When the client sends a request to the server, if an extra conf file is found
that is not already white/blacklisted, the server stops processing the request
and tells the client that an unknown extra conf file has been found. The client
then asks the user if that file should be loaded or not. Depending on the
user's answer, the client sends a request to the server to load or ignore the
extra conf file. Finally, the server loads the file or adds it to the
blacklist. However, the initial request was not processed by the server and
should be sent again.
Allow users to still trigger Vim's omnifunc through C-Space when the
g:ycm_filetype_specific_completion_to_disable option is set for the current
Calling directly the omnifunc may move the cursor position. This is the case
with the default Vim omnifunc for C-family languages (ccomplete#Complete) which
calls searchdecl to find a declaration. This function is supposed to move the
cursor to the found declaration but it doesn't when called through the omni
completion mapping (CTRL-X CTRL-O). So, we restore the cursor position after
calling the omnifunc.
Bring fully asynchronous completion by polling for completions with a timer
then calling completefunc once the completions are ready. Use the start column
returned by the server in completefunc. Immediately display the last completion
on the TextChangedI event to prevent the popup menu disappearing while waiting
for the completions. Handle the TextChangedI event not being triggered while
the completion menu is open by closing the menu when inserting a character
through the InsertCharPre event, and when deleting a character on the <BS> and
<C-h> keys.
- OmniCompleter is now more similar to other Completers.
- CompletionRequest doesn't store start_column anymore.
- Calling BuildRequestData only once per request.