2018-03-06 05:23:49 -05:00
Save g:ale_enabled
Save g:ale_set_signs
Save g:ale_set_quickfix
Save g:ale_set_loclist
Save g:ale_set_highlights
Save g:ale_echo_cursor
let g:ale_enabled = 0
let g:ale_set_signs = 0
let g:ale_set_quickfix = 0
let g:ale_set_loclist = 0
let g:ale_set_highlights = 0
let g:ale_echo_cursor = 0
function EmptyString() abort
return ''
call ale#engine#InitBufferInfo(bufnr(''))
2019-02-06 17:00:11 -05:00
" Call this function first, so we can be sure the module is loaded before we
" check if it exists.
call ale#lsp_linter#ClearLSPData()
2018-03-06 05:23:49 -05:00
call ale#linter#Define('testft', {
\ 'name': 'lsplinter',
\ 'lsp': 'tsserver',
2019-04-07 11:24:08 -04:00
\ 'executable': function('EmptyString'),
\ 'command': function('EmptyString'),
\ 'project_root': function('EmptyString'),
\ 'language': function('EmptyString'),
2018-03-06 05:23:49 -05:00
call ale#linter#Define('testft', {
\ 'name': 'otherlinter',
\ 'callback': 'TestCallback',
\ 'executable': has('win32') ? 'cmd': 'true',
\ 'command': 'true',
\ 'read_buffer': 0,
unlet! b:ale_save_event_fired
delfunction EmptyString
call ale#linter#Reset()
Given testft(Some file with an imaginary filetype):
Execute(ALEStopAllLSPs should clear the loclist):
let g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('')].loclist = [
\ {
\ 'text': 'a',
\ 'lnum': 10,
\ 'col': 0,
\ 'bufnr': bufnr(''),
\ 'vcol': 0,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'nr': -1,
\ 'linter_name': 'lsplinter',
\ },
\ {
\ 'text': 'a',
\ 'lnum': 10,
\ 'col': 0,
\ 'bufnr': bufnr(''),
\ 'vcol': 0,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'nr': -1,
\ 'linter_name': 'otherlinter',
\ },
2019-02-06 17:00:11 -05:00
let g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('')].active_linter_list = [
\ {'name': 'lsplinter'},
\ {'name': 'otherlinter'},
2018-03-06 05:23:49 -05:00
" The loclist should be updated.
AssertEqual g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('')].loclist, [
\ {
\ 'text': 'a',
\ 'lnum': 10,
\ 'col': 0,
\ 'bufnr': bufnr(''),
\ 'vcol': 0,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'nr': -1,
\ 'linter_name': 'otherlinter',
\ },
" The LSP linter should be removed from the active linter list.
2019-02-06 17:00:11 -05:00
\ ['otherlinter'],
\ map(copy(g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('')].active_linter_list), 'v:val.name')