Strahinja Val Markovic d56ec1ea7a ycmd's JSON interface now uses 1-based indices
This makes far more sense because editors manipulate user-level errors/warnings
on a 1-based system, not a 0-based one.
2014-05-09 15:57:04 -07:00

420 lines
15 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <>.
from ..server_utils import SetUpPythonPath
import httplib
from .test_utils import ( Setup, BuildRequest, PathToTestFile,
ChangeSpecificOptions, StopOmniSharpServer,
WaitUntilOmniSharpServerReady )
from webtest import TestApp, AppError
from import eq_, with_setup
from hamcrest import ( assert_that, has_item, has_items, has_entry,
contains_inanyorder, empty )
from ..responses import ( BuildCompletionData, UnknownExtraConf,
NoExtraConfDetected )
from .. import handlers
import bottle
bottle.debug( True )
# TODO: Make the other tests use this helper too instead of BuildCompletionData
def CompletionEntryMatcher( insertion_text ):
return has_entry( 'insertion_text', insertion_text )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_IdentifierCompleter_Works_test():
app = TestApp( )
event_data = BuildRequest( contents = 'foo foogoo ba',
event_name = 'FileReadyToParse' )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
completion_data = BuildRequest( contents = 'oo foo foogoo ba',
query = 'oo',
column_num = 3 )
eq_( [ BuildCompletionData( 'foo' ),
BuildCompletionData( 'foogoo' ) ],
app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_CsCompleter_Works_test():
app = TestApp( )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'testy/Program.cs' )
contents = open( filepath ).read()
event_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cs',
contents = contents,
event_name = 'FileReadyToParse' )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
WaitUntilOmniSharpServerReady( app )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cs',
contents = contents,
line_num = 9,
column_num = 12,
start_column = 12 )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, has_items( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'CursorLeft' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'CursorSize' ) ) )
StopOmniSharpServer( app )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_CsCompleter_ReloadSolutionWorks_test():
app = TestApp( )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'testy/Program.cs' )
contents = open( filepath ).read()
event_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cs',
contents = contents,
event_name = 'FileReadyToParse' )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
WaitUntilOmniSharpServerReady( app )
result = app.post_json( '/run_completer_command',
BuildRequest( completer_target = 'filetype_default',
command_arguments = ['ReloadSolution'],
filetype = 'cs' ) ).json
eq_(result, True)
StopOmniSharpServer( app )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_CsCompleter_StartsWithUnambiguousMultipleSolutions_test():
app = TestApp( )
filepath = PathToTestFile( ('testy-multiple-solutions/'
'testy/Program.cs') )
contents = open( filepath ).read()
event_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cs',
contents = contents,
event_name = 'FileReadyToParse' )
# Here the server will raise an exception if it can't start
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
WaitUntilOmniSharpServerReady( app )
StopOmniSharpServer( app )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_CsCompleter_DoesntStartWithAmbiguousMultipleSolutions_test():
app = TestApp( )
filepath = PathToTestFile( ('testy-multiple-solutions/'
'testy/Program.cs') )
contents = open( filepath ).read()
event_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cs',
contents = contents,
event_name = 'FileReadyToParse' )
exception_caught = False
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
except AppError as e:
if 'Found multiple solution files' in str(e):
exception_caught = True
# the test passes if we caught an exception when trying to start it,
# so raise one if it managed to start
if not exception_caught:
WaitUntilOmniSharpServerReady( app )
StopOmniSharpServer( app )
raise Exception( ('The Omnisharp server started, despite us not being able '
'to find a suitable solution file to feed it. Did you '
'fiddle with the solution finding code in '
' Hopefully you\'ve enhanced it: you need'
'to update this test then :)') )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_WorksWithExplicitFlags_test():
app = TestApp( )
contents = """
struct Foo {
int x;
int y;
char c;
int main()
Foo foo;
# 0-based line and column!
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = '/foo.cpp',
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = contents,
line_num = 11,
column_num = 7,
start_column = 7,
compilation_flags = ['-x', 'c++'] )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, has_items( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'c' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'x' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'y' ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_NoCompletionsWhenAutoTriggerOff_test():
ChangeSpecificOptions( { 'auto_trigger': False } )
app = TestApp( )
contents = """
struct Foo {
int x;
int y;
char c;
int main()
Foo foo;
# 0-based line and column!
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = '/foo.cpp',
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = contents,
line_num = 11,
column_num = 7,
start_column = 7,
compilation_flags = ['-x', 'c++'] )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, empty() )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_UnknownExtraConfException_test():
app = TestApp( )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'basic.cpp' )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = open( filepath ).read(),
line_num = 11,
column_num = 7,
start_column = 7,
force_semantic = True )
response = app.post_json( '/completions',
expect_errors = True )
eq_( response.status_code, httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR )
assert_that( response.json,
has_entry( 'exception',
has_entry( 'TYPE', UnknownExtraConf.__name__ ) ) )
app.post_json( '/ignore_extra_conf_file',
{ 'filepath': PathToTestFile( '' ) } )
response = app.post_json( '/completions',
expect_errors = True )
eq_( response.status_code, httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR )
assert_that( response.json,
has_entry( 'exception',
has_entry( 'TYPE', NoExtraConfDetected.__name__ ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_WorksWhenExtraConfExplicitlyAllowed_test():
app = TestApp( )
app.post_json( '/load_extra_conf_file',
{ 'filepath': PathToTestFile( '' ) } )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'basic.cpp' )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = open( filepath ).read(),
line_num = 11,
column_num = 7,
start_column = 7 )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, has_items( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'c' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'x' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'y' ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_ExceptionWhenNoFlagsFromExtraConf_test():
app = TestApp( )
app.post_json( '/load_extra_conf_file',
{ 'filepath': PathToTestFile(
'noflags/' ) } )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'noflags/basic.cpp' )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = open( filepath ).read(),
line_num = 11,
column_num = 7,
start_column = 7 )
response = app.post_json( '/completions',
expect_errors = True )
eq_( response.status_code, httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR )
assert_that( response.json,
has_entry( 'exception',
has_entry( 'TYPE', RuntimeError.__name__ ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_ForceSemantic_OnlyFileteredCompletions_test():
app = TestApp( )
contents = """
int main()
int foobar;
int floozar;
int gooboo;
int bleble;
# 0-based line and column!
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = '/foo.cpp',
filetype = 'cpp',
force_semantic = True,
contents = contents,
line_num = 9,
column_num = 8,
start_column = 8,
query = 'fooar',
compilation_flags = ['-x', 'c++'] )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results,
contains_inanyorder( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'foobar' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'floozar' ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ForceSemantic_Works_test():
app = TestApp( )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filetype = 'python',
force_semantic = True )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, has_items( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'abs' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'open' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'bool' ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_ClientDataGivenToExtraConf_test():
app = TestApp( )
app.post_json( '/load_extra_conf_file',
{ 'filepath': PathToTestFile(
'client_data/' ) } )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'client_data/main.cpp' )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = open( filepath ).read(),
line_num = 9,
column_num = 7,
start_column = 7,
extra_conf_data = {
'flags': ['-x', 'c++']
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, has_item( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'x' ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_IdentifierCompleter_SyntaxKeywordsAdded_test():
app = TestApp( )
event_data = BuildRequest( event_name = 'FileReadyToParse',
syntax_keywords = ['foo', 'bar', 'zoo'] )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
completion_data = BuildRequest( contents = 'oo ',
query = 'oo',
column_num = 3 )
eq_( [ BuildCompletionData( 'foo' ),
BuildCompletionData( 'zoo' ) ],
app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_UltiSnipsCompleter_Works_test():
app = TestApp( )
event_data = BuildRequest(
event_name = 'BufferVisit',
ultisnips_snippets = [
{'trigger': 'foo', 'description': 'bar'},
{'trigger': 'zoo', 'description': 'goo'},
] )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
completion_data = BuildRequest( contents = 'oo ',
query = 'oo',
column_num = 3 )
eq_( [ BuildCompletionData( 'foo', '<snip> bar' ),
BuildCompletionData( 'zoo', '<snip> goo' ) ],
app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_UltiSnipsCompleter_UnusedWhenOffWithOption_test():
ChangeSpecificOptions( { 'use_ultisnips_completer': False } )
app = TestApp( )
event_data = BuildRequest(
event_name = 'BufferVisit',
ultisnips_snippets = [
{'trigger': 'foo', 'description': 'bar'},
{'trigger': 'zoo', 'description': 'goo'},
] )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
completion_data = BuildRequest( contents = 'oo ',
query = 'oo',
column_num = 3 )
eq_( [], app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json )