These were ignored by git accidentally. We want ALL OF THEM since they all came in the llvm/clang source distribution.
194 lines
5.3 KiB
194 lines
5.3 KiB
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin9 | FileCheck %s
namespace std {
typedef decltype(sizeof(int)) size_t;
// libc++'s implementation
template <class _E>
class initializer_list
const _E* __begin_;
size_t __size_;
initializer_list(const _E* __b, size_t __s)
: __begin_(__b),
typedef _E value_type;
typedef const _E& reference;
typedef const _E& const_reference;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef const _E* iterator;
typedef const _E* const_iterator;
initializer_list() : __begin_(nullptr), __size_(0) {}
size_t size() const {return __size_;}
const _E* begin() const {return __begin_;}
const _E* end() const {return __begin_ + __size_;}
template < bool condition, typename T = void >
struct enable_if { typedef T type; };
template< typename T >
struct enable_if< false, T > {};
// PR5876
namespace Casts {
template< unsigned O >
void implicit(typename enable_if< O <= 4 >::type* = 0) {
template< unsigned O >
void cstyle(typename enable_if< O <= (unsigned)4 >::type* = 0) {
template< unsigned O >
void functional(typename enable_if< O <= unsigned(4) >::type* = 0) {
template< unsigned O >
void static_(typename enable_if< O <= static_cast<unsigned>(4) >::type* = 0) {
template< typename T >
void auto_(decltype(new auto(T()))) {
template< typename T >
void scalar_(decltype(T(), int())) {
// FIXME: Test const_cast, reinterpret_cast, dynamic_cast, which are
// a bit harder to use in template arguments.
template <unsigned N> struct T {};
template <int N> T<N> f() { return T<N>(); }
// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN5Casts8implicitILj4EEEvPN9enable_ifIXleT_Li4EEvE4typeE
template void implicit<4>(void*);
// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN5Casts6cstyleILj4EEEvPN9enable_ifIXleT_cvjLi4EEvE4typeE
template void cstyle<4>(void*);
// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN5Casts10functionalILj4EEEvPN9enable_ifIXleT_cvjLi4EEvE4typeE
template void functional<4>(void*);
// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN5Casts7static_ILj4EEEvPN9enable_ifIXleT_cvjLi4EEvE4typeE
template void static_<4>(void*);
// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN5Casts1fILi6EEENS_1TIXT_EEEv
template T<6> f<6>();
// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN5Casts5auto_IiEEvDTnw_DapicvT__EEE(
template void auto_<int>(int*);
// CHECK: define weak_odr void @_ZN5Casts7scalar_IiEEvDTcmcvT__Ecvi_EE(
template void scalar_<int>(int);
namespace test1 {
short foo(short);
int foo(int);
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr signext i16 @_ZN5test11aIsEEDTcl3foocvT__EEES1_(
template <class T> auto a(T t) -> decltype(foo(T())) { return foo(t); }
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr signext i16 @_ZN5test11bIsEEDTcp3foocvT__EEES1_(
template <class T> auto b(T t) -> decltype((foo)(T())) { return (foo)(t); }
void test(short s) {
namespace test2 {
template <class T> void a(T x, decltype(x()) y) {}
template <class T> auto b(T x) -> decltype(x()) { return x(); }
template <class T> void c(T x, void (*p)(decltype(x()))) {}
template <class T> void d(T x, auto (*p)() -> decltype(x())) {}
template <class T> void e(auto (*p)(T y) -> decltype(y())) {}
template <class T> void f(void (*p)(T x, decltype(x()) y)) {}
template <class T> void g(T x, decltype(x()) y) {
static decltype(x()) variable;
variable = 0;
template <class T> void h(T x, decltype((decltype(x())(*)()) 0) y) {}
template <class T> void i(decltype((auto (*)(T x) -> decltype(x())) 0) y) {}
float foo();
void bar(float);
float baz(float(*)());
void fred(float(*)(), float);
// CHECK: define void @_ZN5test211instantiateEv
void instantiate() {
// CHECK: call void @_ZN5test21aIPFfvEEEvT_DTclfL0p_EE(
a(foo, 0.0f);
// CHECK: call float @_ZN5test21bIPFfvEEEDTclfp_EET_(
(void) b(foo);
// CHECK: call void @_ZN5test21cIPFfvEEEvT_PFvDTclfL1p_EEE(
c(foo, bar);
// CHECK: call void @_ZN5test21dIPFfvEEEvT_PFDTclfL0p_EEvE(
d(foo, foo);
// CHECK: call void @_ZN5test21eIPFfvEEEvPFDTclfp_EET_E(
// CHECK: call void @_ZN5test21fIPFfvEEEvPFvT_DTclfL0p_EEE(
// CHECK: call void @_ZN5test21gIPFfvEEEvT_DTclfL0p_EE(
g(foo, 0.0f);
// CHECK: call void @_ZN5test21hIPFfvEEEvT_DTcvPFDTclfL0p_EEvELi0EE(
h(foo, foo);
// CHECK: call void @_ZN5test21iIPFfvEEEvDTcvPFDTclfp_EET_ELi0EE(
// CHECK: store float {{.*}}, float* @_ZZN5test21gIPFfvEEEvT_DTclfL0p_EEE8variable,
namespace test3 {
template <class T, class U> void a(T x, U y, decltype(x.*y) z) {}
struct X {
int *member;
// CHECK: define void @_ZN5test311instantiateEv
void instantiate() {
X x;
int *ip;
// CHECK: call void @_ZN5test31aINS_1XEMS1_PiEEvT_T0_DTdsfL0p_fL0p0_E
a(x, &X::member, ip);
namespace test4 {
struct X {
template <typename T>
void tf1(decltype(new T(1)) p)
template <typename T>
void tf2(decltype(new T({1})) p)
template <typename T>
void tf3(decltype(new T{1}) p)
// CHECK: void @_ZN5test43tf1INS_1XEEEvDTnw_T_piLi1EEE
template void tf1<X>(X*);
// CHECK: void @_ZN5test43tf2INS_1XEEEvDTnw_T_piilLi1EEEE
template void tf2<X>(X*);
// CHECK: void @_ZN5test43tf3INS_1XEEEvDTnw_T_ilLi1EEE
template void tf3<X>(X*);