// Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
// This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
// YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see .
#include "IdentifierUtils.h"
#include "TestUtils.h"
#include "IdentifierDatabase.h"
namespace YouCompleteMe {
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
using ::testing::ElementsAre;
using ::testing::ContainerEq;
using ::testing::WhenSorted;
TEST( IdentifierUtilsTest, RemoveIdentifierFreeTextComments ) {
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"foo \n"
"bar //foo \n"
"foo \n"
"bar \n"
"qux" );
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"foo \n"
"bar #foo \n"
"foo \n"
"bar \n"
"qux" );
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"foo \n"
"bar /* foo \n"
" foo2 */\n"
"foo \n"
"bar \n"
"qux" );
TEST( IdentifierUtilsTest, RemoveIdentifierFreeTextSimpleStrings ) {
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"foo \n"
"bar 'foo'\n"
"foo \n"
"bar \n"
"qux" );
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"foo \n"
"bar \"foo\"\n"
"foo \n"
"bar \n"
"qux" );
TEST( IdentifierUtilsTest, RemoveIdentifierFreeTextEscapedQuotesInStrings ) {
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"foo \n"
"bar 'fo\\'oz\\nfoo'\n"
"foo \n"
"bar \n"
"qux" );
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"foo \n"
"bar \"fo\\\"oz\\nfoo\"\n"
"foo \n"
"bar \n"
"qux" );
TEST( IdentifierUtilsTest, RemoveIdentifierFreeTextEscapedSlashesInStrings ) {
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"foo \n"
"bar \"fo\\\\\"baz\n"
"qux \"qwe\""
"foo \n"
"bar baz\n"
"qux " );
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"foo '\\\\'\n"
"bar '\\\\'\n"
"qux '\\\\'"
"foo \n"
"bar \n"
"qux " );
TEST( IdentifierUtilsTest, RemoveIdentifierFreeTextEscapedQuotesStartStrings ) {
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"'bar' zoo'test'"
"\\\"foo\\\" zoo" );
EXPECT_STREQ( RemoveIdentifierFreeText(
"\"bar\" zoo\"test\""
"\\'foo\\' zoo" );
TEST( IdentifierUtilsTest, ExtractIdentifiersFromTextWorks ) {
EXPECT_THAT( ExtractIdentifiersFromText(
"foo $_bar \n&BazGoo\n FOO= !!! '-' - _ (x) one-two !moo [qqq]"
ElementsAre( "foo",
"qqq" ) );
TEST( IdentifierUtilsTest, ExtractIdentifiersFromTagsFileWorks ) {
fs::path testfile = PathToTestFile( "basic.tags" );
fs::path testfile_parent = testfile.parent_path();
FiletypeIdentifierMap expected;
expected[ "cpp" ][ ( testfile_parent / "foo" ).string() ]
.push_back( "i1" );
expected[ "cpp" ][ ( testfile_parent / "bar" ).string() ]
.push_back( "i1" );
expected[ "cpp" ][ ( testfile_parent / "foo" ).string() ]
.push_back( "foosy" );
expected[ "cpp" ][ ( testfile_parent / "bar" ).string() ]
.push_back( "fooaaa" );
expected[ "c" ][ "/foo/zoo" ].push_back( "Floo::goo" );
expected[ "c" ][ "/foo/goo maa" ].push_back( "!goo" );
expected[ "cs" ][ "/m_oo" ].push_back( "#bleh" );
EXPECT_THAT( ExtractIdentifiersFromTagsFile( testfile ),
ContainerEq( expected ) );
} // namespace YouCompleteMe