764 lines
21 KiB
764 lines
21 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Strahinja Val Markovic <val@markovic.io>
// This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
// YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "ClangCompleter.h"
#include "Candidate.h"
#include "CompletionData.h"
#include "standard.h"
#include "CandidateRepository.h"
#include "ConcurrentLatestValue.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "ClangUtils.h"
#include <clang-c/Index.h>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
// TODO: remove all explicit uses of the boost:: prefix by adding explicit using
// directives for the stuff we need
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
using boost::packaged_task;
using boost::bind;
using boost::unique_future;
using boost::make_shared;
using boost::shared_ptr;
using boost::bind;
using boost::thread;
using boost::lock_guard;
using boost::mutex;
using boost::unordered_map;
namespace YouCompleteMe
typedef boost::function< std::vector< CompletionData >() >
extern const unsigned int MAX_ASYNC_THREADS;
extern const unsigned int MIN_ASYNC_THREADS;
struct CompletionDataAndResult
CompletionDataAndResult( const CompletionData *completion_data,
const Result &result )
: completion_data_( completion_data ), result_( result ) {}
bool operator< ( const CompletionDataAndResult &other ) const
return result_ < other.result_;
const CompletionData *completion_data_;
Result result_;
std::vector< CXUnsavedFile > ToCXUnsavedFiles(
const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files )
std::vector< CXUnsavedFile > clang_unsaved_files( unsaved_files.size() );
for ( uint i = 0; i < unsaved_files.size(); ++i )
// TODO: assert non-null
clang_unsaved_files[ i ].Filename = unsaved_files[ i ].filename_;
clang_unsaved_files[ i ].Contents = unsaved_files[ i ].contents_;
clang_unsaved_files[ i ].Length = unsaved_files[ i ].length_;
return clang_unsaved_files;
std::string CXStringToString( CXString text )
std::string final_string( clang_getCString( text ) );
clang_disposeString( text );
return final_string;
std::string ChunkToString( CXCompletionString completion_string, int chunk_num )
return CXStringToString(
clang_getCompletionChunkText( completion_string, chunk_num ) );
// Returns true when the provided completion string is available to the user;
// unavailable completion strings refer to entities that are private/protected,
// deprecated etc.
bool CompletionStringAvailable( CXCompletionString completion_string )
return clang_getCompletionAvailability( completion_string ) ==
bool IsChunkKindForExtraMenuInfo( CXCompletionChunkKind kind )
kind == CXCompletionChunk_Optional ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_TypedText ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_Placeholder ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_LeftParen ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_RightParen ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_RightBracket ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_LeftBracket ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_LeftBrace ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_RightBrace ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_RightAngle ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_LeftAngle ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_Comma ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_ResultType ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_Colon ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_SemiColon ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_Equal ||
kind == CXCompletionChunk_HorizontalSpace;
char CursorKindToVimKind( CXCursorKind kind )
// TODO: actually it appears that Vim will show returned kinds even when they
// do not match the "approved" list, so let's use that
switch ( kind )
case CXCursor_UnexposedDecl:
case CXCursor_StructDecl:
case CXCursor_UnionDecl:
case CXCursor_ClassDecl:
case CXCursor_EnumDecl:
case CXCursor_TypedefDecl:
return 't';
case CXCursor_FieldDecl:
return 'm';
case CXCursor_FunctionDecl:
case CXCursor_CXXMethod:
case CXCursor_FunctionTemplate:
return 'f';
case CXCursor_VarDecl:
return 'v';
case CXCursor_MacroDefinition:
return 'd';
return 'u'; // for 'unknown', 'unsupported'... whatever you like
char DiagnosticSeverityToType( CXDiagnosticSeverity severity )
switch ( severity )
case CXDiagnostic_Ignored:
case CXDiagnostic_Note:
return 'I';
case CXDiagnostic_Warning:
return 'W';
case CXDiagnostic_Error:
case CXDiagnostic_Fatal:
return 'E';
return 'E';
// TODO: this should be a constructor
CompletionData CompletionResultToCompletionData(
const CXCompletionResult &completion_result )
CompletionData data;
CXCompletionString completion_string = completion_result.CompletionString;
uint num_chunks = clang_getNumCompletionChunks( completion_string );
for ( uint j = 0; j < num_chunks; ++j )
CXCompletionChunkKind kind = clang_getCompletionChunkKind(
completion_string, j );
if ( IsChunkKindForExtraMenuInfo( kind ) )
data.extra_menu_info_.append( ChunkToString( completion_string, j ) );
// by default, there's no space after the return type
if ( kind == CXCompletionChunk_ResultType )
data.extra_menu_info_.append( " " );
if ( kind == CXCompletionChunk_TypedText )
data.original_string_ = ChunkToString( completion_string, j );
if ( kind == CXCompletionChunk_Informative )
data.detailed_info_ = ChunkToString( completion_string, j );
data.kind_ = CursorKindToVimKind( completion_result.CursorKind );
return data;
std::vector< CompletionData > ToCompletionDataVector(
CXCodeCompleteResults *results )
std::vector< CompletionData > completions;
completions.reserve( results->NumResults );
unordered_map< std::string, uint > seen_data;
for ( uint i = 0; i < results->NumResults; ++i )
CXCompletionResult completion_result = results->Results[ i ];
if ( !CompletionStringAvailable( completion_result.CompletionString ) )
CompletionData data = CompletionResultToCompletionData( completion_result );
uint index = GetValueElseInsert( seen_data,
completions.size() );
if ( index == completions.size() )
completions.push_back( data );
completions[ index ].detailed_info_
.append( "\n" )
.append( data.extra_menu_info_ );
return completions;
Diagnostic CXDiagnosticToDiagnostic( CXDiagnostic cxdiagnostic )
Diagnostic diagnostic;
diagnostic.kind_ = DiagnosticSeverityToType(
clang_getDiagnosticSeverity( cxdiagnostic ) );
// If this is an "ignored" diagnostic, there's no point in continuing since we
// won't display those to the user
if ( diagnostic.kind_ == 'I' )
return diagnostic;
CXSourceLocation location = clang_getDiagnosticLocation( cxdiagnostic );
CXFile file;
uint unused_offset;
clang_getSpellingLocation( location,
&unused_offset );
diagnostic.filename_ = CXStringToString( clang_getFileName( file ) );
diagnostic.text_ = CXStringToString(
clang_getDiagnosticSpelling( cxdiagnostic ) );
clang_disposeDiagnostic( cxdiagnostic );
return diagnostic;
} // unnamed namespace
: candidate_repository_( CandidateRepository::Instance() ),
threading_enabled_( false ),
clang_data_ready_( false )
clang_index_ = clang_createIndex( 0, 0 );
foreach ( const TranslationUnitForFilename::value_type &filename_unit,
filename_to_translation_unit_ )
clang_disposeTranslationUnit( filename_unit.second );
clang_disposeIndex( clang_index_ );
// We need this mostly so that we can not use it in tests. Apparently the
// GoogleTest framework goes apeshit on us if we enable threads by default.
void ClangCompleter::EnableThreading()
threading_enabled_ = true;
void ClangCompleter::SetGlobalCompileFlags(
const std::vector< std::string > &flags )
global_flags_ = flags;
void ClangCompleter::SetFileCompileFlags(
const std::string &filename,
const std::vector< std::string > &flags )
flags_for_file_[ filename ] =
make_shared< std::vector< std::string > >( flags );
std::vector< Diagnostic > ClangCompleter::DiagnosticsForFile(
const std::string &filename )
// TODO: make sure that accessing the translation unit is thread safe; what if
// a bg thread is parsing the TU when we try to access the diagnostics?
CXTranslationUnit unit = FindWithDefault( filename_to_translation_unit_,
std::vector< Diagnostic > diagnostics;
if ( !unit )
return diagnostics;
uint num_diagnostics = clang_getNumDiagnostics( unit );
diagnostics.reserve( num_diagnostics );
for ( uint i = 0; i < num_diagnostics; ++i )
Diagnostic diagnostic = CXDiagnosticToDiagnostic(
clang_getDiagnostic( unit, i ) );
if ( diagnostic.kind_ != 'I' )
diagnostics.push_back( diagnostic );
return diagnostics;
bool ClangCompleter::UpdatingTranslationUnit()
lock_guard< mutex > lock( file_parse_task_mutex_ );
return bool( file_parse_task_ );
void ClangCompleter::UpdateTranslationUnit(
const std::string &filename,
const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files )
TranslationUnitForFilename::iterator it =
filename_to_translation_unit_.find( filename );
if ( it != filename_to_translation_unit_.end() )
std::vector< CXUnsavedFile > cxunsaved_files = ToCXUnsavedFiles(
unsaved_files );
&cxunsaved_files[ 0 ],
clang_defaultEditingTranslationUnitOptions() );
filename_to_translation_unit_[ filename ] =
CreateTranslationUnit( filename, unsaved_files );
void ClangCompleter::UpdateTranslationUnitAsync(
std::string filename,
std::vector< UnsavedFile > unsaved_files )
boost::function< void() > functor =
bind( &ClangCompleter::UpdateTranslationUnit,
boost::ref( *this ),
boost::move( filename ),
boost::move( unsaved_files ) );
boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > lock( file_parse_task_mutex_ );
// Only ever set the task when it's NULL; if it's not, that means that the
// clang thread is working on it
if ( !file_parse_task_ ) {
file_parse_task_ = make_shared< packaged_task< void > >( functor );
std::vector< CompletionData > ClangCompleter::CandidatesForLocationInFile(
const std::string &filename,
int line,
int column,
const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files )
std::vector< CXUnsavedFile > cxunsaved_files = ToCXUnsavedFiles(
unsaved_files );
// codeCompleteAt reparses the TU if the underlying source file has changed on
// disk since the last time the TU was updated and there are no unsaved files.
// If there are unsaved files, then codeCompleteAt will parse the in-memory
// file contents we are giving it. In short, it is NEVER a good idea to call
// clang_reparseTranslationUnit right before a call to clang_codeCompleteAt.
// This only makes clang reparse the whole file TWICE, which has a huge impact
// on latency. At the time of writing, it seems that most users of libclang
// in the open-source world don't realize this (I checked). Some don't even
// call reparse*, but parse* which is even less efficient.
CXCodeCompleteResults *results =
clang_codeCompleteAt( GetTranslationUnitForFile( filename, unsaved_files ),
&cxunsaved_files[ 0 ],
std::vector< CompletionData > candidates = ToCompletionDataVector( results );
clang_disposeCodeCompleteResults( results );
return candidates;
Future< AsyncCompletions >
const std::string &query,
const std::string &filename,
int line,
int column,
const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files )
// TODO: throw exception when threading is not enabled and this is called
if ( !threading_enabled_ )
return Future< AsyncCompletions >();
if ( query.empty() )
// The clang thread is busy, return nothing
if ( UpdatingTranslationUnit() )
return Future< AsyncCompletions >();
boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > lock( clang_data_ready_mutex_ );
clang_data_ready_ = false;
// Needed to "reset" the sorting threads to the start of their loop. This
// way any threads blocking on a read in sorting_task_.Get() are reset to
// wait on the clang_data_ready_condition_variable_.
// the sorting task needs to be set before the clang task (if any) just in
// case the clang task finishes (and therefore notifies a sorting thread to
// consume a sorting task) before the sorting task is set
FunctionReturnsCompletionDataVector sort_candidates_for_query_functor =
bind( &ClangCompleter::SortCandidatesForQuery,
boost::ref( *this ),
boost::cref( latest_clang_results_ ) );
shared_ptr< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > > task =
make_shared< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > >(
bind( ReturnValueAsShared< std::vector< CompletionData > >,
sort_candidates_for_query_functor ) );
unique_future< AsyncCompletions > future = task->get_future();
sorting_task_.Set( task );
if ( query.empty() )
candidates_for_location_in_file_functor =
bind( &ClangCompleter::CandidatesForLocationInFile,
boost::ref( *this ),
unsaved_files );
shared_ptr< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > > task =
make_shared< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > >(
bind( ReturnValueAsShared< std::vector< CompletionData > >,
candidates_for_location_in_file_functor ) );
clang_completions_task_.Set( task );
return Future< AsyncCompletions >( boost::move( future ) );
CXTranslationUnit ClangCompleter::CreateTranslationUnit(
const std::string &filename,
const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files )
std::vector< const char* > flags = FlagsForFilename( filename );
flags.reserve( flags.size() + global_flags_.size() );
foreach ( const std::string &flag, global_flags_ )
flags.push_back( flag.c_str() );
std::vector< CXUnsavedFile > cxunsaved_files = ToCXUnsavedFiles(
unsaved_files );
CXTranslationUnit unit = clang_parseTranslationUnit(
&flags[ 0 ],
&cxunsaved_files[ 0 ],
clang_defaultEditingTranslationUnitOptions() );
// Only with a reparse is the preable precompiled. I do not know why...
// TODO: report this bug on the clang tracker
&cxunsaved_files[ 0 ],
clang_defaultEditingTranslationUnitOptions() );
return unit;
// The implementation of this function is somewhat non-obvious because we need
// to make sure that the data pointed to by the const char* pointers returned
// outlives this function. We want to make sure that we are calling c_str on the
// string objects that are actually stored in flags_for_file_
std::vector< const char* > ClangCompleter::FlagsForFilename(
const std::string &filename)
FlagsForFile::iterator it =
flags_for_file_.find( filename );
if ( it == flags_for_file_.end() )
flags_for_file_[ filename ] = make_shared< std::vector< std::string > >(
GetNearestClangOptions( filename ) ) ) );
it = flags_for_file_.find( filename );
// TODO: assert it != end
std::vector< const char* > flags;
foreach ( const std::string &flag, *it->second )
flags.push_back( flag.c_str() );
return flags;
CXTranslationUnit ClangCompleter::GetTranslationUnitForFile(
const std::string &filename,
const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files )
TranslationUnitForFilename::iterator it =
filename_to_translation_unit_.find( filename );
if ( it != filename_to_translation_unit_.end() )
return it->second;
CXTranslationUnit unit = CreateTranslationUnit( filename, unsaved_files );
filename_to_translation_unit_[ filename ] = unit;
return unit;
std::vector< CompletionData > ClangCompleter::SortCandidatesForQuery(
const std::string &query,
const std::vector< CompletionData > &completion_datas )
Bitset query_bitset = LetterBitsetFromString( query );
std::vector< const Candidate* > repository_candidates =
candidate_repository_.GetCandidatesForStrings( completion_datas );
std::vector< CompletionDataAndResult > data_and_results;
for ( uint i = 0; i < repository_candidates.size(); ++i )
const Candidate* candidate = repository_candidates[ i ];
if ( !candidate->MatchesQueryBitset( query_bitset ) )
Result result = candidate->QueryMatchResult( query );
if ( result.IsSubsequence() )
CompletionDataAndResult data_and_result( &completion_datas[ i ], result );
data_and_results.push_back( data_and_result );
std::sort( data_and_results.begin(), data_and_results.end() );
std::vector< CompletionData > sorted_completion_datas;
sorted_completion_datas.reserve( data_and_results.size() );
foreach ( const CompletionDataAndResult& data_and_result, data_and_results )
sorted_completion_datas.push_back( *data_and_result.completion_data_ );
return sorted_completion_datas;
void ClangCompleter::InitThreads()
int threads_to_create =
std::min( MAX_ASYNC_THREADS, thread::hardware_concurrency() ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < threads_to_create; ++i )
bind( &ClangCompleter::SortingThreadMain,
boost::ref( *this ) ) );
clang_completions_thread_ = boost::thread(
boost::ref( *this ) );
file_parse_thread_ = boost::thread(
boost::ref( *this ) );
void ClangCompleter::FileParseThreadMain()
while ( true )
boost::unique_lock< boost::mutex > lock( file_parse_task_mutex_ );
while ( !file_parse_task_ )
file_parse_task_condition_variable_.wait( lock );
( *file_parse_task_ )();
lock_guard< mutex > lock( file_parse_task_mutex_ );
file_parse_task_ = VoidTask();
void ClangCompleter::ClangCompletionsThreadMain()
while ( true )
// TODO: this should be a separate func, much like the file_parse_task_ part
shared_ptr< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > > task =
// If the file parse thread is accessing clang by parsing a file, then drop
// the current completion request
lock_guard< mutex > lock( file_parse_task_mutex_ );
if ( file_parse_task_ )
( *task )();
unique_future< AsyncCompletions > future = task->get_future();
boost::unique_lock< boost::shared_mutex > writer_lock(
latest_clang_results_shared_mutex_ );
latest_clang_results_ = *future.get();
boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > lock( clang_data_ready_mutex_ );
clang_data_ready_ = true;
void ClangCompleter::SortingThreadMain()
while ( true )
boost::unique_lock< boost::mutex > lock( clang_data_ready_mutex_ );
while ( !clang_data_ready_ )
clang_data_ready_condition_variable_.wait( lock );
shared_ptr< packaged_task< AsyncCompletions > > task =
boost::shared_lock< boost::shared_mutex > reader_lock(
latest_clang_results_shared_mutex_ );
( *task )();
catch ( boost::thread_interrupted& )
// Do nothing and re-enter the loop
} // namespace YouCompleteMe