Put info about lightline-ale in README.md (fixes #1065)

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Maxim Baz 2017-10-31 13:26:12 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 50f7ad3552
commit 0ed639a116
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -418,61 +418,9 @@ See `:help ale#statusline#Count()` for more information.
### 5.v. How can I show errors or warnings in my lightline? ### 5.v. How can I show errors or warnings in my lightline?
[lightline](https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim) does not have built-in [lightline](https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim) does not have built-in
support for ALE, nevertheless it's easy to do it yourself: support for ALE, nevertheless there is a plugin that adds this functionality: [maximbaz/lightline-ale](https://github.com/maximbaz/lightline-ale).
```vim For more information, check out the sources of that plugin, `:help ale#statusline#Count()` and [lightline documentation](https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim#advanced-configuration).
" This is regular lightline configuration, we just added
" 'linter_warnings', 'linter_errors' and 'linter_ok' to
" the active right panel. Feel free to move it anywhere.
" `component_expand' and `component_type' are required.
" For more info on how this works, see lightline documentation.
let g:lightline = {
\ 'active': {
\ 'right': [ [ 'lineinfo' ],
\ [ 'percent' ],
\ [ 'linter_warnings', 'linter_errors', 'linter_ok' ],
\ [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] ]
\ },
\ 'component_expand': {
\ 'linter_warnings': 'LightlineLinterWarnings',
\ 'linter_errors': 'LightlineLinterErrors',
\ 'linter_ok': 'LightlineLinterOK'
\ },
\ 'component_type': {
\ 'linter_warnings': 'warning',
\ 'linter_errors': 'error',
\ 'linter_ok': 'ok'
\ },
\ }
autocmd User ALELint call lightline#update()
" ale + lightline
function! LightlineLinterWarnings() abort
let l:counts = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
let l:all_errors = l:counts.error + l:counts.style_error
let l:all_non_errors = l:counts.total - l:all_errors
return l:counts.total == 0 ? '' : printf('%d --', all_non_errors)
function! LightlineLinterErrors() abort
let l:counts = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
let l:all_errors = l:counts.error + l:counts.style_error
let l:all_non_errors = l:counts.total - l:all_errors
return l:counts.total == 0 ? '' : printf('%d >>', all_errors)
function! LightlineLinterOK() abort
let l:counts = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
let l:all_errors = l:counts.error + l:counts.style_error
let l:all_non_errors = l:counts.total - l:all_errors
return l:counts.total == 0 ? '✓' : ''
See `:help ale#statusline#Count()` and [lightline documentation](https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim#advanced-configuration)
for more information.
<a name="faq-echo-format"></a> <a name="faq-echo-format"></a>