When an error occurs during completions, a message is displayed on the status line. If this message is longer than the width of the current window, Vim will prompt the user to press enter or type a command to hide the message, interrupting user workflow. We prevent that by truncating the message to window width. Merge PostMultiLineNotice, EchoText, and EchoTextVimWidth functions into PostVimMessage.
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# Copyright (C) 2015 YouCompleteMe contributors
# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from future import standard_library
from builtins import * # noqa
from ycm.test_utils import MockVimModule, ExtendedMock
import contextlib
import os
from ycm.tests.server_test import Server_test
from ycmd.responses import ( BuildDiagnosticData, Diagnostic, Location, Range,
UnknownExtraConf, ServerError )
from mock import call, MagicMock, patch
from nose.tools import eq_, ok_
def PresentDialog_Confirm_Call( message ):
"""Return a mock.call object for a call to vimsupport.PresentDialog, as called
why vimsupport.Confirm with the supplied confirmation message"""
return call( message, [ 'Ok', 'Cancel' ] )
def PlaceSign_Call( sign_id, line_num, buffer_num, is_error ):
sign_name = 'YcmError' if is_error else 'YcmWarning'
return call( 'sign place {0} line={1} name={2} buffer={3}'
.format( sign_id, line_num, sign_name, buffer_num ) )
def UnplaceSign_Call( sign_id, buffer_num ):
return call( 'try | exec "sign unplace {0} buffer={1}" |'
' catch /E158/ | endtry'.format( sign_id, buffer_num ) )
def MockArbitraryBuffer( filetype, native_available = True ):
"""Used via the with statement, set up mocked versions of the vim module such
that a single buffer is open with an arbitrary name and arbirary contents. Its
filetype is set to the supplied filetype"""
with patch( 'vim.current' ) as vim_current:
def VimEval( value ):
"""Local mock of the vim.eval() function, used to ensure we get the
correct behvaiour"""
if value == '&omnifunc':
# The omnicompleter is not required here
return ''
if value == 'getbufvar(0, "&mod")':
# Ensure that we actually send the even to the server
return 1
if value == 'getbufvar(0, "&ft")' or value == '&filetype':
return filetype
if value.startswith( 'bufnr(' ):
return 0
if value.startswith( 'bufwinnr(' ):
return 0
raise ValueError( 'Unexpected evaluation' )
# Arbitrary, but valid, cursor position
vim_current.window.cursor = ( 1, 2 )
# Arbitrary, but valid, single buffer open
current_buffer = MagicMock()
current_buffer.number = 0
current_buffer.filename = os.path.realpath( 'TEST_BUFFER' )
current_buffer.name = 'TEST_BUFFER'
current_buffer.window = 0
# The rest just mock up the Vim module so that our single arbitrary buffer
# makes sense to vimsupport module.
with patch( 'vim.buffers', [ current_buffer ] ):
with patch( 'vim.current.buffer', current_buffer ):
with patch( 'vim.eval', side_effect=VimEval ):
def MockEventNotification( response_method, native_filetype_completer = True ):
"""Mock out the EventNotification client request object, replacing the
Response handler's JsonFromFuture with the supplied |response_method|.
Additionally mock out YouCompleteMe's FiletypeCompleterExistsForFiletype
method to return the supplied |native_filetype_completer| parameter, rather
than querying the server"""
# We don't want the event to actually be sent to the server, just have it
# return success
with patch( 'ycm.client.base_request.BaseRequest.PostDataToHandlerAsync',
return_value = MagicMock( return_value=True ) ):
# We set up a fake a Response (as called by EventNotification.Response)
# which calls the supplied callback method. Generally this callback just
# raises an apropriate exception, otherwise it would have to return a mock
# future object.
# Note: JsonFromFuture is actually part of ycm.client.base_request, but we
# must patch where an object is looked up, not where it is defined.
# See https://docs.python.org/dev/library/unittest.mock.html#where-to-patch
# for details.
with patch( 'ycm.client.event_notification.JsonFromFuture',
side_effect = response_method ):
# Filetype available information comes from the server, so rather than
# relying on that request, we mock out the check. The caller decides if
# filetype completion is available
with patch(
return_value = native_filetype_completer ):
class EventNotification_test( Server_test ):
@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
def FileReadyToParse_NonDiagnostic_Error_test( self, post_vim_message ):
# This test validates the behaviour of YouCompleteMe.HandleFileParseRequest
# in combination with YouCompleteMe.OnFileReadyToParse when the completer
# raises an exception handling FileReadyToParse event notification
ERROR_TEXT = 'Some completer response text'
def ErrorResponse( *args ):
raise ServerError( ERROR_TEXT )
with MockArbitraryBuffer( 'javascript' ):
with MockEventNotification( ErrorResponse ):
assert self._server_state.FileParseRequestReady()
# The first call raises a warning
post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [
call( ERROR_TEXT, truncate = False )
] )
# Subsequent calls don't re-raise the warning
post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [
call( ERROR_TEXT, truncate = False )
] )
# But it does if a subsequent event raises again
assert self._server_state.FileParseRequestReady()
post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [
call( ERROR_TEXT, truncate = False ),
call( ERROR_TEXT, truncate = False )
] )
@patch( 'vim.command' )
def FileReadyToParse_NonDiagnostic_Error_NonNative_test( self, vim_command ):
with MockArbitraryBuffer( 'javascript' ):
with MockEventNotification( None, False ):
@patch( 'ycm.client.event_notification._LoadExtraConfFile',
new_callable = ExtendedMock )
@patch( 'ycm.client.event_notification._IgnoreExtraConfFile',
new_callable = ExtendedMock )
def FileReadyToParse_NonDiagnostic_ConfirmExtraConf_test(
*args ):
# This test validates the behaviour of YouCompleteMe.HandleFileParseRequest
# in combination with YouCompleteMe.OnFileReadyToParse when the completer
# raises the (special) UnknownExtraConf exception
FILE_NAME = 'a_file'
MESSAGE = ( 'Found ' + FILE_NAME + '. Load? \n\n(Question can be '
'turned off with options, see YCM docs)' )
def UnknownExtraConfResponse( *args ):
raise UnknownExtraConf( FILE_NAME )
with MockArbitraryBuffer( 'javascript' ):
with MockEventNotification( UnknownExtraConfResponse ):
# When the user accepts the extra conf, we load it
with patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PresentDialog',
return_value = 0,
new_callable = ExtendedMock ) as present_dialog:
assert self._server_state.FileParseRequestReady()
present_dialog.assert_has_exact_calls( [
PresentDialog_Confirm_Call( MESSAGE ),
] )
load_extra_conf.assert_has_exact_calls( [
call( FILE_NAME ),
] )
# Subsequent calls don't re-raise the warning
present_dialog.assert_has_exact_calls( [
PresentDialog_Confirm_Call( MESSAGE )
] )
load_extra_conf.assert_has_exact_calls( [
call( FILE_NAME ),
] )
# But it does if a subsequent event raises again
assert self._server_state.FileParseRequestReady()
present_dialog.assert_has_exact_calls( [
PresentDialog_Confirm_Call( MESSAGE ),
PresentDialog_Confirm_Call( MESSAGE ),
] )
load_extra_conf.assert_has_exact_calls( [
call( FILE_NAME ),
call( FILE_NAME ),
] )
# When the user rejects the extra conf, we reject it
with patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PresentDialog',
return_value = 1,
new_callable = ExtendedMock ) as present_dialog:
assert self._server_state.FileParseRequestReady()
present_dialog.assert_has_exact_calls( [
PresentDialog_Confirm_Call( MESSAGE ),
] )
ignore_extra_conf.assert_has_exact_calls( [
call( FILE_NAME ),
] )
# Subsequent calls don't re-raise the warning
present_dialog.assert_has_exact_calls( [
PresentDialog_Confirm_Call( MESSAGE )
] )
ignore_extra_conf.assert_has_exact_calls( [
call( FILE_NAME ),
] )
# But it does if a subsequent event raises again
assert self._server_state.FileParseRequestReady()
present_dialog.assert_has_exact_calls( [
PresentDialog_Confirm_Call( MESSAGE ),
PresentDialog_Confirm_Call( MESSAGE ),
] )
ignore_extra_conf.assert_has_exact_calls( [
call( FILE_NAME ),
call( FILE_NAME ),
] )
def FileReadyToParse_Diagnostic_Error_Native_test( self ):
@patch( 'vim.command' )
def _Check_FileReadyToParse_Diagnostic_Error( self, vim_command ):
# Tests Vim sign placement and error/warning count python API
# when one error is returned.
def DiagnosticResponse( *args ):
start = Location( 1, 2, 'TEST_BUFFER' )
end = Location( 1, 4, 'TEST_BUFFER' )
extent = Range( start, end )
diagnostic = Diagnostic( [], start, extent, 'expected ;', 'ERROR' )
return [ BuildDiagnosticData( diagnostic ) ]
with MockArbitraryBuffer( 'cpp' ):
with MockEventNotification( DiagnosticResponse ):
ok_( self._server_state.FileParseRequestReady() )
vim_command.assert_has_calls( [
PlaceSign_Call( 1, 1, 0, True )
] )
eq_( self._server_state.GetErrorCount(), 1 )
eq_( self._server_state.GetWarningCount(), 0 )
# Consequent calls to HandleFileParseRequest shouldn't mess with
# existing diagnostics, when there is no new parse request.
ok_( not self._server_state.FileParseRequestReady() )
eq_( self._server_state.GetErrorCount(), 1 )
eq_( self._server_state.GetWarningCount(), 0 )
@patch( 'vim.command' )
def _Check_FileReadyToParse_Diagnostic_Warning( self, vim_command ):
# Tests Vim sign placement/unplacement and error/warning count python API
# when one warning is returned.
# Should be called after _Check_FileReadyToParse_Diagnostic_Error
def DiagnosticResponse( *args ):
start = Location( 2, 2, 'TEST_BUFFER' )
end = Location( 2, 4, 'TEST_BUFFER' )
extent = Range( start, end )
diagnostic = Diagnostic( [], start, extent, 'cast', 'WARNING' )
return [ BuildDiagnosticData( diagnostic ) ]
with MockArbitraryBuffer( 'cpp' ):
with MockEventNotification( DiagnosticResponse ):
ok_( self._server_state.FileParseRequestReady() )
vim_command.assert_has_calls( [
PlaceSign_Call( 2, 2, 0, False ),
UnplaceSign_Call( 1, 0 )
] )
eq_( self._server_state.GetErrorCount(), 0 )
eq_( self._server_state.GetWarningCount(), 1 )
# Consequent calls to HandleFileParseRequest shouldn't mess with
# existing diagnostics, when there is no new parse request.
ok_( not self._server_state.FileParseRequestReady() )
eq_( self._server_state.GetErrorCount(), 0 )
eq_( self._server_state.GetWarningCount(), 1 )
@patch( 'vim.command' )
def _Check_FileReadyToParse_Diagnostic_Clean( self, vim_command ):
# Tests Vim sign unplacement and error/warning count python API
# when there are no errors/warnings left.
# Should be called after _Check_FileReadyToParse_Diagnostic_Warning
with MockArbitraryBuffer( 'cpp' ):
with MockEventNotification( MagicMock( return_value = [] ) ):
vim_command.assert_has_calls( [
UnplaceSign_Call( 2, 0 )
] )
eq_( self._server_state.GetErrorCount(), 0 )
eq_( self._server_state.GetWarningCount(), 0 )