The completion text in the menu is different. We used to just show the func name in the "main" part of the completion menu, now we show the full signature without the return type (which is shown on the right)
499 lines
14 KiB
499 lines
14 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Strahinja Val Markovic <val@markovic.io>
# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import vim
import indexer
import abc
import imp
import string
import random
import os
MIN_NUM_CHARS = int( vim.eval( "g:ycm_min_num_of_chars_for_completion" ) )
CLANG_COMPLETION_ENABLED = int( vim.eval( "g:ycm_clang_completion_enabled" ) )
CLANG_FILETYPES = set( [ 'c', 'cpp', 'objc', 'objcpp' ] )
CLANG_OPTIONS_FILENAME = '.ycm_clang_options.py'
class Completer( object ):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def __init__( self ):
self.future = None
def AsyncCandidateRequestReady( self ):
if not self.future:
# We return True so that the caller can extract the default value from the
# future
return True
return self.future.ResultsReady()
def CandidatesFromStoredRequest( self ):
if not self.future:
return []
return self.future.GetResults()
def OnFileReadyToParse( self ):
class IdentifierCompleter( Completer ):
def __init__( self ):
self.completer = indexer.IdentifierCompleter()
def CandidatesForQueryAsync( self, query ):
filetype = vim.eval( "&filetype" )
self.future = self.completer.CandidatesForQueryAndTypeAsync(
SanitizeQuery( query ),
filetype )
def AddIdentifier( self, identifier ):
filetype = vim.eval( "&filetype" )
filepath = vim.eval( "expand('%:p')" )
if not filetype or not filepath or not identifier:
vector = indexer.StringVec()
vector.append( identifier )
self.completer.AddCandidatesToDatabase( vector,
filepath )
def AddPreviousIdentifier( self ):
self.AddIdentifier( PreviousIdentifier() )
def AddIdentifierUnderCursor( self ):
cursor_identifier = vim.eval( 'expand("<cword>")' )
if not cursor_identifier:
stripped_cursor_identifier = ''.join( ( x for x in
cursor_identifier if
IsIdentifierChar( x ) ) )
if not stripped_cursor_identifier:
self.AddIdentifier( stripped_cursor_identifier )
def AddBufferIdentifiers( self ):
filetype = vim.eval( "&filetype" )
filepath = vim.eval( "expand('%:p')" )
if not filetype or not filepath:
text = "\n".join( vim.current.buffer )
self.completer.AddCandidatesToDatabaseFromBufferAsync( text,
filepath )
def OnFileReadyToParse( self ):
def CandidatesFromStoredRequest( self ):
if not self.future:
return []
completions = self.future.GetResults()[
# We will never have duplicates in completions so with 'dup':1 we tell Vim
# to add this candidate even if it's a duplicate of an existing one (which
# will never happen). This saves us some expensive string matching
# operations in Vim.
return [ { 'word': x, 'dup': 1 } for x in completions ]
class ClangCompleter( Completer ):
def __init__( self ):
self.completer = indexer.ClangCompleter()
self.contents_holder = []
self.filename_holder = []
self.last_diagnostics = []
self.possibly_new_diagnostics = False
self.flags = Flags()
def GetUnsavedFilesVector( self ):
files = indexer.UnsavedFileVec()
self.contents_holder = []
self.filename_holder = []
for buffer in GetUnsavedBuffers():
if not ClangAvailableForBuffer( buffer ):
contents = '\n'.join( buffer )
name = buffer.name
if not contents or not name:
self.contents_holder.append( contents )
self.filename_holder.append( name )
unsaved_file = indexer.UnsavedFile()
unsaved_file.contents_ = self.contents_holder[ -1 ]
unsaved_file.length_ = len( self.contents_holder[ -1 ] )
unsaved_file.filename_ = self.filename_holder[ -1 ]
files.append( unsaved_file )
return files
def CandidatesForQueryAsync( self, query ):
if self.completer.UpdatingTranslationUnit():
PostVimMessage( 'Still parsing file, no completions yet.' )
self.future = None
# TODO: sanitize query
# CAREFUL HERE! For UnsavedFile filename and contents we are referring
# directly to Python-allocated and -managed memory since we are accepting
# pointers to data members of python objects. We need to ensure that those
# objects outlive our UnsavedFile objects. This is why we need the
# contents_holder and filename_holder lists, to make sure the string objects
# are still around when we call CandidatesForQueryAndLocationInFile. We do
# this to avoid an extra copy of the entire file contents.
files = indexer.UnsavedFileVec()
if not query:
files = self.GetUnsavedFilesVector()
line, _ = vim.current.window.cursor
column = int( vim.eval( "s:completion_start_column" ) ) + 1
current_buffer = vim.current.buffer
self.future = self.completer.CandidatesForQueryAndLocationInFileAsync(
self.flags.FlagsForFile( current_buffer.name ) )
def CandidatesFromStoredRequest( self ):
if not self.future:
return []
results = [ CompletionDataToDict( x ) for x in self.future.GetResults() ]
if not results:
PostVimMessage( 'No completions found; errors in the file?' )
return results
def OnFileReadyToParse( self ):
if NumLinesInBuffer( vim.current.buffer ) < 5:
self.possibly_new_diagnostics = True
filename = vim.current.buffer.name
self.flags.FlagsForFile( filename ) )
def DiagnosticsForCurrentFileReady( self ):
return ( self.possibly_new_diagnostics and not
self.completer.UpdatingTranslationUnit() )
def GetDiagnosticsForCurrentFile( self ):
if self.DiagnosticsForCurrentFileReady():
self.last_diagnostics = [ DiagnosticToDict( x ) for x in
vim.current.buffer.name ) ]
self.possibly_new_diagnostics = False
return self.last_diagnostics
class Flags( object ):
def __init__( self ):
# It's caches all the way down...
self.flags_for_file = {}
self.flags_module_for_file = {}
self.flags_module_for_flags_module_file = {}
def FlagsForFile( self, filename ):
return self.flags_for_file[ filename ]
except KeyError:
flags_module = self.FlagsModuleForFile( filename )
if not flags_module:
return indexer.StringVec()
results = flags_module.FlagsForFile( filename )
sanitized_flags = SanitizeFlags( results[ 'flags' ] )
if results[ 'do_cache' ]:
self.flags_for_file[ filename ] = sanitized_flags
return sanitized_flags
def FlagsModuleForFile( self, filename ):
return self.flags_module_for_file[ filename ]
except KeyError:
flags_module_file = FlagsModuleSourceFileForFile( filename )
if not flags_module_file:
return None
flags_module = self.flags_module_for_flags_module_file[
flags_module_file ]
except KeyError:
flags_module = imp.load_source( RandomName(), flags_module_file )
flags_module_file ] = flags_module
self.flags_module_for_file[ filename ] = flags_module
return flags_module
def FlagsModuleSourceFileForFile( filename ):
parent_folder = os.path.dirname( filename )
old_parent_folder = ''
while True:
current_file = os.path.join( parent_folder, CLANG_OPTIONS_FILENAME )
if os.path.exists( current_file ):
return current_file
old_parent_folder = parent_folder
parent_folder = os.path.dirname( parent_folder )
if parent_folder == old_parent_folder:
return None
def RandomName():
return ''.join( random.choice( string.ascii_lowercase ) for x in range( 15 ) )
def SanitizeFlags( flags ):
sanitized_flags = []
saw_arch = False
for i, flag in enumerate( flags ):
if flag == '-arch':
saw_arch = True
elif flag.startswith( '-arch' ):
elif saw_arch:
saw_arch = False
sanitized_flags.append( flag )
vector = indexer.StringVec()
for flag in sanitized_flags:
vector.append( flag )
return vector
def NumLinesInBuffer( buffer ):
# This is actually less than obvious, that's why it's wrapped in a function
return len( buffer )
def PostVimMessage( message ):
# TODO: escape the message string before formating it
vim.command( 'echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "{0}" | echohl None'
.format( message ) )
def GetUnsavedBuffers():
def BufferModified( buffer_number ):
to_eval = 'getbufvar({0}, "&mod")'.format( buffer_number )
return bool( int( vim.eval( to_eval ) ) )
return ( x for x in vim.buffers if BufferModified( x.number ) )
def CompletionDataToDict( completion_data ):
# see :h complete-items for a description of the dictionary fields
return {
'word' : completion_data.TextToInsertInBuffer(),
'abbr' : completion_data.MainCompletionText(),
'menu' : completion_data.ExtraMenuInfo(),
'kind' : completion_data.kind_,
'dup' : 1,
# TODO: add detailed_info_ as 'info'
def DiagnosticToDict( diagnostic ):
# see :h getqflist for a description of the dictionary fields
return {
'bufnr' : int( vim.eval( "bufnr('{0}', 1)".format(
diagnostic.filename_ ) ) ),
'lnum' : diagnostic.line_number_,
'col' : diagnostic.column_number_,
'text' : diagnostic.text_,
'type' : diagnostic.kind_,
'valid' : 1
def CurrentColumn():
"""Do NOT access the CurrentColumn in vim.current.line. It doesn't exist yet.
Only the chars before the current column exist in vim.current.line."""
# vim's columns are 1-based while vim.current.line columns are 0-based
# ... but vim.current.window.cursor (which returns a (line, column) tuple)
# columns are 0-based, while the line from that same tuple is 1-based.
# vim.buffers buffer objects OTOH have 0-based lines and columns.
# Pigs have wings and I'm a loopy purple duck. Everything makes sense now.
return vim.current.window.cursor[ 1 ]
def CurrentLineAndColumn():
# See the comment in CurrentColumn about the calculation for the line and
# column number
line, column = vim.current.window.cursor
line -= 1
return line, column
def ClangAvailableForBuffer( buffer_object ):
filetype = vim.eval( 'getbufvar({0}, "&ft")'.format( buffer_object.number ) )
return filetype in CLANG_FILETYPES
def ClangAvailableForFile():
filetype = vim.eval( "&filetype" )
return filetype in CLANG_FILETYPES
def ShouldUseClang( start_column ):
if not CLANG_COMPLETION_ENABLED or not ClangAvailableForFile():
return False
line = vim.current.line
previous_char_index = start_column - 1
if ( not len( line ) or
previous_char_index < 0 or
previous_char_index >= len( line ) ):
return False
if line[ previous_char_index ] == '.':
return True
if previous_char_index - 1 < 0:
return False
two_previous_chars = line[ previous_char_index - 1 : start_column ]
if ( two_previous_chars == '->' or two_previous_chars == '::' ):
return True
return False
def IsIdentifierChar( char ):
return char.isalnum() or char == '_'
def CompletionStartColumn():
"""Returns the 0-based index where the completion string should start. So if
the user enters:
with the cursor being at the location of the caret, then the starting column
would be the index of the letter 'b'.
line = vim.current.line
start_column = CurrentColumn()
while start_column > 0 and IsIdentifierChar( line[ start_column - 1 ] ):
start_column -= 1
return start_column
def EscapeForVim( text ):
return text.replace( "'", "''" )
def PreviousIdentifier():
line_num, column_num = CurrentLineAndColumn()
buffer = vim.current.buffer
line = buffer[ line_num ]
end_column = column_num
while end_column > 0 and not IsIdentifierChar( line[ end_column - 1 ] ):
end_column -= 1
# Look at the previous line if we reached the end of the current one
if end_column == 0:
line = buffer[ line_num - 1]
return ""
end_column = len( line )
while end_column > 0 and not IsIdentifierChar( line[ end_column - 1 ] ):
end_column -= 1
print end_column, line
start_column = end_column
while start_column > 0 and IsIdentifierChar( line[ start_column - 1 ] ):
start_column -= 1
if end_column - start_column < MIN_NUM_CHARS:
return ""
return line[ start_column : end_column ]
def CurrentIdentifierFinished():
current_column = CurrentColumn()
previous_char_index = current_column - 1
if previous_char_index < 0:
return True
line = vim.current.line
previous_char = line[ previous_char_index ]
except IndexError:
return False
if IsIdentifierChar( previous_char ):
return False
if ( not IsIdentifierChar( previous_char ) and
previous_char_index > 0 and
IsIdentifierChar( line[ previous_char_index - 1 ] ) ):
return True
return line[ : current_column ].isspace()
def SanitizeQuery( query ):
return query.strip()