2017-04-03 22:24:30 +01:00
Save g:ale_run_synchronously
Save g:ale_linters
Save g:ale_history_log_output
Save g:ale_cpp_gcc_options
silent! cd /testplugin/test/c_tests
let g:ale_run_synchronously = 1
let g:ale_linters = {'c': ['gcc'], 'cpp': ['g++']}
let g:ale_history_log_output = 1
let g:ale_cpp_gcc_options = '-Wall'
function! GetCommandOutput()
if empty(g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('')].history)
return ''
return join(g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('')].history[-1].output, "\n")
delfunction GetCommandOutput
call ale#linter#Reset()
call ale#engine#SetResults(bufnr(''), [])
call ale#cleanup#Buffer(bufnr(''))
Given c (A test C file):
int main() {
return 0
Execute(Basic errors should be returned for GCC for C files):
call ale#Lint()
2017-04-11 20:32:57 +01:00
\ [{'lnum': 3, 'col': 1}],
\ map(getloclist(0), '{''lnum'': v:val.lnum, ''col'': v:val.col}')
2017-04-03 22:24:30 +01:00
Assert match(getloclist(0)[0].text, '\v^expected .*;.* before .*\}.* token$') >= 0,
\ 'Invalid error text: ' . getloclist(0)[0].text
Given cpp (A test C++ file):
int main() {
return 0
Execute(Basic errors should be returned for GCC for C++ files):
call ale#Lint()
2017-04-11 20:32:57 +01:00
\ [{'lnum': 3, 'col': 1}],
\ map(getloclist(0), '{''lnum'': v:val.lnum, ''col'': v:val.col}')
2017-04-03 22:24:30 +01:00
Assert match(getloclist(0)[0].text, '\v^expected .*;.* before .*\}.* token$') >= 0,
2017-04-11 20:32:57 +01:00
Given c (A test C file with a header containing broken code):
// Some comment line
#include "broken.h"
int main() {
return 0
Execute(Basic errors should be returned for GCC for C files with headers):
call ale#Lint()
\ [{'lnum': 2, 'col': 0}],
\ map(getloclist(0), '{''lnum'': v:val.lnum, ''col'': v:val.col}')
AssertEqual 'Problems were found in the header (See :ALEDetail)', getloclist(0)[0].text
Given cpp (A test C++ file with a header containing broken code):
// Some comment line
#include "broken.h"
int main() {
return 0
Execute(Basic errors should be returned for GCC for C++ files with headers):
call ale#Lint()
\ [{'lnum': 2, 'col': 0}],
\ map(getloclist(0), '{''lnum'': v:val.lnum, ''col'': v:val.col}')
AssertEqual 'Problems were found in the header (See :ALEDetail)', getloclist(0)[0].text