_characters': [], + \ 'completion': 0, + \ 'references': 0, + \ 'hover': 0, + \ 'definition': 0, + \ }, + \ 'message_queue': [], + \ 'projects': { + \ '/foo/bar': { + \ 'initialized': 1, + \ 'message_queue': [], + \ 'init_request_id': 3, + \ }, + \ }, + \ }, + \ b:conn