#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Strahinja Val Markovic # # This file is part of YouCompleteMe. # # YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see . import re import vim import indexer min_num_chars = int( vim.eval( "g:ycm_min_num_of_chars_for_completion" ) ) clang_filetypes = set( [ 'c', 'cpp', 'objc', 'objcpp' ] ) class IdentifierCompleter( object ): def __init__( self ): self.completer = indexer.IdentifierCompleter() self.completer.EnableThreading() self.pattern = re.compile( r"[_a-zA-Z]\w*" ) self.future = None def CandidatesForQueryAsync( self, query ): filetype = vim.eval( "&filetype" ) self.future = self.completer.CandidatesForQueryAndTypeAsync( SanitizeQuery( query ), filetype ) def AsyncCandidateRequestReady( self ): return self.future.ResultsReady() def CandidatesFromStoredRequest( self ): if not self.future: return [] return self.future.GetResults() def AddIdentifier( self, identifier ): filetype = vim.eval( "&filetype" ) filepath = vim.eval( "expand('%:p')" ) if not filetype or not filepath or not identifier: return vector = indexer.StringVec() vector.append( identifier ) self.completer.AddCandidatesToDatabase( vector, filetype, filepath, False ) def AddPreviousIdentifier( self ): self.AddIdentifier( PreviousIdentifier() ) def AddBufferIdentifiers( self ): text = "\n".join( vim.current.buffer ) text = RemoveIdentFreeText( text ) idents = re.findall( self.pattern, text ) filetype = vim.eval( "&filetype" ) filepath = vim.eval( "expand('%:p')" ) if not filetype or not filepath: return vector = indexer.StringVec() vector.extend( idents ) self.completer.AddCandidatesToDatabase( vector, filetype, filepath, True ) class ClangCompleter( object ): def __init__( self ): self.completer = indexer.ClangCompleter() def CandidatesForQuery( self, query ): files = indexer.UnsavedFileVec() # CAREFUL HERE! For UnsavedFile filename and contents we are referring # directly to Python-allocated and -managed memory since we are accepting # pointers to data members of python objects. We need to ensure that those # objects outlive our UnsavedFile objects. This is why we need the # contents_holder and filename_holder lists, to make sure the string objects # are still around when we call CandidatesForLocationInFile. We do this to # avoid an extra copy of the entire file contents. contents_holder = [] filename_holder = [] for buffer in GetUnsavedBuffers(): contents_holder.append( '\n'.join( buffer ) ) filename_holder.append( buffer.name ) unsaved_file = indexer.UnsavedFile() unsaved_file.contents_ = contents_holder[ -1 ] unsaved_file.length_ = len( contents_holder[ -1 ] ) unsaved_file.filename_ = filename_holder[ -1 ] files.append( unsaved_file ) line, _ = vim.current.window.cursor column = int( vim.eval( "s:completion_start_column" ) ) + 1 current_buffer = vim.current.buffer results = self.completer.CandidatesForLocationInFile( query, current_buffer.name, line, column, files ) return list( results ) def GetUnsavedBuffers(): def BufferModified( buffer_number ): to_eval = 'getbufvar({0}, "&mod")'.format( buffer_number ) return bool( int( vim.eval( to_eval ) ) ) return ( x for x in vim.buffers if BufferModified( x.number ) ) def CurrentColumn(): """Do NOT access the CurrentColumn in vim.current.line. It doesn't exist yet. Only the chars before the current column exist in vim.current.line.""" # vim's columns are 1-based while vim.current.line columns are 0-based # ... but vim.current.window.cursor (which returns a (line, column) tuple) # columns are 0-based, while the line from that same tuple is 1-based. # Pigs have wings and I'm a loopy purple duck. Everything makes sense now. return vim.current.window.cursor[ 1 ] def CurrentLineAndColumn(): # See the comment in CurrentColumn about the calculation for the line and # column number line, column = vim.current.window.cursor line -= 1 return line, column def ShouldUseClang( start_column ): filetype = vim.eval( "&filetype" ) if filetype not in clang_filetypes: return False line = vim.current.line previous_char_index = start_column - 1 if ( not len( line ) or previous_char_index < 0 or previous_char_index >= len( line ) ): return False if line[ previous_char_index ] == '.': return True if previous_char_index - 1 < 0: return False two_previous_chars = line[ previous_char_index - 1 : start_column ] if ( two_previous_chars == '->' or two_previous_chars == '::' ): return True return False def IsIdentifierChar( char ): return char.isalnum() or char == '_' def CompletionStartColumn(): """Returns the 0-based index where the completion string should start. So if the user enters: foo.bar^ with the cursor being at the location of the caret, then the starting column would be the index of the letter 'b'. """ line = vim.current.line start_column = CurrentColumn() while start_column > 0 and IsIdentifierChar( line[ start_column - 1 ] ): start_column -= 1 return start_column def EscapeForVim( text ): return text.replace( "'", "''" ) def PreviousIdentifier(): line_num, column_num = CurrentLineAndColumn() buffer = vim.current.buffer line = buffer[ line_num ] end_column = column_num while end_column > 0 and not IsIdentifierChar( line[ end_column - 1 ] ): end_column -= 1 # Look at the previous line if we reached the end of the current one if end_column == 0: try: line = buffer[ line_num - 1] except: return "" end_column = len( line ) while end_column > 0 and not IsIdentifierChar( line[ end_column - 1 ] ): end_column -= 1 print end_column, line start_column = end_column while start_column > 0 and IsIdentifierChar( line[ start_column - 1 ] ): start_column -= 1 if end_column - start_column < min_num_chars: return "" return line[ start_column : end_column ] def ShouldAddIdentifier(): current_column = CurrentColumn() previous_char_index = current_column - 1 if previous_char_index < 0: return True line = vim.current.line try: previous_char = line[ previous_char_index ] except IndexError: return False if IsIdentifierChar( previous_char ): return False if ( not IsIdentifierChar( previous_char ) and previous_char_index > 0 and IsIdentifierChar( line[ previous_char_index - 1 ] ) ): return True else: return line[ : current_column ].isspace() def SanitizeQuery( query ): return query.strip() def RemoveIdentFreeText( text ): """Removes commented-out code and code in quotes.""" # TODO: do we still need this sub-func? def replacer( match ): s = match.group( 0 ) if s.startswith( '/' ): return "" else: return s pattern = re.compile( r'//.*?$|#.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) return re.sub( pattern, replacer, text )