Fix #684 - Use the JSON format for tslint, for consistency betwen versions, and handling of end line and column numbers
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,27 +12,19 @@ function! ale_linters#typescript#tslint#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
function! ale_linters#typescript#tslint#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
" Matches patterns like the following:
" WARNING: hello.ts[113, 6]: Unnecessary semicolon
" ERROR: hello.ts[133, 10]: Missing semicolon
let l:ext = '.' . fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':e')
let l:pattern = '\<\(WARNING\|ERROR\)\>: .\+' . l:ext . '\[\(\d\+\), \(\d\+\)\]: \(.\+\)'
let l:output = []
for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(a:lines, l:pattern)
let l:type = l:match[1]
let l:line = l:match[2] + 0
let l:column = l:match[3] + 0
let l:text = l:match[4]
call add(l:output, {
\ 'type': (l:type ==# 'WARNING' ? 'W' : 'E'),
\ 'lnum': l:line,
\ 'col': l:column,
\ 'text': l:text,
for l:error in json_decode(join(a:lines, ''))
if ale#path#IsBufferPath(a:buffer,
call add(l:output, {
\ 'type': (l:error.ruleSeverity ==# 'WARNING' ? 'W' : 'E'),
\ 'text': l:error.failure,
\ 'lnum': l:error.startPosition.line + 1,
\ 'col': l:error.startPosition.position + 1,
\ 'end_lnum': l:error.endPosition.line + 1,
\ 'end_col': l:error.endPosition.position + 1,
return l:output
@ -46,11 +38,12 @@ function! ale_linters#typescript#tslint#BuildLintCommand(buffer) abort
let l:tslint_config_option = !empty(l:tslint_config_path)
\ ? '-c ' . ale#Escape(l:tslint_config_path)
\ ? ' -c ' . ale#Escape(l:tslint_config_path)
\ : ''
return ale_linters#typescript#tslint#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
\ . ' ' . l:tslint_config_option
\ . ' --format json'
\ . l:tslint_config_option
\ . ' %t'
@ -78,6 +78,16 @@ function! ale#path#IsBufferPath(buffer, complex_filename) abort
let l:test_filename = l:test_filename[2:]
if l:test_filename[:1] ==# '..'
" Remove ../../ etc. from the front of the path.
let l:test_filename = substitute(l:test_filename, '\v^(\.\.[/\\])+', '/', '')
" Use the basename for files in /tmp, as they are likely our files.
if l:test_filename[:len($TMPDIR) - 1] ==# $TMPDIR
let l:test_filename = fnamemodify(l:test_filename, ':t')
let l:buffer_filename = expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p')
return l:buffer_filename ==# l:test_filename
@ -1,41 +1,99 @@
runtime ale_linters/typescript/tslint.vim
silent! cd /testplugin/test/handler
let g:dir = getcwd()
silent execute 'cd ' . fnameescape(g:dir)
unlet! g:dir
call ale#linter#Reset()
Execute(The tslint handler should parse lines correctly):
call ale#test#SetFilename('app/test.ts')
\ [
\ {
\ 'lnum': 235,
\ 'col': 21,
\ 'text': 'unused expression, expected an assignment or function call',
\ 'type': 'W',
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 35,
\ 'col': 6,
\ 'lnum': 1,
\ 'col': 15,
\ 'end_lnum': 1,
\ 'end_col': 15,
\ 'text': 'Missing semicolon',
\ 'type': 'E',
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 147,
\ 'col': 10,
\ 'text': 'Unnecessary semicolon',
\ 'lnum': 2,
\ 'col': 15,
\ 'end_lnum': 3,
\ 'end_col': 23,
\ 'text': 'Something else',
\ 'type': 'W',
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 101,
\ 'col': 25,
\ 'text': 'Unnecessary trailing comma',
\ 'type': 'E',
\ },
\ ],
\ ale_linters#typescript#tslint#Handle(347, [
\ 'This line should be ignored completely',
\ 'WARNING: hello.ts[235, 21]: unused expression, expected an assignment or function call',
\ 'ERROR: hello.ts[35, 6]: Missing semicolon',
\ 'WARNING: hello.ts[147, 10]: Unnecessary semicolon',
\ 'ERROR: hello.ts[101, 25]: Unnecessary trailing comma'
\ ])
call ale#linter#Reset()
\ ale_linters#typescript#tslint#Handle(bufnr(''), [json_encode([
\ {
\ 'endPosition': {
\ 'character': 14,
\ 'line': 0,
\ 'position': 14
\ },
\ 'failure': 'Missing semicolon',
\ 'fix': {
\ 'innerLength': 0,
\ 'innerStart': 14,
\ 'innerText': ';'
\ },
\ 'name': 'app/test.ts',
\ 'ruleName': 'semicolon',
\ 'ruleSeverity': 'ERROR',
\ 'startPosition': {
\ 'character': 14,
\ 'line': 0,
\ 'position': 14
\ }
\ },
\ {
\ 'endPosition': {
\ 'character': 11,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'position': 22
\ },
\ 'failure': 'Something else',
\ 'fix': {
\ 'innerLength': 0,
\ 'innerStart': 14,
\ 'innerText': ';'
\ },
\ 'name': 'app/test.ts',
\ 'ruleName': 'something',
\ 'ruleSeverity': 'WARNING',
\ 'startPosition': {
\ 'character': 7,
\ 'line': 1,
\ 'position': 14
\ }
\ },
\ {
\ 'endPosition': {
\ 'character': 11,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'position': 22
\ },
\ 'failure': 'Something else',
\ 'fix': {
\ 'innerLength': 0,
\ 'innerStart': 14,
\ 'innerText': ';'
\ },
\ 'name': 'app/something-else.ts',
\ 'ruleName': 'something',
\ 'ruleSeverity': 'WARNING',
\ 'startPosition': {
\ 'character': 7,
\ 'line': 1,
\ 'position': 14
\ }
\ },
@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should match simple relative paths):
silent file! foo.txt
call ale#test#SetFilename('app/foo.txt')
Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), 'foo.txt'), 'No match for foo.txt'
Assert !ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), 'bar.txt'), 'Bad match for bar.txt'
Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), 'app/foo.txt'), 'No match for foo.txt'
Assert !ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), 'app/bar.txt'), 'Bad match for bar.txt'
Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should match relative paths with dots):
call ale#test#SetFilename('app/foo.txt')
Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), '../../app/foo.txt'), 'No match for ../../app/foo.txt'
Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should match absolute paths):
silent file! foo.txt
@ -30,3 +35,9 @@ Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should accept various names for stdin):
Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), 'stdin')
Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), '<stdin>')
Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), '<somethingelse>')
Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should match files in /tmp):
call ale#test#SetFilename('app/test.ts')
Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), '../../../../../../../../tmp/vG0hKyD/1/test.ts')
Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), '/tmp/vG0hKyD/1/test.ts')
Reference in New Issue
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