[READY] Ask users to set the log level to debug when including the contents of the logfiles
When reporting an issue, users may include the contents of the logfiles with the default log level `info`, which is not really useful. Ask them to set the log level to `debug`.
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Include the following changes:
- cache include paths;
- increase Python 2 requirement to 2.7.1;
- force MSVC to treat source files as UTF-8 encoded;
- bundle and compile the regex module;
- use sysconfig instead of distutils.sysconfig in build script.
[READY] Fix smart matching example in documentation
The smart matching example is wrong: `o` can't match `ø` because `ø` is a letter on its own, not a `o` with a combining mark.
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Include the following changes:
- add Unicode support to the filter and sort algorithm;
- replace Boost.Python with pybind11;
- expand environment variables in extra conf options;
- make GoTo and GoToImprecise subcommands jump to declaration if cursor on
- reset prefix when setting the start column;
- send the full query to the language server completer when forced;
- improve caching behavior;
- add OrganizeImports command to Java completer;
- add Scheme identifier regex;
- update jdt.ls to 0.15.0;
- fix TypeScript diagnostics;
- optimize lines splitting for current file;
- improve TypeScript completion data;
- add GoTo and GoToDeclaration commands to TypeScript completer;
- add TSServer version to debug info;
- replace re module with regex;
- add smart diacritic matching;
- add FixIt command to TypeScript completer;
- add Format command to TypeScript completer;
- add OrganizeImports command to TypeScript completer;
- improve Java project detection heuristics;
- allow the user to manually specify a Java project path;
- improve TeX identifier regex;
- always return detailed completions in TypeScript completer;
- support FixIts in TypeScript completions;
- improve message when regex module installation fails;
- update Boost to 1.67.0;
- update godef;
- add Ctags filetype mapping for PuppetManifest.
[READY] Resend request when extra conf is loaded or ignored
When the client sends a request to the server, if an extra conf file is found that is not already white/blacklisted, the server stops processing the request and tells the client that an unknown extra conf file has been found. The client then asks the user if that file should be loaded or not. Depending on the
user's answer, the client sends a request to the server to load or ignore the extra conf file. Finally, the server loads the file or adds it to the blacklist. However, the initial request was not processed by the server and should be sent again.
Here's a demo illustrating the current situation:
As you can see, the file is not parsed after loading the extra conf file. With the proposed changes:
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When the client sends a request to the server, if an extra conf file is found
that is not already white/blacklisted, the server stops processing the request
and tells the client that an unknown extra conf file has been found. The client
then asks the user if that file should be loaded or not. Depending on the
user's answer, the client sends a request to the server to load or ignore the
extra conf file. Finally, the server loads the file or adds it to the
blacklist. However, the initial request was not processed by the server and
should be sent again.
[READY] Do not return omnifunc suggestions if server crashed
We currently return unfiltered and unsorted suggestions from the omnifunc if the `filter_and_sort_candidates` request failed (generally because the server crashed). This behavior is confusing as it may let the user thinks that YCM is working (in a bad way) while in fact it doesn't. No suggestions should be returned in that case.
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[READY] Check if completion is allowed on character events
We should check if completion is allowed when a character is inserted or deleted like we do with the other events.
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[READY] Refactor server exception handling
Having to wrap all request calls with the `HandleServerException` function is inconvenient. Handle server exceptions directly in `BaseRequest`.
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Allow users to still trigger Vim's omnifunc through C-Space when the
g:ycm_filetype_specific_completion_to_disable option is set for the current