Strahinja Val Markovic b1d71bbb91 Better handling of unknown extra conf files
Previously, we'd implicitly turn off future notices about unknown extra conf
files if we already raised one exception about it. This breaks when the user
ends up not receiving the "unknown extra conf, load?" message.

Now we only turn off the notice as a result of the user saying "don't load this"
so that if the first request fails to reach them, they'll get a second (and
third etc) request about it.

2013-12-21 11:19:39 -08:00

440 lines
16 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2013 Strahinja Val Markovic <>
# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <>.
from ..server_utils import SetUpPythonPath
import time
import httplib
from .test_utils import ( Setup, BuildRequest, PathToTestFile,
ChangeSpecificOptions )
from webtest import TestApp, AppError
from import eq_, with_setup
from hamcrest import ( assert_that, has_item, has_items, has_entry,
contains_inanyorder, empty )
from ..responses import ( BuildCompletionData, UnknownExtraConf,
NoExtraConfDetected )
from .. import handlers
import bottle
bottle.debug( True )
# TODO: Make the other tests use this helper too instead of BuildCompletionData
def CompletionEntryMatcher( insertion_text ):
return has_entry( 'insertion_text', insertion_text )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_IdentifierCompleter_Works_test():
app = TestApp( )
event_data = BuildRequest( contents = 'foo foogoo ba',
event_name = 'FileReadyToParse' )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
completion_data = BuildRequest( contents = 'oo foo foogoo ba',
query = 'oo',
column_num = 2 )
eq_( [ BuildCompletionData( 'foo' ),
BuildCompletionData( 'foogoo' ) ],
app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_CsCompleter_Works_test():
app = TestApp( )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'testy/Program.cs' )
contents = open( filepath ).read()
event_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cs',
contents = contents,
event_name = 'FileReadyToParse' )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
# We need to wait until the server has started up.
while True:
result = app.post_json( '/run_completer_command',
BuildRequest( completer_target = 'filetype_default',
command_arguments = ['ServerRunning'],
filetype = 'cs' ) ).json
if result:
time.sleep( 0.2 )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cs',
contents = contents,
line_num = 8,
column_num = 11,
start_column = 11 )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, has_items( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'CursorLeft' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'CursorSize' ) ) )
# We need to turn off the CS server so that it doesn't stick around
app.post_json( '/run_completer_command',
BuildRequest( completer_target = 'filetype_default',
command_arguments = ['StopServer'],
filetype = 'cs' ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_CsCompleter_StartsWithUnambiguousMultipleSolutions_test():
app = TestApp( )
filepath = PathToTestFile( ('testy-multiple-solutions/'
'testy/Program.cs') )
contents = open( filepath ).read()
event_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cs',
contents = contents,
event_name = 'FileReadyToParse' )
# Here the server will raise an exception if it can't start
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
# Now for some cleanup: wait for the server to start then shut it down
while True:
result = app.post_json( '/run_completer_command',
BuildRequest( completer_target = 'filetype_default',
command_arguments = ['ServerRunning'],
filetype = 'cs' ) ).json
if result:
time.sleep( 0.2 )
# We need to turn off the CS server so that it doesn't stick around
app.post_json( '/run_completer_command',
BuildRequest( completer_target = 'filetype_default',
command_arguments = ['StopServer'],
filetype = 'cs' ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_CsCompleter_DoesntStartWithAmbiguousMultipleSolutions_test():
app = TestApp( )
filepath = PathToTestFile( ('testy-multiple-solutions/'
'testy/Program.cs') )
contents = open( filepath ).read()
event_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cs',
contents = contents,
event_name = 'FileReadyToParse' )
exception_caught = False
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
except AppError as e:
if 'Found multiple solution files' in str(e):
exception_caught = True
# the test passes if we caught an exception when trying to start it,
# so raise one if it managed to start
if not exception_caught:
# Now for some cleanup: wait for the server to start then shut it down
while True:
result = app.post_json( '/run_completer_command',
BuildRequest( completer_target = 'filetype_default',
command_arguments = ['ServerRunning'],
filetype = 'cs' ) ).json
if result:
time.sleep( 0.2 )
# We need to turn off the CS server so that it doesn't stick around
app.post_json( '/run_completer_command',
BuildRequest( completer_target = 'filetype_default',
command_arguments = ['StopServer'],
filetype = 'cs' ) )
raise Exception( ('The Omnisharp server started, despite us not being able '
'to find a suitable solution file to feed it. Did you '
'fiddle with the solution finding code in '
' Hopefully you\'ve enhanced it: you need'
'to update this test then :)') )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_WorksWithExplicitFlags_test():
app = TestApp( )
contents = """
struct Foo {
int x;
int y;
char c;
int main()
Foo foo;
# 0-based line and column!
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = '/foo.cpp',
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = contents,
line_num = 10,
column_num = 6,
start_column = 6,
compilation_flags = ['-x', 'c++'] )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, has_items( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'c' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'x' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'y' ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_NoCompletionsWhenAutoTriggerOff_test():
ChangeSpecificOptions( { 'auto_trigger': False } )
app = TestApp( )
contents = """
struct Foo {
int x;
int y;
char c;
int main()
Foo foo;
# 0-based line and column!
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = '/foo.cpp',
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = contents,
line_num = 10,
column_num = 6,
start_column = 6,
compilation_flags = ['-x', 'c++'] )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, empty() )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_UnknownExtraConfException_test():
app = TestApp( )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'basic.cpp' )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = open( filepath ).read(),
line_num = 10,
column_num = 6,
start_column = 6,
force_semantic = True )
response = app.post_json( '/completions',
expect_errors = True )
eq_( response.status_code, httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR )
assert_that( response.json,
has_entry( 'exception',
has_entry( 'TYPE', UnknownExtraConf.__name__ ) ) )
app.post_json( '/ignore_extra_conf_file',
{ 'filepath': PathToTestFile( '' ) } )
response = app.post_json( '/completions',
expect_errors = True )
eq_( response.status_code, httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR )
assert_that( response.json,
has_entry( 'exception',
has_entry( 'TYPE', NoExtraConfDetected.__name__ ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_WorksWhenExtraConfExplicitlyAllowed_test():
app = TestApp( )
app.post_json( '/load_extra_conf_file',
{ 'filepath': PathToTestFile( '' ) } )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'basic.cpp' )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = open( filepath ).read(),
line_num = 10,
column_num = 6,
start_column = 6 )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, has_items( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'c' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'x' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'y' ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_ExceptionWhenNoFlagsFromExtraConf_test():
app = TestApp( )
app.post_json( '/load_extra_conf_file',
{ 'filepath': PathToTestFile(
'noflags/' ) } )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'noflags/basic.cpp' )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = open( filepath ).read(),
line_num = 10,
column_num = 6,
start_column = 6 )
response = app.post_json( '/completions',
expect_errors = True )
eq_( response.status_code, httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR )
assert_that( response.json,
has_entry( 'exception',
has_entry( 'TYPE', RuntimeError.__name__ ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_ForceSemantic_OnlyFileteredCompletions_test():
app = TestApp( )
contents = """
int main()
int foobar;
int floozar;
int gooboo;
int bleble;
# 0-based line and column!
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = '/foo.cpp',
filetype = 'cpp',
force_semantic = True,
contents = contents,
line_num = 8,
column_num = 7,
start_column = 7,
query = 'fooar',
compilation_flags = ['-x', 'c++'] )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results,
contains_inanyorder( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'foobar' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'floozar' ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ForceSemantic_Works_test():
app = TestApp( )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filetype = 'python',
force_semantic = True )
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, has_items( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'abs' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'open' ),
CompletionEntryMatcher( 'bool' ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_ClangCompleter_ClientDataGivenToExtraConf_test():
app = TestApp( )
app.post_json( '/load_extra_conf_file',
{ 'filepath': PathToTestFile(
'client_data/' ) } )
filepath = PathToTestFile( 'client_data/main.cpp' )
completion_data = BuildRequest( filepath = filepath,
filetype = 'cpp',
contents = open( filepath ).read(),
line_num = 8,
column_num = 6,
start_column = 6,
extra_conf_data = {
'flags': ['-x', 'c++']
results = app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json
assert_that( results, has_item( CompletionEntryMatcher( 'x' ) ) )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_IdentifierCompleter_SyntaxKeywordsAdded_test():
app = TestApp( )
event_data = BuildRequest( event_name = 'FileReadyToParse',
syntax_keywords = ['foo', 'bar', 'zoo'] )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
completion_data = BuildRequest( contents = 'oo ',
query = 'oo',
column_num = 2 )
eq_( [ BuildCompletionData( 'foo' ),
BuildCompletionData( 'zoo' ) ],
app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_UltiSnipsCompleter_Works_test():
app = TestApp( )
event_data = BuildRequest(
event_name = 'BufferVisit',
ultisnips_snippets = [
{'trigger': 'foo', 'description': 'bar'},
{'trigger': 'zoo', 'description': 'goo'},
] )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
completion_data = BuildRequest( contents = 'oo ',
query = 'oo',
column_num = 2 )
eq_( [ BuildCompletionData( 'foo', '<snip> bar' ),
BuildCompletionData( 'zoo', '<snip> goo' ) ],
app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json )
@with_setup( Setup )
def GetCompletions_UltiSnipsCompleter_UnusedWhenOffWithOption_test():
ChangeSpecificOptions( { 'use_ultisnips_completer': False } )
app = TestApp( )
event_data = BuildRequest(
event_name = 'BufferVisit',
ultisnips_snippets = [
{'trigger': 'foo', 'description': 'bar'},
{'trigger': 'zoo', 'description': 'goo'},
] )
app.post_json( '/event_notification', event_data )
completion_data = BuildRequest( contents = 'oo ',
query = 'oo',
column_num = 2 )
eq_( [], app.post_json( '/completions', completion_data ).json )