2014-02-19 11:32:00 -07:00

276 lines
9.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Chiel ten Brinke <ctenbrinke@gmail.com>
# Google Inc.
# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import glob
from ycm.completers.completer import Completer
from ycm.server import responses
from ycm import utils
import urllib2
import urllib
import urlparse
import json
import logging
SERVER_NOT_FOUND_MSG = ( 'OmniSharp server binary not found at {0}. ' +
'Did you compile it? You can do so by running ' +
'"./install.sh --omnisharp-completer".' )
class CsharpCompleter( Completer ):
A Completer that uses the Omnisharp server as completion engine.
subcommands = {
'StartServer': (lambda self, request_data: self._StartServer( request_data )),
'StopServer': (lambda self, request_data: self._StopServer()),
'RestartServer': (lambda self, request_data: self._RestartServer( request_data )),
'ServerRunning': (lambda self, request_data: self._ServerIsRunning()),
'ServerReady': (lambda self, request_data: self._ServerIsReady()),
'GoToDefinition': (lambda self, request_data: self._GoToDefinition( request_data )),
'GoToDeclaration': (lambda self, request_data: self._GoToDefinition( request_data )),
'GoToDefinitionElseDeclaration': (lambda self, request_data: self._GoToDefinition( request_data ))
def __init__( self, user_options ):
super( CsharpCompleter, self ).__init__( user_options )
self._omnisharp_port = None
self._logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
def Shutdown( self ):
if ( self.user_options[ 'auto_stop_csharp_server' ] and
self._ServerIsRunning() ):
def SupportedFiletypes( self ):
""" Just csharp """
return [ 'cs' ]
def ComputeCandidatesInner( self, request_data ):
return [ responses.BuildCompletionData(
completion[ 'CompletionText' ],
completion[ 'DisplayText' ],
completion[ 'Description' ] )
for completion in self._GetCompletions( request_data ) ]
def DefinedSubcommands( self ):
return CsharpCompleter.subcommands.keys()
def OnFileReadyToParse( self, request_data ):
if ( not self._omnisharp_port and
self.user_options[ 'auto_start_csharp_server' ] ):
self._StartServer( request_data )
def OnUserCommand( self, arguments, request_data ):
if not arguments:
raise ValueError( self.UserCommandsHelpMessage() )
command = arguments[ 0 ]
if command in CsharpCompleter.subcommands:
command_lamba = CsharpCompleter.subcommands[ command ]
return command_lamba( self, request_data )
raise ValueError( self.UserCommandsHelpMessage() )
def DebugInfo( self ):
if self._ServerIsRunning():
return 'Server running at: {0}\nLogfiles:\n{1}\n{2}'.format(
self._ServerLocation(), self._filename_stdout, self._filename_stderr )
return 'Server is not running'
def _StartServer( self, request_data ):
""" Start the OmniSharp server """
self._logger.info( 'startup' )
self._omnisharp_port = utils.GetUnusedLocalhostPort()
solution_files, folder = _FindSolutionFiles( request_data[ 'filepath' ] )
if len( solution_files ) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
'Error starting OmniSharp server: no solutionfile found' )
elif len( solution_files ) == 1:
solutionfile = solution_files[ 0 ]
# multiple solutions found : if there is one whose name is the same
# as the folder containing the file we edit, use this one
# (e.g. if we have bla/Project.sln and we are editing
# bla/Project/Folder/File.cs, use bla/Project.sln)
filepath_components = _PathComponents( request_data[ 'filepath' ] )
solutionpath = _PathComponents( folder )
foldername = ''
if len( filepath_components ) > len( solutionpath ):
foldername = filepath_components[ len( solutionpath ) ]
solution_file_candidates = [ solutionfile for solutionfile in solution_files
if _GetFilenameWithoutExtension( solutionfile ) == foldername ]
if len( solution_file_candidates ) == 1:
solutionfile = solution_file_candidates[ 0 ]
raise RuntimeError(
'Found multiple solution files instead of one!\n{0}'.format(
solution_files ) )
omnisharp = os.path.join(
os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( __file__ ) ),
'OmniSharpServer/OmniSharp/bin/Debug/OmniSharp.exe' )
if not os.path.isfile( omnisharp ):
raise RuntimeError( SERVER_NOT_FOUND_MSG.format( omnisharp ) )
path_to_solutionfile = os.path.join( folder, solutionfile )
# we need to pass the command to Popen as a string since we're passing
# shell=True (as recommended by Python's doc)
command = ( omnisharp + ' -p ' + str( self._omnisharp_port ) + ' -s ' +
path_to_solutionfile )
if not utils.OnWindows():
command = 'mono ' + command
filename_format = os.path.join( utils.PathToTempDir(),
'omnisharp_{port}_{sln}_{std}.log' )
self._filename_stdout = filename_format.format(
port=self._omnisharp_port, sln=solutionfile, std='stdout' )
self._filename_stderr = filename_format.format(
port=self._omnisharp_port, sln=solutionfile, std='stderr' )
with open( self._filename_stderr, 'w' ) as fstderr:
with open( self._filename_stdout, 'w' ) as fstdout:
# shell=True is needed for Windows so OmniSharp does not spawn
# in a new visible window
utils.SafePopen( command, stdout=fstdout, stderr=fstderr, shell=True )
self._logger.info( 'Starting OmniSharp server' )
def _StopServer( self ):
""" Stop the OmniSharp server """
self._GetResponse( '/stopserver' )
self._omnisharp_port = None
self._logger.info( 'Stopping OmniSharp server' )
def _RestartServer ( self, request_data ):
""" Restarts the OmniSharp server """
if self._ServerIsRunning():
return self._StartServer( request_data )
def _GetCompletions( self, request_data ):
""" Ask server for completions """
completions = self._GetResponse( '/autocomplete',
self._DefaultParameters( request_data ) )
return completions if completions != None else []
def _GoToDefinition( self, request_data ):
""" Jump to definition of identifier under cursor """
definition = self._GetResponse( '/gotodefinition',
self._DefaultParameters( request_data ) )
if definition[ 'FileName' ] != None:
return responses.BuildGoToResponse( definition[ 'FileName' ],
definition[ 'Line' ],
definition[ 'Column' ] )
raise RuntimeError( 'Can\'t jump to definition' )
def _DefaultParameters( self, request_data ):
""" Some very common request parameters """
parameters = {}
parameters[ 'line' ] = request_data[ 'line_num' ] + 1
parameters[ 'column' ] = request_data[ 'column_num' ] + 1
filepath = request_data[ 'filepath' ]
parameters[ 'buffer' ] = request_data[ 'file_data' ][ filepath ][
'contents' ]
parameters[ 'filename' ] = filepath
return parameters
def _ServerIsRunning( self ):
""" Check if our OmniSharp server is running """
return bool( self._omnisharp_port and
self._GetResponse( '/checkalivestatus', silent = True ) )
return False
def _ServerIsReady( self ):
""" Check if our OmniSharp server is ready """
return bool( self._omnisharp_port and
self._GetResponse( '/checkreadystatus', silent = True ) )
return False
def _ServerLocation( self ):
return 'http://localhost:' + str( self._omnisharp_port )
def _GetResponse( self, handler, parameters = {}, silent = False ):
""" Handle communication with server """
# TODO: Replace usage of urllib with Requests
target = urlparse.urljoin( self._ServerLocation(), handler )
parameters = urllib.urlencode( parameters )
response = urllib2.urlopen( target, parameters )
return json.loads( response.read() )
def _FindSolutionFiles( filepath ):
""" Find solution files by searching upwards in the file tree """
folder = os.path.dirname( filepath )
solutionfiles = glob.glob1( folder, '*.sln' )
while not solutionfiles:
lastfolder = folder
folder = os.path.dirname( folder )
if folder == lastfolder:
solutionfiles = glob.glob1( folder, '*.sln' )
return solutionfiles, folder
def _PathComponents( path ):
path_components = []
while True:
path, folder = os.path.split( path )
if folder:
path_components.append( folder )
if path:
path_components.append( path )
return path_components
def _GetFilenameWithoutExtension( path ):
return os.path.splitext( os.path.basename ( path ) )[ 0 ]