Strahinja Val Markovic f88c9feb4f Refactored the clang completer; many bugs fixed
This change should fix the random hangs and segfaults when using the clang
completer. Also, assertion errors printed to the console on vim exit should go
away too, same thing with segfaults on vim exit. These "on exit" errors were
caused by not cleanly shutting down the background threads; both the identifier
completer and the clang one now join the threads on destruction. This results in
a clean shutdown.

The new clang completer architecture now uses only one clang thread (again)
instead of a completion and parsing thread. Since the parsing task needs to wait
on the completion task if it was started first (and vice-versa) there's no point
to using two threads. The desired "simplicity" of using two threads for these
two tasks actually created needless complexity (and bugs). Sigh. Such is life.

A TranslationUnit abstraction was also created and this in turn also reduces the
complexity of the clang completer.

The clang completer now also has some (very) basic tests.
2012-08-11 19:37:08 -07:00

500 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Strahinja Val Markovic <>
// This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
// YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <>.
#include "ClangCompleter.h"
#include "Candidate.h"
#include "TranslationUnit.h"
#include "CompletionData.h"
#include "standard.h"
#include "CandidateRepository.h"
#include "ConcurrentLatestValue.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "ClangUtils.h"
#include <clang-c/Index.h>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
// TODO: remove all explicit uses of the boost:: prefix by adding explicit using
// directives for the stuff we need
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
using boost::packaged_task;
using boost::bind;
using boost::unique_future;
using boost::make_shared;
using boost::shared_ptr;
using boost::bind;
using boost::thread;
using boost::lock_guard;
using boost::unique_lock;
using boost::shared_lock;
using boost::mutex;
using boost::shared_mutex;
using boost::unordered_map;
using boost::try_to_lock_t;
namespace YouCompleteMe
typedef boost::function< std::vector< CompletionData >() >
extern const unsigned int MAX_ASYNC_THREADS;
extern const unsigned int MIN_ASYNC_THREADS;
struct CompletionDataAndResult
CompletionDataAndResult( const CompletionData *completion_data,
const Result &result )
: completion_data_( completion_data ), result_( result ) {}
bool operator< ( const CompletionDataAndResult &other ) const
return result_ < other.result_;
const CompletionData *completion_data_;
Result result_;
} // unnamed namespace
: candidate_repository_( CandidateRepository::Instance() ),
threading_enabled_( false ),
time_to_die_( false ),
clang_data_ready_( false )
clang_index_ = clang_createIndex( 0, 0 );
// We need to clear this before calling clang_disposeIndex because the
// translation units need to be destroyed before the index is destroyed.
clang_disposeIndex( clang_index_ );
unique_lock< shared_mutex > lock( time_to_die_mutex_ );
time_to_die_ = true;
// We need this mostly so that we can not use it in tests. Apparently the
// GoogleTest framework goes apeshit on us if we enable threads by default.
void ClangCompleter::EnableThreading()
threading_enabled_ = true;
std::vector< Diagnostic > ClangCompleter::DiagnosticsForFile(
const std::string &filename )
shared_ptr< TranslationUnit > unit;
lock_guard< mutex > lock( filename_to_translation_unit_mutex_ );
unit = FindWithDefault(
shared_ptr< TranslationUnit >() );
if ( !unit )
return std::vector< Diagnostic >();
return unit->LatestDiagnostics();
bool ClangCompleter::UpdatingTranslationUnit( const std::string &filename )
shared_ptr< TranslationUnit > unit;
lock_guard< mutex > lock( filename_to_translation_unit_mutex_ );
unit = FindWithDefault(
shared_ptr< TranslationUnit >() );
if ( !unit )
return false;
return unit->IsCurrentlyUpdating();
void ClangCompleter::UpdateTranslationUnit(
const std::string &filename,
const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files,
const std::vector< std::string > &flags )
shared_ptr< TranslationUnit > unit = GetTranslationUnitForFile( filename,
flags );
X_ASSERT( unit );
// TODO: only do this if the unit was not just created
unit->Reparse( unsaved_files );
void ClangCompleter::UpdateTranslationUnitAsync(
std::string filename,
std::vector< UnsavedFile > unsaved_files,
std::vector< std::string > flags )
boost::function< void() > functor =
bind( &ClangCompleter::UpdateTranslationUnit,
boost::ref( *this ),
boost::move( filename ),
boost::move( unsaved_files ),
boost::move( flags ) );
// boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > lock( file_parse_task_mutex_ );
// // Only ever set the task when it's NULL; if it's not, that means that the
// // clang thread is working on it
// if ( file_parse_task_ )
// return;
shared_ptr< ClangPackagedTask > clang_packaged_task =
make_shared< ClangPackagedTask >();
clang_packaged_task->parsing_task_ = packaged_task< void >( functor );
clang_task_.Set( clang_packaged_task );
// file_parse_task_ = make_shared< packaged_task< void > >( functor );
// file_parse_task_condition_variable_.notify_all();
std::vector< CompletionData >
const std::string &filename,
int line,
int column,
const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files,
const std::vector< std::string > &flags )
shared_ptr< TranslationUnit > unit = GetTranslationUnitForFile( filename,
flags );
X_ASSERT( unit );
return unit->CandidatesForLocation( line,
unsaved_files );
Future< AsyncCompletions >
std::string query,
std::string filename,
int line,
int column,
std::vector< UnsavedFile > unsaved_files,
std::vector< std::string > flags )
// TODO: throw exception when threading is not enabled and this is called
if ( !threading_enabled_ )
return Future< AsyncCompletions >();
if ( query.empty() )
// The clang thread is busy, return nothing
if ( UpdatingTranslationUnit( filename ) )
return Future< AsyncCompletions >();
boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > lock( clang_data_ready_mutex_ );
clang_data_ready_ = false;
// Needed to "reset" the sorting threads to the start of their loop. This
// way any threads blocking on a read in sorting_task_.Get() are reset to
// wait on the clang_data_ready_condition_variable_.
// the sorting task needs to be set before the clang task (if any) just in
// case the clang task finishes (and therefore notifies a sorting thread to
// consume a sorting task) before the sorting task is set
FunctionReturnsCompletionDataVector sort_candidates_for_query_functor =
bind( &ClangCompleter::SortCandidatesForQuery,
boost::ref( *this ),
boost::cref( latest_clang_results_ ) );
shared_ptr< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > > task =
make_shared< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > >(
bind( ReturnValueAsShared< std::vector< CompletionData > >,
sort_candidates_for_query_functor ) );
unique_future< AsyncCompletions > future = task->get_future();
sorting_task_.Set( task );
if ( query.empty() )
candidates_for_location_functor =
bind( &ClangCompleter::CandidatesForLocationInFile,
boost::ref( *this ),
boost::move( filename ),
boost::move( unsaved_files ),
boost::move( flags ) );
shared_ptr< ClangPackagedTask > clang_packaged_task =
make_shared< ClangPackagedTask >();
clang_packaged_task->completions_task_ = packaged_task< AsyncCompletions >(
bind( ReturnValueAsShared< std::vector< CompletionData > >,
candidates_for_location_functor ) );
// shared_ptr< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > > task =
// make_shared< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > >(
// bind( ReturnValueAsShared< std::vector< CompletionData > >,
// candidates_for_location_functor ) );
clang_task_.Set( clang_packaged_task );
return Future< AsyncCompletions >( boost::move( future ) );
// WARNING: It should not be possible to call this function from two separate
// threads at the same time. Currently only one thread (the clang thread) ever
// calls this function so there is no need for a mutex, but if that changes in
// the future a mutex will be needed to make sure that two threads don't try to
// create the same translation unit.
boost::shared_ptr< TranslationUnit > ClangCompleter::GetTranslationUnitForFile(
const std::string &filename,
const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files,
const std::vector< std::string > &flags )
lock_guard< mutex > lock( filename_to_translation_unit_mutex_ );
TranslationUnitForFilename::iterator it =
filename_to_translation_unit_.find( filename );
if ( it != filename_to_translation_unit_.end() )
return it->second;
shared_ptr< TranslationUnit > unit = make_shared< TranslationUnit >(
filename, unsaved_files, flags, clang_index_ );
lock_guard< mutex > lock( filename_to_translation_unit_mutex_ );
filename_to_translation_unit_[ filename ] = unit;
return unit;
std::vector< CompletionData > ClangCompleter::SortCandidatesForQuery(
const std::string &query,
const std::vector< CompletionData > &completion_datas )
Bitset query_bitset = LetterBitsetFromString( query );
std::vector< const Candidate* > repository_candidates =
candidate_repository_.GetCandidatesForStrings( completion_datas );
std::vector< CompletionDataAndResult > data_and_results;
for ( uint i = 0; i < repository_candidates.size(); ++i )
const Candidate* candidate = repository_candidates[ i ];
if ( !candidate->MatchesQueryBitset( query_bitset ) )
Result result = candidate->QueryMatchResult( query );
if ( result.IsSubsequence() )
CompletionDataAndResult data_and_result( &completion_datas[ i ], result );
data_and_results.push_back( data_and_result );
std::sort( data_and_results.begin(), data_and_results.end() );
std::vector< CompletionData > sorted_completion_datas;
sorted_completion_datas.reserve( data_and_results.size() );
foreach ( const CompletionDataAndResult& data_and_result, data_and_results )
sorted_completion_datas.push_back( *data_and_result.completion_data_ );
return sorted_completion_datas;
void ClangCompleter::InitThreads()
int threads_to_create =
std::min( MAX_ASYNC_THREADS, thread::hardware_concurrency() ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < threads_to_create; ++i )
bind( &ClangCompleter::SortingThreadMain,
boost::ref( *this ) ) );
clang_thread_ = boost::thread(
boost::ref( *this ) );
// void ClangCompleter::FileParseThreadMain()
// {
// while ( true )
// {
// {
// boost::unique_lock< boost::mutex > lock( file_parse_task_mutex_ );
// while ( !file_parse_task_ )
// {
// file_parse_task_condition_variable_.wait( lock );
// }
// }
// {
// unique_lock< mutex > lock( clang_access_mutex_ );
// ( *file_parse_task_ )();
// }
// lock_guard< mutex > lock( file_parse_task_mutex_ );
// file_parse_task_ = VoidTask();
// }
// }
void ClangCompleter::ClangThreadMain()
while ( true )
// TODO: this should be a separate func, much like the file_parse_task_ part
shared_ptr< ClangPackagedTask > task = clang_task_.Get();
// If the file parse thread is accessing clang by parsing a file, then drop
// the current completion request
// {
// lock_guard< mutex > lock( file_parse_task_mutex_ );
// if ( file_parse_task_ )
// continue;
// }
bool has_completions_task = task->completions_task_.valid();
if ( has_completions_task )
if ( !has_completions_task )
unique_future< AsyncCompletions > future =
boost::unique_lock< boost::shared_mutex > writer_lock(
latest_clang_results_shared_mutex_ );
latest_clang_results_ = *future.get();
boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > lock( clang_data_ready_mutex_ );
clang_data_ready_ = true;
catch ( boost::thread_interrupted& )
shared_lock< shared_mutex > lock( time_to_die_mutex_ );
if ( time_to_die_ )
// else do nothing and re-enter the loop
void ClangCompleter::SortingThreadMain()
while ( true )
unique_lock< mutex > lock( clang_data_ready_mutex_ );
while ( !clang_data_ready_ )
clang_data_ready_condition_variable_.wait( lock );
shared_ptr< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > > task =
boost::shared_lock< boost::shared_mutex > reader_lock(
latest_clang_results_shared_mutex_ );
( *task )();
catch ( boost::thread_interrupted& )
shared_lock< shared_mutex > lock( time_to_die_mutex_ );
if ( time_to_die_ )
// else do nothing and re-enter the loop
} // namespace YouCompleteMe