Davit Samvelyan 0846673aa4 Latest upstream changes with buffer emulation.
Contains diagnostic interface improvents as well.
2017-05-21 18:26:50 +04:00

232 lines
7.6 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
# Not installing aliases from python-future; it's unreliable and slow.
from builtins import * # noqa
from future.utils import itervalues, iteritems
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from ycm import vimsupport
from ycm.diagnostic_filter import DiagnosticFilter, CompileLevel
import vim
class DiagnosticInterface( object ):
def __init__( self, bufnr, user_options ):
self._bufnr = bufnr
self._user_options = user_options
self._diagnostics = []
self._diag_filter = DiagnosticFilter.CreateFromOptions( user_options )
# Line and column numbers are 1-based
self._line_to_diags = defaultdict( list )
self._placed_signs = []
self._next_sign_id = 1
self._previous_line_number = -1
self._diag_message_needs_clearing = False
def OnCursorMoved( self ):
line, _ = vimsupport.CurrentLineAndColumn()
line += 1 # Convert to 1-based
if line != self._previous_line_number:
self._previous_line_number = line
if self._user_options[ 'echo_current_diagnostic' ]:
self._EchoDiagnosticForLine( line )
def GetErrorCount( self ):
return self._DiagnosticsCount( _DiagnosticIsError )
def GetWarningCount( self ):
return self._DiagnosticsCount( _DiagnosticIsWarning )
def PopulateLocationList( self ):
# Do nothing if loc list is already populated by diag_interface
if not self._user_options[ 'always_populate_location_list' ]:
return bool( self._diagnostics )
def UpdateWithNewDiagnostics( self, diags ):
self._diagnostics = [ _NormalizeDiagnostic( x ) for x in
self._ApplyDiagnosticFilter( diags ) ]
if self._user_options[ 'enable_diagnostic_signs' ]:
if self._user_options[ 'enable_diagnostic_highlighting' ]:
if self._user_options[ 'always_populate_location_list' ]:
def _ApplyDiagnosticFilter( self, diags ):
filetypes = vimsupport.GetBufferFiletypes( self._bufnr )
diag_filter = self._diag_filter.SubsetForTypes( filetypes )
return filter( diag_filter.IsAllowed, diags )
def _EchoDiagnosticForLine( self, line_num ):
diags = self._line_to_diags[ line_num ]
if not diags:
if self._diag_message_needs_clearing:
# Clear any previous diag echo
vimsupport.PostVimMessage( '', warning = False )
self._diag_message_needs_clearing = False
first_diag = diags[ 0 ]
text = first_diag[ 'text' ]
if first_diag.get( 'fixit_available', False ):
text += ' (FixIt)'
vimsupport.PostVimMessage( text, warning = False, truncate = True )
self._diag_message_needs_clearing = True
def _DiagnosticsCount( self, predicate ):
count = 0
for diags in itervalues( self._line_to_diags ):
count += sum( 1 for d in diags if predicate( d ) )
return count
def _ConvertDiagListToDict( self ):
self._line_to_diags = defaultdict( list )
for diag in self._diagnostics:
location = diag[ 'location' ]
bufnr = vimsupport.GetBufferNumberForFilename( location[ 'filepath' ] )
if bufnr != self._bufnr:
line_number = location[ 'line_num' ]
self._line_to_diags[ line_number ].append( diag )
for diags in itervalues( self._line_to_diags ):
# We also want errors to be listed before warnings so that errors aren't
# hidden by the warnings; Vim won't place a sign over an existing one.
diags.sort( key = lambda diag: ( diag[ 'kind' ],
diag[ 'location' ][ 'column_num' ] ) )
def _UpdateSigns( self ):
new_signs, obsolete_signs = self._GetNewAndObsoleteSigns()
self._PlaceNewSigns( new_signs )
self._UnplaceObsoleteSigns( obsolete_signs )
def _GetNewAndObsoleteSigns( self ):
new_signs = []
obsolete_signs = self._placed_signs[:]
for line, diags in iteritems( self._line_to_diags ):
# We always go for the first diagnostic on line,
# because it is sorted giving priority to the Errors.
diag = diags[ 0 ]
sign = _DiagSignPlacement( self._next_sign_id,
line, _DiagnosticIsError( diag ) )
obsolete_signs.remove( sign )
except ValueError:
new_signs.append( sign )
self._next_sign_id += 1
return new_signs, obsolete_signs
def _PlaceNewSigns( self, new_signs ):
for sign in new_signs:
vimsupport.PlaceSign(, sign.line, self._bufnr, sign.is_error )
self._placed_signs.append( sign )
def _UnplaceObsoleteSigns( self, obsolete_signs ):
for sign in obsolete_signs:
self._placed_signs.remove( sign )
vimsupport.UnplaceSignInBuffer( self._bufnr, )
def _UpdateSquiggles( self ):
if self._bufnr != vim.current.buffer.number:
for diags in itervalues( self._line_to_diags ):
for diag in reversed( diags ):
location_extent = diag[ 'location_extent' ]
is_error = _DiagnosticIsError( diag )
if location_extent[ 'start' ][ 'line_num' ] <= 0:
location = diag[ 'location' ]
location[ 'line_num' ],
location[ 'column_num' ],
is_error = is_error )
location_extent[ 'start' ][ 'line_num' ],
location_extent[ 'start' ][ 'column_num' ],
location_extent[ 'end' ][ 'line_num' ],
location_extent[ 'end' ][ 'column_num' ],
is_error = is_error )
for diag_range in diag[ 'ranges' ]:
diag_range[ 'start' ][ 'line_num' ],
diag_range[ 'start' ][ 'column_num' ],
diag_range[ 'end' ][ 'line_num' ],
diag_range[ 'end' ][ 'column_num' ],
is_error = is_error )
def _UpdateLocationList( self ):
vimsupport.ConvertDiagnosticsToQfList( self._diagnostics ) )
_DiagnosticIsError = CompileLevel( 'error' )
_DiagnosticIsWarning = CompileLevel( 'warning' )
def _NormalizeDiagnostic( diag ):
def ClampToOne( value ):
return value if value > 0 else 1
location = diag[ 'location' ]
location[ 'column_num' ] = ClampToOne( location[ 'column_num' ] )
location[ 'line_num' ] = ClampToOne( location[ 'line_num' ] )
return diag
class _DiagSignPlacement( namedtuple( "_DiagSignPlacement",
[ 'id', 'line', 'is_error' ] ) ):
# We want two signs that have different ids but the same location to compare
# equal. ID doesn't matter.
def __eq__( self, other ):
return ( self.line == other.line and
self.is_error == other.is_error )