Update subcommmands supported for typescript
Noticed that the subcommands supported by typescript are not listed. Updated the docs and ran
vim-tools/html2vimdoc.py -f youcompleteme README.md > doc/youcompleteme.txt
Add required namespace in C# after completing
When forcing semantic completion with the keybind, C# completions can return a list of importable types. These types are from namespaces which havn't been imported, and thus are not valid to use without also adding their namespace's import statement. This change makes YCM automatically insert the necessary using statement to import that namespace on completion completion. In the case there are multiple possible namespaces, it prompts you to choose one.
![c namespaceinsertdemo](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1434266/9337289/b7994542-459b-11e5-8f52-e48af76a3aab.gif)
By default, the using statement is inserted after the last using statement. If there aren't any, it's inserted before the first line. This behavior is customization by setting a function to the vim global ``g:ycm_cs_insert_namespace_function``. I implemented this in pure vimscript largely so I could provide such customization...
Caveats: vim does not provide a way to get which completion was inserted. To get this, we store the completions, hook the CompleteDone event, and check than if the preceding text matches any of the completions. This is imperfect, and sometimes matches when it shouldn't. Also, the CompleteDone event requires 7.3.598 or newer.
Correct FixIt chunks sorting
While playing with FixIts in C++, I found the following issue. When fixing the third line in the code:
template<int Value> struct CT { template<typename> struct Inner; };
CT<10 >> 2> ct; // expected-warning{{require parentheses}}
the following result is obtained:
CT<1(0 >> 2)> ct; // expected-warning{{require parentheses}}
which is obviously wrong.
The issue is YouCompleteMe does not replace the chunks in the right order. It starts by adding the closing parenthesis, add one to the delta and inserts the opening parenthesis in the wrong place cause of the delta.
We actually use the expression `str(line) + ',' + str(column)` to sort the chunks by line then column whereas it should simply be `(line, column)`.
This PR fixes this issue, adds two tests which are failing in the current version, refactors the `_HandleFixitResponse` function and cleans up code.
Show docs from clang completer in preview window
Fixes https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe/issues/106
We add the detailed_info (which is the function definiton) followed by the brief comment if supplied.
I added a test for the method, which is now reasonably complex.
Add a new vim hook on CompleteDone. This hook is called when a
completions is selected.
When forcing semantic completion with the keybind, C# completions can
return a list of importable types. These types are from namespaces which
havn't been imported, and thus are not valid to use without also adding
their namespace's import statement. This change makes YCM automatically
insert the necessary using statement to import that namespace on
completion completion. In the case there are multiple possible
namespaces, it prompts you to choose one.
Fixing install script
Fixing issue #1645 where the `subprocess.call` was being incorrectly used, preventing install. Also made `install.py` be executable so that you can run it directly from shell instead of having to execute `python install.py`
Translate the install.sh script in python to make it platform independent.
Keep install.sh as a wrapper of install.py to not break scripts that
depend on it.
Removed the bash dependency that install.sh had
People like me use YCM on machines that don't have bash, and it's nice to not have to add it unnecessarily. This removes the bash dependency for installation.
If errors are returned in addition to completion suggestions, print them
Needed for https://github.com/Valloric/ycmd/pull/198
This maintains the previous client behaviour when the semantic completer throws an exception.