The server is multi-threaded and will spawn a new thread for each new request. Thus, the completers need not manage their own threads or even provide async APIs; we _want_ them to block because now were implementing the request-response networking API. The client gets the async API through the network (i.e., it can do something else while the request is pending).
329 lines
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329 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Strahinja Val Markovic <val@markovic.io>
# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from collections import defaultdict
import ycm_core
import logging
from ycm.server import responses
from ycm import extra_conf_store
from ycm.utils import ToUtf8IfNeeded
from ycm.completers.completer import Completer
from ycm.completers.cpp.flags import Flags, PrepareFlagsForClang
CLANG_FILETYPES = set( [ 'c', 'cpp', 'objc', 'objcpp' ] )
PARSING_FILE_MESSAGE = 'Still parsing file, no completions yet.'
NO_COMPILE_FLAGS_MESSAGE = 'Still no compile flags, no completions yet.'
INVALID_FILE_MESSAGE = 'File is invalid.'
NO_COMPLETIONS_MESSAGE = 'No completions found; errors in the file?'
'File is less than {} lines long; not compiling.'.format(
NO_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE = 'No diagnostic for current line!'
class ClangCompleter( Completer ):
def __init__( self, user_options ):
super( ClangCompleter, self ).__init__( user_options )
self._max_diagnostics_to_display = user_options[
'max_diagnostics_to_display' ]
self._completer = ycm_core.ClangCompleter()
self._last_prepared_diagnostics = []
self._flags = Flags()
self._diagnostic_store = None
self._logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
def SupportedFiletypes( self ):
def GetUnsavedFilesVector( self, request_data ):
files = ycm_core.UnsavedFileVec()
for filename, file_data in request_data[ 'file_data' ].iteritems():
if not ClangAvailableForFiletypes( file_data[ 'filetypes' ] ):
contents = file_data[ 'contents' ]
if not contents or not filename:
unsaved_file = ycm_core.UnsavedFile()
utf8_contents = ToUtf8IfNeeded( contents )
unsaved_file.contents_ = utf8_contents
unsaved_file.length_ = len( utf8_contents )
unsaved_file.filename_ = ToUtf8IfNeeded( filename )
files.append( unsaved_file )
return files
def ComputeCandidatesInner( self, request_data ):
filename = request_data[ 'filepath' ]
if not filename:
if self._completer.UpdatingTranslationUnit( ToUtf8IfNeeded( filename ) ):
self._logger.info( PARSING_FILE_MESSAGE )
raise RuntimeError( PARSING_FILE_MESSAGE )
flags = self._FlagsForRequest( request_data )
if not flags:
self._logger.info( NO_COMPILE_FLAGS_MESSAGE )
raise RuntimeError( NO_COMPILE_FLAGS_MESSAGE )
files = self.GetUnsavedFilesVector( request_data )
line = request_data[ 'line_num' ] + 1
column = request_data[ 'start_column' ] + 1
results = self._completer.CandidatesForLocationInFile(
ToUtf8IfNeeded( filename ),
flags )
if not results:
self._logger.warning( NO_COMPLETIONS_MESSAGE )
raise RuntimeError( NO_COMPLETIONS_MESSAGE )
return [ ConvertCompletionData( x ) for x in results ]
def DefinedSubcommands( self ):
return [ 'GoToDefinition',
def OnUserCommand( self, arguments, request_data ):
if not arguments:
raise ValueError( self.UserCommandsHelpMessage() )
command = arguments[ 0 ]
if command == 'GoToDefinition':
return self._GoToDefinition( request_data )
elif command == 'GoToDeclaration':
return self._GoToDeclaration( request_data )
elif command == 'GoToDefinitionElseDeclaration':
return self._GoToDefinitionElseDeclaration( request_data )
elif command == 'ClearCompilationFlagCache':
return self._ClearCompilationFlagCache()
raise ValueError( self.UserCommandsHelpMessage() )
def _LocationForGoTo( self, goto_function, request_data ):
filename = request_data[ 'filepath' ]
if not filename:
self._logger.warning( INVALID_FILE_MESSAGE )
raise ValueError( INVALID_FILE_MESSAGE )
flags = self._FlagsForRequest( request_data )
if not flags:
self._logger.info( NO_COMPILE_FLAGS_MESSAGE )
files = self.GetUnsavedFilesVector( request_data )
line = request_data[ 'line_num' ] + 1
column = request_data[ 'column_num' ] + 1
return getattr( self._completer, goto_function )(
ToUtf8IfNeeded( filename ),
flags )
def _GoToDefinition( self, request_data ):
location = self._LocationForGoTo( 'GetDefinitionLocation', request_data )
if not location or not location.IsValid():
raise RuntimeError( 'Can\'t jump to definition.' )
return responses.BuildGoToResponse( location.filename_,
location.line_number_ - 1,
location.column_number_ - 1)
def _GoToDeclaration( self, request_data ):
location = self._LocationForGoTo( 'GetDeclarationLocation', request_data )
if not location or not location.IsValid():
raise RuntimeError( 'Can\'t jump to declaration.' )
return responses.BuildGoToResponse( location.filename_,
location.line_number_ - 1,
location.column_number_ - 1)
def _GoToDefinitionElseDeclaration( self, request_data ):
location = self._LocationForGoTo( 'GetDefinitionLocation', request_data )
if not location or not location.IsValid():
location = self._LocationForGoTo( 'GetDeclarationLocation', request_data )
if not location or not location.IsValid():
raise RuntimeError( 'Can\'t jump to definition or declaration.' )
return responses.BuildGoToResponse( location.filename_,
location.line_number_ - 1,
location.column_number_ - 1)
def _ClearCompilationFlagCache( self ):
def OnFileReadyToParse( self, request_data ):
filename = request_data[ 'filepath' ]
contents = request_data[ 'file_data' ][ filename ][ 'contents' ]
if contents.count( '\n' ) < MIN_LINES_IN_FILE_TO_PARSE:
self._logger.warning( FILE_TOO_SHORT_MESSAGE )
raise ValueError( FILE_TOO_SHORT_MESSAGE )
if not filename:
self._logger.warning( INVALID_FILE_MESSAGE )
raise ValueError( INVALID_FILE_MESSAGE )
flags = self._FlagsForRequest( request_data )
if not flags:
self._logger.info( NO_COMPILE_FLAGS_MESSAGE )
ToUtf8IfNeeded( filename ),
self.GetUnsavedFilesVector( request_data ),
flags )
def OnBufferUnload( self, request_data ):
ToUtf8IfNeeded( request_data[ 'unloaded_buffer' ] ) )
def DiagnosticsForCurrentFileReady( self ):
# if not self.parse_future:
# return False
# return self.parse_future.ResultsReady()
def GettingCompletions( self, request_data ):
return self._completer.UpdatingTranslationUnit(
ToUtf8IfNeeded( request_data[ 'filepath' ] ) )
def GetDiagnosticsForCurrentFile( self, request_data ):
filename = request_data[ 'filepath' ]
if self.DiagnosticsForCurrentFileReady():
diagnostics = self._completer.DiagnosticsForFile(
ToUtf8IfNeeded( filename ) )
self._diagnostic_store = DiagnosticsToDiagStructure( diagnostics )
self._last_prepared_diagnostics = [
responses.BuildDiagnosticData( x ) for x in
diagnostics[ : self._max_diagnostics_to_display ] ]
# self.parse_future = None
# if self.extra_parse_desired:
# self.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
return self._last_prepared_diagnostics
def GetDetailedDiagnostic( self, request_data ):
current_line = request_data[ 'line_num' ] + 1
current_column = request_data[ 'column_num' ] + 1
current_file = request_data[ 'filepath' ]
if not self._diagnostic_store:
return responses.BuildDisplayMessageResponse(
diagnostics = self._diagnostic_store[ current_file ][ current_line ]
if not diagnostics:
return responses.BuildDisplayMessageResponse(
closest_diagnostic = None
distance_to_closest_diagnostic = 999
for diagnostic in diagnostics:
distance = abs( current_column - diagnostic.column_number_ )
if distance < distance_to_closest_diagnostic:
distance_to_closest_diagnostic = distance
closest_diagnostic = diagnostic
return responses.BuildDisplayMessageResponse(
closest_diagnostic.long_formatted_text_ )
def DebugInfo( self, request_data ):
filename = request_data[ 'filepath' ]
if not filename:
return ''
flags = self._FlagsForRequest( request_data ) or []
source = extra_conf_store.ModuleFileForSourceFile( filename )
return 'Flags for {0} loaded from {1}:\n{2}'.format( filename,
list( flags ) )
def _FlagsForRequest( self, request_data ):
filename = request_data[ 'filepath' ]
if 'compilation_flags' in request_data:
return PrepareFlagsForClang( request_data[ 'compilation_flags' ],
filename )
return self._flags.FlagsForFile( filename )
# TODO: Make this work again
# def DiagnosticToDict( diagnostic ):
# # see :h getqflist for a description of the dictionary fields
# return {
# # TODO: wrap the bufnr generation into a function
# 'bufnr' : int( vim.eval( "bufnr('{0}', 1)".format(
# diagnostic.filename_ ) ) ),
# 'lnum' : diagnostic.line_number_,
# 'col' : diagnostic.column_number_,
# 'text' : diagnostic.text_,
# 'type' : diagnostic.kind_,
# 'valid' : 1
# }
def ConvertCompletionData( completion_data ):
return responses.BuildCompletionData(
insertion_text = completion_data.TextToInsertInBuffer(),
menu_text = completion_data.MainCompletionText(),
extra_menu_info = completion_data.ExtraMenuInfo(),
kind = completion_data.kind_,
detailed_info = completion_data.DetailedInfoForPreviewWindow() )
def DiagnosticsToDiagStructure( diagnostics ):
structure = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list))
for diagnostic in diagnostics:
structure[ diagnostic.filename_ ][ diagnostic.line_number_ ].append(
diagnostic )
return structure
def ClangAvailableForFiletypes( filetypes ):
return any( [ filetype in CLANG_FILETYPES for filetype in filetypes ] )
def InCFamilyFile( filetypes ):
return ClangAvailableForFiletypes( filetypes )