Close #1522 - Show suggested fixers in :ALEInfo
This commit is contained in:
@ -214,10 +214,15 @@ function! ale#debugging#Info() abort
" This must be done after linters are loaded.
let l:variable_list = s:GetLinterVariables(l:filetype, l:enabled_names)
let l:fixers = ale#fix#registry#SuggestedFixers(l:filetype)
let l:fixers = uniq(sort(l:fixers[0] + l:fixers[1]))
let l:fixers_string = join(map(copy(l:fixers), '"\n " . v:val'), '')
call s:Echo(' Current Filetype: ' . l:filetype)
call s:Echo('Available Linters: ' . string(l:all_names))
call s:EchoLinterAliases(l:all_linters)
call s:Echo(' Enabled Linters: ' . string(l:enabled_names))
call s:Echo(' Suggested Fixers: ' . l:fixers_string)
call s:Echo(' Linter Variables:')
call s:Echo('')
call s:EchoLinterVariables(l:variable_list)
@ -345,8 +345,7 @@ function! ale#fix#registry#CompleteFixers(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) abort
return filter(ale#fix#registry#GetApplicableFixers(&filetype), 'v:val =~? a:ArgLead')
" Suggest functions to use from the registry.
function! ale#fix#registry#Suggest(filetype) abort
function! ale#fix#registry#SuggestedFixers(filetype) abort
let l:type_list = split(a:filetype, '\.')
let l:filetype_fixer_list = []
@ -372,6 +371,15 @@ function! ale#fix#registry#Suggest(filetype) abort
return [l:filetype_fixer_list, l:generic_fixer_list]
" Suggest functions to use from the registry.
function! ale#fix#registry#Suggest(filetype) abort
let l:suggested = ale#fix#registry#SuggestedFixers(a:filetype)
let l:filetype_fixer_list = l:suggested[0]
let l:generic_fixer_list = l:suggested[1]
let l:filetype_fixer_header = !empty(l:filetype_fixer_list)
\ ? ['Try the following fixers appropriate for the filetype:', '']
\ : []
@ -57,6 +57,14 @@ Before:
let g:ale_fixers = {}
let g:ale_linter_aliases = {}
let g:ale_buffer_info = {}
let g:fixer_lines = [
\ ' Suggested Fixers: ',
\ ' ''foo'' - Fix things the foo way',
let g:variables_lines = [
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
let g:globals_lines = [
\ ' Global Variables:',
\ '',
@ -129,6 +137,9 @@ Before:
call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test')
call ale#fix#registry#Clear()
call ale#fix#registry#Add('foo', 'x', [], 'Fix things the foo way')
@ -138,6 +149,8 @@ After:
unlet! b:ale_history
unlet! b:ale_linters
unlet! g:output
unlet! g:fixer_lines
unlet! g:variables_lines
unlet! g:globals_string
unlet! g:command_header
unlet! g:ale_testft_testlinter1_foo
@ -148,16 +161,21 @@ After:
delfunction CheckInfo
call ale#test#RestoreDirectory()
call ale#fix#registry#ResetToDefaults()
Given nolintersft (Empty buffer with no linters):
Execute (ALEInfo with no linters should return the right output):
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: nolintersft',
\ 'Available Linters: []',
\ ' Enabled Linters: []',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Given (Empty buffer with no filetype):
Execute (ALEInfo should return buffer-local global ALE settings):
@ -169,48 +187,64 @@ Execute (ALEInfo should return buffer-local global ALE settings):
\ index(g:globals_lines, 'let g:ale_linters = {}') + 1
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: ',
\ 'Available Linters: []',
\ ' Enabled Linters: []',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Given (Empty buffer with no filetype):
Execute (ALEInfo with no filetype should return the right output):
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: ',
\ 'Available Linters: []',
\ ' Enabled Linters: []',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Given testft (Empty buffer):
Execute (ALEInfo with a single linter should return the right output):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Given testft (Empty buffer):
Execute (ALEInfo with two linters should return the right output):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter2)
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Given testft (Empty buffer):
Execute (ALEInfo should calculate enabled linters correctly):
@ -221,39 +255,51 @@ Execute (ALEInfo should calculate enabled linters correctly):
let g:globals_lines[index(g:globals_lines, 'let g:ale_linters = {}')]
\ = 'let g:ale_linters = {''testft'': [''testlinter2'']}'
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Given testft (Empty buffer):
Execute (ALEInfo should only return linters for current filetype):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
call ale#linter#Define('testft2', g:testlinter2)
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Given testft.testft2 (Empty buffer with two filetypes):
Execute (ALEInfo with compound filetypes should return linters for both of them):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
call ale#linter#Define('testft2', g:testlinter2)
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft.testft2',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Given testft.testft2 (Empty buffer with two filetypes):
Execute (ALEInfo should return appropriately named global variables):
@ -265,17 +311,24 @@ Execute (ALEInfo should return appropriately named global variables):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
call ale#linter#Define('testft2', g:testlinter2)
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft.testft2',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + [
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\ 'let g:ale_testft2_testlinter2_bar = {''x'': ''y''}',
\ 'let g:ale_testft2_testlinter2_foo = 123',
\ 'let g:ale_testft_testlinter1_bar = [''abc'']',
\ 'let g:ale_testft_testlinter1_foo = ''abc''',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Execute (ALEInfoToFile should write to a file correctly):
if filereadable(g:dir . '/ale-info-test-file')
@ -292,17 +345,24 @@ Execute (ALEInfoToFile should write to a file correctly):
execute 'ALEInfoToFile ' . fnameescape(g:dir . '/ale-info-test-file')
AssertEqual [
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft.testft2',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + [
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\ 'let g:ale_testft2_testlinter2_bar = {''x'': ''y''}',
\ 'let g:ale_testft2_testlinter2_foo = 123',
\ 'let g:ale_testft_testlinter1_bar = [''abc'']',
\ 'let g:ale_testft_testlinter1_foo = ''abc''',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header, readfile(g:dir . '/ale-info-test-file')
\ ]
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header,
\ readfile(g:dir . '/ale-info-test-file')
Given testft.testft2 (Empty buffer with two filetypes):
Execute (ALEInfo should buffer-local linter variables):
@ -312,15 +372,22 @@ Execute (ALEInfo should buffer-local linter variables):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
call ale#linter#Define('testft2', g:testlinter2)
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft.testft2',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + [
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\ 'let g:ale_testft2_testlinter2_foo = 123',
\ 'let b:ale_testft2_testlinter2_foo = 456',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Given testft.testft2 (Empty buffer with two filetypes):
Execute (ALEInfo should output linter aliases):
@ -333,18 +400,25 @@ Execute (ALEInfo should output linter aliases):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
call ale#linter#Define('testft2', g:testlinter2)
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft.testft2',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Linter Aliases:',
\ '''testlinter1'' -> [''testftalias1'', ''testftalias2'']',
\ '''testlinter2'' -> [''testftalias3'', ''testftalias4'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + [
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\ 'let g:ale_testft2_testlinter2_foo = 123',
\ 'let b:ale_testft2_testlinter2_foo = 456',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header)
\ ]
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Given testft.testft2 (Empty buffer with two filetypes):
Execute (ALEInfo should return command history):
@ -356,17 +430,22 @@ Execute (ALEInfo should return command history):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
call ale#linter#Define('testft2', g:testlinter2)
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft.testft2',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header + [
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
\ + [
\ '',
\ '(started) ''first command''',
\ '(started) [''/bin/bash'', ''\c'', ''last command'']',
\ ]
Given testft.testft2 (Empty buffer with two filetypes):
Execute (ALEInfo command history should print exit codes correctly):
@ -378,17 +457,22 @@ Execute (ALEInfo command history should print exit codes correctly):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
call ale#linter#Define('testft2', g:testlinter2)
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft.testft2',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header + [
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
\ + [
\ '',
\ '(finished - exit code 0) ''first command''',
\ '(finished - exit code 1) [''/bin/bash'', ''\c'', ''last command'']',
\ ]
Given testft.testft2 (Empty buffer with two filetypes):
Execute (ALEInfo command history should print command output if logging is on):
@ -421,13 +505,17 @@ Execute (ALEInfo command history should print command output if logging is on):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
call ale#linter#Define('testft2', g:testlinter2)
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft.testft2',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'', ''testlinter2'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header + [
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
\ + [
\ '',
\ '(finished - exit code 0) ''first command''',
\ '',
@ -445,7 +533,8 @@ Execute (ALEInfo command history should print command output if logging is on):
\ '(finished - exit code 0) ''command with no output''',
\ '',
\ ]
Execute (ALEInfo should include executable checks in the history):
call ale#linter#Define('testft', g:testlinter1)
@ -454,18 +543,23 @@ Execute (ALEInfo should include executable checks in the history):
call ale#engine#IsExecutable(bufnr(''), 'TheresNoWayThisIsExecutable')
call ale#engine#IsExecutable(bufnr(''), 'TheresNoWayThisIsExecutable')
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft.testft2',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header + [
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
\ + [
\ '',
\ '(executable check - success) ' . (has('win32') ? 'cmd' : 'echo'),
\ '(executable check - failure) TheresNoWayThisIsExecutable',
\ '(executable check - failure) TheresNoWayThisIsExecutable',
\ ]
Execute (The option for caching failing executable checks should work):
let g:ale_cache_executable_check_failures = 1
@ -478,17 +572,22 @@ Execute (The option for caching failing executable checks should work):
call ale#engine#IsExecutable(bufnr(''), 'TheresNoWayThisIsExecutable')
call ale#engine#IsExecutable(bufnr(''), 'TheresNoWayThisIsExecutable')
call CheckInfo([
call CheckInfo(
\ [
\ ' Current Filetype: testft.testft2',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\] + g:globals_lines + g:command_header + [
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
\ + [
\ '',
\ '(executable check - success) ' . (has('win32') ? 'cmd' : 'echo'),
\ '(executable check - failure) TheresNoWayThisIsExecutable',
\ ]
Given testft (Empty buffer):
Execute (LSP errors for a linter should be outputted):
@ -500,9 +599,9 @@ Execute (LSP errors for a linter should be outputted):
\ ' Current Filetype: testft',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + [
\ ' LSP Error Messages:',
@ -524,9 +623,9 @@ Execute (LSP errors for other linters shouldn't appear):
\ ' Current Filetype: testft',
\ 'Available Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Enabled Linters: [''testlinter1'']',
\ ' Linter Variables:',
\ '',
\ ]
\ + g:fixer_lines
\ + g:variables_lines
\ + g:globals_lines
\ + g:command_header
Reference in New Issue
Block a user