//  lock-free single-producer/single-consumer ringbuffer
//  this algorithm is implemented in various projects (linux kernel)
//  Copyright (C) 2009, 2011 Tim Blechmann
//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
//  accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)


#include <algorithm>

#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>

#include <boost/lockfree/detail/atomic.hpp>
#include <boost/lockfree/detail/branch_hints.hpp>
#include <boost/lockfree/detail/parameter.hpp>
#include <boost/lockfree/detail/prefix.hpp>

namespace boost    {
namespace lockfree {
namespace detail   {

typedef parameter::parameters<boost::parameter::optional<tag::capacity>,
                             > ringbuffer_signature;

template <typename T>
class ringbuffer_base
        : boost::noncopyable
    typedef std::size_t size_t;
    static const int padding_size = BOOST_LOCKFREE_CACHELINE_BYTES - sizeof(size_t);
    atomic<size_t> write_index_;
    char padding1[padding_size]; /* force read_index and write_index to different cache lines */
    atomic<size_t> read_index_;

    ringbuffer_base(ringbuffer_base const &) = delete;
    ringbuffer_base(ringbuffer_base &&)      = delete;
    const ringbuffer_base& operator=( const ringbuffer_base& ) = delete;

        write_index_(0), read_index_(0)

    static size_t next_index(size_t arg, size_t max_size)
        size_t ret = arg + 1;
        while (unlikely(ret >= max_size))
            ret -= max_size;
        return ret;

    static size_t read_available(size_t write_index, size_t read_index, size_t max_size)
        if (write_index >= read_index)
            return write_index - read_index;

        size_t ret = write_index + max_size - read_index;
        return ret;

    static size_t write_available(size_t write_index, size_t read_index, size_t max_size)
        size_t ret = read_index - write_index - 1;
        if (write_index >= read_index)
            ret += max_size;
        return ret;

    bool push(T const & t, T * buffer, size_t max_size)
        size_t write_index = write_index_.load(memory_order_relaxed);  // only written from push thread
        size_t next = next_index(write_index, max_size);

        if (next == read_index_.load(memory_order_acquire))
            return false; /* ringbuffer is full */

        buffer[write_index] = t;

        write_index_.store(next, memory_order_release);

        return true;

    size_t push(const T * input_buffer, size_t input_count, T * internal_buffer, size_t max_size)
        size_t write_index = write_index_.load(memory_order_relaxed);  // only written from push thread
        const size_t read_index  = read_index_.load(memory_order_acquire);
        const size_t avail = write_available(write_index, read_index, max_size);

        if (avail == 0)
            return 0;

        input_count = (std::min)(input_count, avail);

        size_t new_write_index = write_index + input_count;

        if (write_index + input_count > max_size) {
            /* copy data in two sections */
            size_t count0 = max_size - write_index;

            std::copy(input_buffer, input_buffer + count0, internal_buffer + write_index);
            std::copy(input_buffer + count0, input_buffer + input_count, internal_buffer);
            new_write_index -= max_size;
        } else {
            std::copy(input_buffer, input_buffer + input_count, internal_buffer + write_index);

            if (new_write_index == max_size)
                new_write_index = 0;

        write_index_.store(new_write_index, memory_order_release);
        return input_count;

    template <typename ConstIterator>
    ConstIterator push(ConstIterator begin, ConstIterator end, T * internal_buffer, size_t max_size)
        // FIXME: avoid std::distance and std::advance

        size_t write_index = write_index_.load(memory_order_relaxed);  // only written from push thread
        const size_t read_index  = read_index_.load(memory_order_acquire);
        const size_t avail = write_available(write_index, read_index, max_size);

        if (avail == 0)
            return begin;

        size_t input_count = std::distance(begin, end);
        input_count = (std::min)(input_count, avail);

        size_t new_write_index = write_index + input_count;

        ConstIterator last = begin;
        std::advance(last, input_count);

        if (write_index + input_count > max_size) {
            /* copy data in two sections */
            size_t count0 = max_size - write_index;
            ConstIterator midpoint = begin;
            std::advance(midpoint, count0);

            std::copy(begin, midpoint, internal_buffer + write_index);
            std::copy(midpoint, last, internal_buffer);
            new_write_index -= max_size;
        } else {
            std::copy(begin, last, internal_buffer + write_index);

            if (new_write_index == max_size)
                new_write_index = 0;

        write_index_.store(new_write_index, memory_order_release);
        return last;

    bool pop (T & ret, T * buffer, size_t max_size)
        size_t write_index = write_index_.load(memory_order_acquire);
        size_t read_index  = read_index_.load(memory_order_relaxed); // only written from pop thread
        if (empty(write_index, read_index))
            return false;

        ret = buffer[read_index];
        size_t next = next_index(read_index, max_size);
        read_index_.store(next, memory_order_release);
        return true;

    size_t pop (T * output_buffer, size_t output_count, const T * internal_buffer, size_t max_size)
        const size_t write_index = write_index_.load(memory_order_acquire);
        size_t read_index = read_index_.load(memory_order_relaxed); // only written from pop thread

        const size_t avail = read_available(write_index, read_index, max_size);

        if (avail == 0)
            return 0;

        output_count = (std::min)(output_count, avail);

        size_t new_read_index = read_index + output_count;

        if (read_index + output_count > max_size) {
            /* copy data in two sections */
            size_t count0 = max_size - read_index;
            size_t count1 = output_count - count0;

            std::copy(internal_buffer + read_index, internal_buffer + max_size, output_buffer);
            std::copy(internal_buffer, internal_buffer + count1, output_buffer + count0);

            new_read_index -= max_size;
        } else {
            std::copy(internal_buffer + read_index, internal_buffer + read_index + output_count, output_buffer);
            if (new_read_index == max_size)
                new_read_index = 0;

        read_index_.store(new_read_index, memory_order_release);
        return output_count;

    template <typename OutputIterator>
    size_t pop (OutputIterator it, const T * internal_buffer, size_t max_size)
        const size_t write_index = write_index_.load(memory_order_acquire);
        size_t read_index = read_index_.load(memory_order_relaxed); // only written from pop thread

        const size_t avail = read_available(write_index, read_index, max_size);
        if (avail == 0)
            return 0;

        size_t new_read_index = read_index + avail;

        if (read_index + avail > max_size) {
            /* copy data in two sections */
            size_t count0 = max_size - read_index;
            size_t count1 = avail - count0;

            it = std::copy(internal_buffer + read_index, internal_buffer + max_size, it);
            std::copy(internal_buffer, internal_buffer + count1, it);

            new_read_index -= max_size;
        } else {
            std::copy(internal_buffer + read_index, internal_buffer + read_index + avail, it);
            if (new_read_index == max_size)
                new_read_index = 0;

        read_index_.store(new_read_index, memory_order_release);
        return avail;

    /** reset the ringbuffer
     * \note Not thread-safe
     * */
    void reset(void)
        write_index_.store(0, memory_order_relaxed);
        read_index_.store(0, memory_order_release);

    /** Check if the ringbuffer is empty
     * \return true, if the ringbuffer is empty, false otherwise
     * \note Due to the concurrent nature of the ringbuffer the result may be inaccurate.
     * */
    bool empty(void)
        return empty(write_index_.load(memory_order_relaxed), read_index_.load(memory_order_relaxed));

     * \return true, if implementation is lock-free.
     * */
    bool is_lock_free(void) const
        return write_index_.is_lock_free() && read_index_.is_lock_free();

    bool empty(size_t write_index, size_t read_index)
        return write_index == read_index;

template <typename T, std::size_t MaxSize>
class compile_time_sized_ringbuffer:
    public ringbuffer_base<T>
    typedef std::size_t size_t;
    static const std::size_t max_size = MaxSize + 1;
    boost::array<T, max_size> array_;

    bool push(T const & t)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::push(t, array_.c_array(), max_size);

    bool pop(T & ret)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::pop(ret, array_.c_array(), max_size);

    size_t push(T const * t, size_t size)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::push(t, size, array_.c_array(), max_size);

    template <size_t size>
    size_t push(T const (&t)[size])
        return push(t, size);

    template <typename ConstIterator>
    ConstIterator push(ConstIterator begin, ConstIterator end)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::push(begin, end, array_.c_array(), max_size);

    size_t pop(T * ret, size_t size)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::pop(ret, size, array_.c_array(), max_size);

    template <size_t size>
    size_t pop(T (&ret)[size])
        return pop(ret, size);

    template <typename OutputIterator>
    size_t pop(OutputIterator it)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::pop(it, array_.c_array(), max_size);

template <typename T, typename Alloc>
class runtime_sized_ringbuffer:
    public ringbuffer_base<T>,
    private Alloc
    typedef std::size_t size_t;
    size_t max_elements_;
    typedef typename Alloc::pointer pointer;
    pointer array_;

    explicit runtime_sized_ringbuffer(size_t max_elements):
        max_elements_(max_elements + 1)
        // TODO: we don't necessarily need to construct all elements
        array_ = Alloc::allocate(max_elements_);
        for (size_t i = 0; i != max_elements_; ++i)
            Alloc::construct(array_ + i, T());

    template <typename U>
    runtime_sized_ringbuffer(typename Alloc::template rebind<U>::other const & alloc, size_t max_elements):
        Alloc(alloc), max_elements_(max_elements + 1)
        // TODO: we don't necessarily need to construct all elements
        array_ = Alloc::allocate(max_elements_);
        for (size_t i = 0; i != max_elements_; ++i)
            Alloc::construct(array_ + i, T());

    runtime_sized_ringbuffer(Alloc const & alloc, size_t max_elements):
        Alloc(alloc), max_elements_(max_elements + 1)
        // TODO: we don't necessarily need to construct all elements
        array_ = Alloc::allocate(max_elements_);
        for (size_t i = 0; i != max_elements_; ++i)
            Alloc::construct(array_ + i, T());

        for (size_t i = 0; i != max_elements_; ++i)
            Alloc::destroy(array_ + i);
        Alloc::deallocate(array_, max_elements_);

    bool push(T const & t)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::push(t, &*array_, max_elements_);

    bool pop(T & ret)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::pop(ret, &*array_, max_elements_);

    size_t push(T const * t, size_t size)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::push(t, size, &*array_, max_elements_);

    template <size_t size>
    size_t push(T const (&t)[size])
        return push(t, size);

    template <typename ConstIterator>
    ConstIterator push(ConstIterator begin, ConstIterator end)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::push(begin, end, array_, max_elements_);

    size_t pop(T * ret, size_t size)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::pop(ret, size, array_, max_elements_);

    template <size_t size>
    size_t pop(T (&ret)[size])
        return pop(ret, size);

    template <typename OutputIterator>
    size_t pop(OutputIterator it)
        return ringbuffer_base<T>::pop(it, array_, max_elements_);

template <typename T, typename A0, typename A1>
struct make_ringbuffer
    typedef typename ringbuffer_signature::bind<A0, A1>::type bound_args;

    typedef extract_capacity<bound_args> extract_capacity_t;

    static const bool runtime_sized = !extract_capacity_t::has_capacity;
    static const size_t capacity    =  extract_capacity_t::capacity;

    typedef extract_allocator<bound_args, T> extract_allocator_t;
    typedef typename extract_allocator_t::type allocator;

    // allocator argument is only sane, for run-time sized ringbuffers

    typedef typename mpl::if_c<runtime_sized,
                               runtime_sized_ringbuffer<T, allocator>,
                               compile_time_sized_ringbuffer<T, capacity>
                              >::type ringbuffer_type;

} /* namespace detail */

/** The spsc_queue class provides a single-writer/single-reader fifo queue, pushing and popping is wait-free.
 *  \b Policies:
 *  - \c boost::lockfree::capacity<>, optional <br>
 *    If this template argument is passed to the options, the size of the ringbuffer is set at compile-time.
 *  - \c boost::lockfree::allocator<>, defaults to \c boost::lockfree::allocator<std::allocator<T>> <br>
 *    Specifies the allocator that is used to allocate the ringbuffer. This option is only valid, if the ringbuffer is configured
 *    to be sized at run-time
 *  \b Requirements:
 *  - T must have a default constructor
 *  - T must be copyable
 * */
template <typename T,
          class A0 = boost::parameter::void_,
          class A1 = boost::parameter::void_>
template <typename T, ...Options>
class spsc_queue:
    public detail::make_ringbuffer<T, A0, A1>::ringbuffer_type

    typedef typename detail::make_ringbuffer<T, A0, A1>::ringbuffer_type base_type;
    static const bool runtime_sized = detail::make_ringbuffer<T, A0, A1>::runtime_sized;
    typedef typename detail::make_ringbuffer<T, A0, A1>::allocator allocator_arg;

    struct implementation_defined
        typedef allocator_arg allocator;
        typedef std::size_t size_type;

    typedef T value_type;
    typedef typename implementation_defined::allocator allocator;
    typedef typename implementation_defined::size_type size_type;

    /** Constructs a spsc_queue
     *  \pre spsc_queue must be configured to be sized at compile-time
    // @{

    template <typename U>
    explicit spsc_queue(typename allocator::template rebind<U>::other const & alloc)
        // just for API compatibility: we don't actually need an allocator

    explicit spsc_queue(allocator const & alloc)
        // just for API compatibility: we don't actually need an allocator
    // @}

    /** Constructs a spsc_queue for element_count elements
     *  \pre spsc_queue must be configured to be sized at run-time
    // @{
    explicit spsc_queue(size_type element_count):

    template <typename U>
    spsc_queue(size_type element_count, typename allocator::template rebind<U>::other const & alloc):
        base_type(alloc, element_count)

    spsc_queue(size_type element_count, allocator_arg const & alloc):
        base_type(alloc, element_count)
    // @}

    /** Pushes object t to the ringbuffer.
     * \pre only one thread is allowed to push data to the spsc_queue
     * \post object will be pushed to the spsc_queue, unless it is full.
     * \return true, if the push operation is successful.
     * \note Thread-safe and wait-free
     * */
    bool push(T const & t)
        return base_type::push(t);

    /** Pops one object from ringbuffer.
     * \pre only one thread is allowed to pop data to the spsc_queue
     * \post if ringbuffer is not empty, object will be copied to ret.
     * \return true, if the pop operation is successful, false if ringbuffer was empty.
     * \note Thread-safe and wait-free
    bool pop(T & ret)
        return base_type::pop(ret);

    /** Pushes as many objects from the array t as there is space.
     * \pre only one thread is allowed to push data to the spsc_queue
     * \return number of pushed items
     * \note Thread-safe and wait-free
    size_type push(T const * t, size_type size)
        return base_type::push(t, size);

    /** Pushes as many objects from the array t as there is space available.
     * \pre only one thread is allowed to push data to the spsc_queue
     * \return number of pushed items
     * \note Thread-safe and wait-free
    template <size_type size>
    size_type push(T const (&t)[size])
        return push(t, size);

    /** Pushes as many objects from the range [begin, end) as there is space .
     * \pre only one thread is allowed to push data to the spsc_queue
     * \return iterator to the first element, which has not been pushed
     * \note Thread-safe and wait-free
    template <typename ConstIterator>
    ConstIterator push(ConstIterator begin, ConstIterator end)
        return base_type::push(begin, end);

    /** Pops a maximum of size objects from ringbuffer.
     * \pre only one thread is allowed to pop data to the spsc_queue
     * \return number of popped items
     * \note Thread-safe and wait-free
     * */
    size_type pop(T * ret, size_type size)
        return base_type::pop(ret, size);

    /** Pops a maximum of size objects from spsc_queue.
     * \pre only one thread is allowed to pop data to the spsc_queue
     * \return number of popped items
     * \note Thread-safe and wait-free
     * */
    template <size_type size>
    size_type pop(T (&ret)[size])
        return pop(ret, size);

    /** Pops objects to the output iterator it
     * \pre only one thread is allowed to pop data to the spsc_queue
     * \return number of popped items
     * \note Thread-safe and wait-free
     * */
    template <typename OutputIterator>
    size_type pop(OutputIterator it)
        return base_type::pop(it);

    /** consumes one element via a functor
     *  pops one element from the queue and applies the functor on this object
     * \returns true, if one element was consumed
     * \note Thread-safe and non-blocking, if functor is thread-safe and non-blocking
     * */
    template <typename Functor>
    bool consume_one(Functor & f)
        T element;
        bool success = pop(element);
        if (success)

        return success;

    /// \copydoc boost::lockfree::spsc_queue::consume_one(Functor & rhs)
    template <typename Functor>
    bool consume_one(Functor const & f)
        T element;
        bool success = pop(element);
        if (success)

        return success;

    /** consumes all elements via a functor
     * sequentially pops all elements from the queue and applies the functor on each object
     * \returns number of elements that are consumed
     * \note Thread-safe and non-blocking, if functor is thread-safe and non-blocking
     * */
    template <typename Functor>
    size_type consume_all(Functor & f)
        size_type element_count = 0;
        while (consume_one(f))
            element_count += 1;

        return element_count;

    /// \copydoc boost::lockfree::spsc_queue::consume_all(Functor & rhs)
    template <typename Functor>
    size_type consume_all(Functor const & f)
        size_type element_count = 0;
        while (consume_one(f))
            element_count += 1;

        return element_count;

} /* namespace lockfree */
} /* namespace boost */