Strahinja Val Markovic 0f7f32d96f Updating to boost 1.50
2012-07-21 11:37:40 -07:00

632 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 University of Notre Dame.
// Authors: Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy G. Siek
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/name.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/binding.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/detail/d_ary_heap.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/shared_array_property_map.hpp>
namespace boost {
struct parity_map_t { };
struct vertex_assignment_map_t { };
struct distance_compare_t { };
struct distance_combine_t { };
struct distance_inf_t { };
struct distance_zero_t { };
struct buffer_param_t { };
struct edge_copy_t { };
struct vertex_copy_t { };
struct vertex_isomorphism_t { };
struct vertex_invariant_t { };
struct vertex_invariant1_t { };
struct vertex_invariant2_t { };
struct edge_compare_t { };
struct vertex_max_invariant_t { };
struct orig_to_copy_t { };
struct root_vertex_t { };
struct polling_t { };
struct lookahead_t { };
struct in_parallel_t { };
struct attractive_force_t { };
struct repulsive_force_t { };
struct force_pairs_t { };
struct cooling_t { };
struct vertex_displacement_t { };
struct iterations_t { };
struct diameter_range_t { };
struct learning_constant_range_t { };
struct vertices_equivalent_t { };
struct edges_equivalent_t { };
struct index_in_heap_map_t { };
struct max_priority_queue_t { };
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(weight_map, edge_weight) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(weight_map2, edge_weight2) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(distance_map, vertex_distance) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(predecessor_map, vertex_predecessor) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(rank_map, vertex_rank) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(root_map, vertex_root) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(root_vertex, root_vertex) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(edge_centrality_map, edge_centrality) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(centrality_map, vertex_centrality) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(parity_map, parity_map) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(color_map, vertex_color) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(edge_color_map, edge_color) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(capacity_map, edge_capacity) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(residual_capacity_map, edge_residual_capacity) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(reverse_edge_map, edge_reverse) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(discover_time_map, vertex_discover_time) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(lowpoint_map, vertex_lowpoint) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(vertex_index_map, vertex_index) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(vertex_index1_map, vertex_index1) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(vertex_index2_map, vertex_index2) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(vertex_assignment_map, vertex_assignment_map) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(visitor, graph_visitor) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(distance_compare, distance_compare) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(distance_combine, distance_combine) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(distance_inf, distance_inf) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(distance_zero, distance_zero) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(edge_copy, edge_copy) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(vertex_copy, vertex_copy) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_REF(buffer, buffer_param) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(orig_to_copy, orig_to_copy) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(isomorphism_map, vertex_isomorphism) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(vertex_invariant, vertex_invariant) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(vertex_invariant1, vertex_invariant1) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(vertex_invariant2, vertex_invariant2) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(vertex_max_invariant, vertex_max_invariant) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(polling, polling) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(lookahead, lookahead) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(in_parallel, in_parallel) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(displacement_map, vertex_displacement) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(attractive_force, attractive_force) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(repulsive_force, repulsive_force) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(force_pairs, force_pairs) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(cooling, cooling) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(iterations, iterations) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(diameter_range, diameter_range) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(learning_constant_range, learning_constant_range) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(vertices_equivalent, vertices_equivalent) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(edges_equivalent, edges_equivalent) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(index_in_heap_map, index_in_heap_map) \
BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_REF(max_priority_queue, max_priority_queue)
template <typename T, typename Tag, typename Base = no_property>
struct bgl_named_params : public Base
typedef bgl_named_params self;
typedef Base next_type;
typedef Tag tag_type;
typedef T value_type;
bgl_named_params(T v = T()) : m_value(v) { }
bgl_named_params(T v, const Base& b) : Base(b), m_value(v) { }
T m_value;
#define BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_REF(name, key) \
template <typename PType> \
bgl_named_params<boost::reference_wrapper<PType>, BOOST_PP_CAT(key, _t), self> \
name(PType& p) const { \
typedef bgl_named_params<boost::reference_wrapper<PType>, BOOST_PP_CAT(key, _t), self> Params; \
return Params(boost::ref(p), *this); \
} \
#define BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(name, key) \
template <typename PType> \
bgl_named_params<PType, BOOST_PP_CAT(key, _t), self> \
name(const PType& p) const { \
typedef bgl_named_params<PType, BOOST_PP_CAT(key, _t), self> Params; \
return Params(p, *this); \
} \
// Duplicate
template <typename PType>
bgl_named_params<PType, vertex_color_t, self>
vertex_color_map(const PType& p) const {return this->color_map(p);}
#define BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_REF(name, key) \
template <typename PType> \
bgl_named_params<boost::reference_wrapper<PType>, BOOST_PP_CAT(key, _t)> \
name(PType& p) { \
typedef bgl_named_params<boost::reference_wrapper<PType>, BOOST_PP_CAT(key, _t)> Params; \
return Params(boost::ref(p)); \
} \
#define BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(name, key) \
template <typename PType> \
bgl_named_params<PType, BOOST_PP_CAT(key, _t)> \
name(const PType& p) { \
typedef bgl_named_params<PType, BOOST_PP_CAT(key, _t)> Params; \
return Params(p); \
} \
// Duplicate
template <typename PType>
bgl_named_params<PType, vertex_color_t>
vertex_color_map(const PType& p) {return color_map(p);}
namespace detail {
struct unused_tag_type {};
typedef bgl_named_params<char, detail::unused_tag_type> no_named_parameters;
// Functions for extracting parameters from bgl_named_params
template <class Tag1, class Tag2, class T1, class Base>
typename property_value< bgl_named_params<T1,Tag1,Base>, Tag2>::type
get_param(const bgl_named_params<T1,Tag1,Base>& p, Tag2 tag2)
enum { match = detail::same_property<Tag1,Tag2>::value };
typedef typename
property_value< bgl_named_params<T1,Tag1,Base>, Tag2>::type T2;
T2* t2 = 0;
typedef detail::property_value_dispatch<match> Dispatcher;
return Dispatcher::const_get_value(p, t2, tag2);
namespace detail {
// MSVC++ workaround
template <class Param>
struct choose_param_helper {
template <class Default> struct result { typedef Param type; };
template <typename Default>
static const Param& apply(const Param& p, const Default&) { return p; }
template <>
struct choose_param_helper<error_property_not_found> {
template <class Default> struct result { typedef Default type; };
template <typename Default>
static const Default& apply(const error_property_not_found&, const Default& d)
{ return d; }
} // namespace detail
template <class P, class Default>
const typename detail::choose_param_helper<P>::template result<Default>::type&
choose_param(const P& param, const Default& d) {
return detail::choose_param_helper<P>::apply(param, d);
template <typename T>
inline bool is_default_param(const T&) { return false; }
inline bool is_default_param(const detail::error_property_not_found&)
{ return true; }
namespace detail {
struct choose_parameter {
template <class P, class Graph, class Tag>
struct bind_ {
typedef const P& const_result_type;
typedef const P& result_type;
typedef P type;
template <class P, class Graph, class Tag>
static typename bind_<P, Graph, Tag>::const_result_type
const_apply(const P& p, const Graph&, Tag&)
{ return p; }
template <class P, class Graph, class Tag>
static typename bind_<P, Graph, Tag>::result_type
apply(const P& p, Graph&, Tag&)
{ return p; }
struct choose_default_param {
template <class P, class Graph, class Tag>
struct bind_ {
typedef typename property_map<Graph, Tag>::type
typedef typename property_map<Graph, Tag>::const_type
typedef typename property_map<Graph, Tag>::const_type
template <class P, class Graph, class Tag>
static typename bind_<P, Graph, Tag>::const_result_type
const_apply(const P&, const Graph& g, Tag tag) {
return get(tag, g);
template <class P, class Graph, class Tag>
static typename bind_<P, Graph, Tag>::result_type
apply(const P&, Graph& g, Tag tag) {
return get(tag, g);
template <class Param>
struct choose_property_map {
typedef choose_parameter type;
template <>
struct choose_property_map<detail::error_property_not_found> {
typedef choose_default_param type;
template <class Param, class Graph, class Tag>
struct choose_pmap_helper {
typedef typename choose_property_map<Param>::type Selector;
typedef typename Selector:: template bind_<Param, Graph, Tag> Bind;
typedef Bind type;
typedef typename Bind::result_type result_type;
typedef typename Bind::const_result_type const_result_type;
typedef typename Bind::type result;
// used in the max-flow algorithms
template <class Graph, class P, class T, class R>
struct edge_capacity_value
typedef bgl_named_params<P, T, R> Params;
typedef typename property_value< Params, edge_capacity_t>::type Param;
typedef typename detail::choose_pmap_helper<Param, Graph,
edge_capacity_t>::result CapacityEdgeMap;
typedef typename property_traits<CapacityEdgeMap>::value_type type;
} // namespace detail
// Use this function instead of choose_param() when you want
// to avoid requiring get(tag, g) when it is not used.
template <typename Param, typename Graph, typename PropertyTag>
choose_const_pmap(const Param& p, const Graph& g, PropertyTag tag)
typedef typename
detail::choose_pmap_helper<Param,Graph,PropertyTag>::Selector Choice;
return Choice::const_apply(p, g, tag);
template <typename Param, typename Graph, typename PropertyTag>
typename detail::choose_pmap_helper<Param,Graph,PropertyTag>::result_type
choose_pmap(const Param& p, Graph& g, PropertyTag tag)
typedef typename
detail::choose_pmap_helper<Param,Graph,PropertyTag>::Selector Choice;
return Choice::apply(p, g, tag);
// Declare all new tags
namespace graph {
namespace keywords {
namespace detail {
template <typename Tag> struct convert_one_keyword {};
#define BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_REF(name, key) \
template <> \
struct convert_one_keyword<BOOST_PP_CAT(key, _t)> { \
typedef boost::graph::keywords::tag::name type; \
#define BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_CREF(name, key) BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_REF(name, key)
template <typename T>
struct convert_bgl_params_to_boost_parameter {
typedef typename convert_one_keyword<typename T::tag_type>::type new_kw;
typedef boost::parameter::aux::tagged_argument<new_kw, const typename T::value_type> tagged_arg_type;
typedef convert_bgl_params_to_boost_parameter<typename T::next_type> rest_conv;
typedef boost::parameter::aux::arg_list<tagged_arg_type, typename rest_conv::type> type;
static type conv(const T& x) {
return type(tagged_arg_type(x.m_value), rest_conv::conv(x));
template <typename P, typename R>
struct convert_bgl_params_to_boost_parameter<bgl_named_params<P, int, R> > {
typedef convert_bgl_params_to_boost_parameter<R> rest_conv;
typedef typename rest_conv::type type;
static type conv(const bgl_named_params<P, int, R>& x) {
return rest_conv::conv(x);
template <>
struct convert_bgl_params_to_boost_parameter<boost::no_property> {
typedef boost::parameter::aux::empty_arg_list type;
static type conv(const boost::no_property&) {return type();}
template <>
struct convert_bgl_params_to_boost_parameter<boost::no_named_parameters> {
typedef boost::parameter::aux::empty_arg_list type;
static type conv(const boost::no_property&) {return type();}
struct bgl_parameter_not_found_type {};
template <typename ArgPack, typename KeywordType>
struct parameter_exists : boost::mpl::not_<boost::is_same<typename boost::parameter::binding<ArgPack, KeywordType, bgl_parameter_not_found_type>::type, bgl_parameter_not_found_type> > {};
typedef typename boost::detail::convert_bgl_params_to_boost_parameter<old_type>::type arg_pack_type; \
arg_pack_type arg_pack = boost::detail::convert_bgl_params_to_boost_parameter<old_type>::conv(old_var);
namespace detail {
template <typename ArgType, typename Prop, typename Graph, bool Exists>
struct override_const_property_t {
typedef typename boost::remove_const<ArgType>::type result_type;
result_type operator()(const Graph&, const ArgType& a) const {return a;}
template <typename ArgType, typename Prop, typename Graph>
struct override_const_property_t<ArgType, Prop, Graph, false> {
typedef typename boost::property_map<Graph, Prop>::const_type result_type;
result_type operator()(const Graph& g, const ArgType&) const {return get(Prop(), g);}
template <typename ArgPack, typename Tag, typename Prop, typename Graph>
struct override_const_property_result {
typename override_const_property_t<
typename boost::parameter::value_type<ArgPack, Tag, int>::type,
boost::detail::parameter_exists<ArgPack, Tag>::value
template <typename ArgPack, typename Tag, typename Prop, typename Graph>
typename override_const_property_result<ArgPack, Tag, Prop, Graph>::type
override_const_property(const ArgPack& ap, const boost::parameter::keyword<Tag>& t, const Graph& g, Prop) {
return override_const_property_t<
typename boost::parameter::value_type<ArgPack, Tag, int>::type,
boost::detail::parameter_exists<ArgPack, Tag>::value
>()(g, ap[t | 0]);
template <typename ArgType, typename Prop, typename Graph, bool Exists>
struct override_property_t {
typedef ArgType result_type;
result_type operator()(const Graph& g, const typename boost::add_reference<ArgType>::type a) const {return a;}
template <typename ArgType, typename Prop, typename Graph>
struct override_property_t<ArgType, Prop, Graph, false> {
typedef typename boost::property_map<Graph, Prop>::type result_type;
result_type operator()(const Graph& g, const ArgType& a) const {return get(Prop(), g);}
template <typename ArgPack, typename Tag, typename Prop, typename Graph>
struct override_property_result {
typename override_property_t<
typename boost::parameter::value_type<ArgPack, Tag, int>::type,
boost::detail::parameter_exists<ArgPack, Tag>::value
template <typename ArgPack, typename Tag, typename Prop, typename Graph>
typename override_property_result<ArgPack, Tag, Prop, Graph>::type
override_property(const ArgPack& ap, const boost::parameter::keyword<Tag>& t, const Graph& g, Prop prop) {
return override_property_t<
typename boost::parameter::value_type<ArgPack, Tag, int>::type,
boost::detail::parameter_exists<ArgPack, Tag>::value
>()(g, ap[t | 0]);
namespace detail {
template <bool Exists, typename Graph, typename ArgPack, typename Value, typename PM>
struct map_maker_helper {
typedef PM map_type;
static PM make_map(const Graph&, Value, const PM& pm, const ArgPack&) {
return pm;
template <typename Graph, typename ArgPack, typename Value, typename PM>
struct map_maker_helper<false, Graph, ArgPack, Value, PM> {
typedef typename boost::remove_const<
typename override_const_property_t<
typename boost::parameter::value_type<
ArgPack, boost::graph::keywords::tag::vertex_index_map, int>::type,
ArgPack, boost::graph::keywords::tag::vertex_index_map>::value
>::result_type>::type vi_map_type;
boost::shared_array_property_map<Value, vi_map_type>
static map_type make_map(const Graph& g,
Value v,
const PM&,
const ArgPack& ap) {
return make_shared_array_property_map(
g, vertex_index));
template <typename Graph, typename ArgPack, typename MapTag, typename ValueType>
struct map_maker {
has_map =
(parameter_exists<ArgPack, MapTag>
typedef map_maker_helper<has_map, Graph, ArgPack, ValueType,
typename boost::remove_const<
typename boost::parameter::value_type<
>::type> helper;
typedef typename helper::map_type map_type;
static map_type make_map(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& ap, ValueType default_value) {
return helper::make_map(g, default_value, ap[::boost::parameter::keyword<MapTag>::instance | 0], ap);
template <typename MapTag, typename ValueType = void>
class make_property_map_from_arg_pack_gen {
ValueType default_value;
make_property_map_from_arg_pack_gen(ValueType default_value)
: default_value(default_value) {}
template <typename Graph, typename ArgPack>
typename map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, MapTag, ValueType>::map_type
operator()(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& ap) const {
return map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, MapTag, ValueType>::make_map(g, ap, default_value);
template <typename MapTag>
class make_property_map_from_arg_pack_gen<MapTag, void> {
template <typename ValueType, typename Graph, typename ArgPack>
typename map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, MapTag, ValueType>::map_type
operator()(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& ap, ValueType default_value) const {
return map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, MapTag, ValueType>::make_map(g, ap, default_value);
static const
template <bool Exists, class Graph, class ArgPack, class KeyT, class ValueT, class KeyMapTag, class IndexInHeapMapTag, class Compare, class Q>
struct priority_queue_maker_helper {
typedef Q priority_queue_type;
static priority_queue_type
make_queue(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& ap, KeyT defaultKey, const Q& q) {
return q;
template <class Graph, class ArgPack, class KeyT, class ValueT, class KeyMapTag, class IndexInHeapMapTag, class Compare, class Q>
struct priority_queue_maker_helper<false, Graph, ArgPack, KeyT, ValueT, KeyMapTag, IndexInHeapMapTag, Compare, Q> {
typedef typename std::vector<ValueT>::size_type default_index_in_heap_type;
typedef typename map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, IndexInHeapMapTag, default_index_in_heap_type>::helper::map_type index_in_heap_map;
typedef boost::d_ary_heap_indirect<ValueT, 4, index_in_heap_map, typename map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, KeyMapTag, KeyT>::helper::map_type, Compare> priority_queue_type;
static priority_queue_type
make_queue(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& ap, KeyT defaultKey, const Q& q) {
return priority_queue_type(
map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, KeyMapTag, KeyT>::make_map(g, ap, defaultKey),
map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, IndexInHeapMapTag, default_index_in_heap_type>::make_map(g, ap, typename boost::property_traits<index_in_heap_map>::value_type(-1))
template <class Graph, class ArgPack, class KeyT, class ValueT, class PriorityQueueTag, class KeyMapTag, class IndexInHeapMapTag, class Compare>
struct priority_queue_maker {
g_hasQ =
(parameter_exists<ArgPack, PriorityQueueTag>
typedef boost::reference_wrapper<int> int_refw;
typedef typename boost::parameter::value_type<
typedef typename param_value_type_wrapper::type
typedef typename boost::remove_const<param_value_type>::type param_value_type_no_const;
typedef priority_queue_maker_helper<g_hasQ, Graph, ArgPack, KeyT, ValueT, KeyMapTag, IndexInHeapMapTag, Compare,
param_value_type_no_const> helper;
typedef typename helper::priority_queue_type priority_queue_type;
static priority_queue_type make_queue(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& ap, KeyT defaultKey) {
return helper::make_queue(g, ap, defaultKey, ap[::boost::parameter::keyword<PriorityQueueTag>::instance | 0]);
template <class PriorityQueueTag, class KeyT, class ValueT, class Compare = std::less<KeyT>, class KeyMapTag = boost::graph::keywords::tag::distance_map, class IndexInHeapMapTag = boost::graph::keywords::tag::index_in_heap_map>
struct make_priority_queue_from_arg_pack_gen {
KeyT defaultKey;
make_priority_queue_from_arg_pack_gen(KeyT defaultKey_) : defaultKey(defaultKey_) { }
template <class F>
struct result {
typedef typename remove_const<typename remove_reference<typename function_traits<F>::arg1_type>::type>::type graph_type;
typedef typename remove_const<typename remove_reference<typename function_traits<F>::arg2_type>::type>::type arg_pack_type;
typedef typename priority_queue_maker<graph_type, arg_pack_type, KeyT, ValueT, PriorityQueueTag, KeyMapTag, IndexInHeapMapTag, Compare>::priority_queue_type type;
template <class Graph, class ArgPack>
typename priority_queue_maker<Graph, ArgPack, KeyT, ValueT, PriorityQueueTag, KeyMapTag, IndexInHeapMapTag, Compare>::priority_queue_type
operator()(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& ap) const {
return priority_queue_maker<Graph, ArgPack, KeyT, ValueT, PriorityQueueTag, KeyMapTag, IndexInHeapMapTag, Compare>::make_queue(g, ap, defaultKey);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace boost