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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Strahinja Val Markovic <>
# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <>.
# NOTE: This module is used as a Singleton
import os
import imp
import random
import string
import sys
import vim
2013-05-19 19:44:42 -07:00
from ycm import vimsupport
from fnmatch import fnmatch
# Constants
CONFIRM_CONF_FILE_MESSAGE = ('Found {0}. Load? \n\n(Question can be turned '
'off with options, see YCM docs)')
GLOBAL_YCM_EXTRA_CONF_FILE = os.path.expanduser(
vimsupport.GetVariableValue( "g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf" )
# Singleton variables
_module_for_module_file = {}
_module_file_for_source_file = {}
def ModuleForSourceFile( filename ):
return _Load( ModuleFileForSourceFile( filename ) )
def ModuleFileForSourceFile( filename ):
"""This will try all files returned by _ExtraConfModuleSourceFilesForFile in
order and return the filename of the first module that was allowed to load.
If no module was found or allowed to load, None is returned."""
2013-07-31 21:39:17 -07:00
if not filename in _module_file_for_source_file:
for module_file in _ExtraConfModuleSourceFilesForFile( filename ):
if _Load( module_file ):
_module_file_for_source_file[ filename ] = module_file
return _module_file_for_source_file.setdefault( filename )
def CallExtraConfYcmCorePreloadIfExists():
_CallExtraConfMethod( 'YcmCorePreload' )
def CallExtraConfVimCloseIfExists():
_CallExtraConfMethod( 'VimClose' )
def _CallExtraConfMethod( function_name ):
vim_current_working_directory = vim.eval( 'getcwd()' )
path_to_dummy = os.path.join( vim_current_working_directory, 'DUMMY_FILE' )
module = ModuleForSourceFile( path_to_dummy )
if not module or not hasattr( module, function_name ):
getattr( module, function_name )()
def _Disable( module_file ):
"""Disables the loading of a module for the current session."""
_module_for_module_file[ module_file ] = None
def _ShouldLoad( module_file ):
"""Checks if a module is safe to be loaded. By default this will try to
decide using a white-/blacklist and ask the user for confirmation as a
if ( module_file == GLOBAL_YCM_EXTRA_CONF_FILE or
not vimsupport.GetBoolValue( 'g:ycm_confirm_extra_conf' ) ):
return True
globlist = vimsupport.GetVariableValue( 'g:ycm_extra_conf_globlist' )
for glob in globlist:
is_blacklisted = glob[0] == '!'
if _MatchesGlobPattern( module_file, glob.lstrip('!') ):
return not is_blacklisted
return vimsupport.Confirm( CONFIRM_CONF_FILE_MESSAGE.format( module_file ) )
def _Load( module_file, force = False ):
"""Load and return the module contained in a file.
Using force = True the module will be loaded regardless
of the criteria in _ShouldLoad.
This will return None if the module was not allowed to be loaded."""
if not module_file:
return None
if not force:
2013-07-31 21:39:17 -07:00
if module_file in _module_for_module_file:
return _module_for_module_file[ module_file ]
if not _ShouldLoad( module_file ):
return _Disable( module_file )
# This has to be here because a long time ago, the files
# used to import from the cpp folder. This is not needed
# anymore, but there are a lot of old files that we don't
# want to break.
sys.path.insert( 0, _PathToCppCompleterFolder() )
module = imp.load_source( _RandomName(), module_file )
del sys.path[ 0 ]
_module_for_module_file[ module_file ] = module
return module
def _MatchesGlobPattern( filename, glob ):
"""Returns true if a filename matches a given pattern. A '~' in glob will be
expanded to the home directory and checking will be performed using absolute
paths. See the documentation of fnmatch for the supported patterns."""
abspath = os.path.abspath( filename )
return fnmatch( abspath, os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser( glob ) ) )
def _ExtraConfModuleSourceFilesForFile( filename ):
"""For a given filename, search all parent folders for YCM_EXTRA_CONF_FILENAME
files that will compute the flags necessary to compile the file.
If GLOBAL_YCM_EXTRA_CONF_FILE exists it is returned as a fallback."""
for folder in _PathsToAllParentFolders( filename ):
candidate = os.path.join( folder, YCM_EXTRA_CONF_FILENAME )
if os.path.exists( candidate ):
yield candidate
and os.path.exists( GLOBAL_YCM_EXTRA_CONF_FILE ) ):
def _PathsToAllParentFolders( filename ):
"""Build a list of all parent folders of a file.
The nearest folders will be returned first.
Example: _PathsToAllParentFolders( '/home/user/projects/test.c' )
[ '/home/user/projects', '/home/user', '/home', '/' ]"""
def PathFolderComponents( filename ):
folders = []
path = os.path.dirname( filename )
while True:
path, folder = os.path.split( path )
if folder:
folders.append( folder )
if path:
folders.append( path )
return list( reversed( folders ) )
parent_folders = PathFolderComponents( filename )
parent_folders = [ os.path.join( *parent_folders[:i + 1] )
for i in xrange( len( parent_folders ) ) ]
return reversed( parent_folders )
def _PathToCppCompleterFolder():
"""Returns the path to the 'cpp' completer folder. This is necessary
because ycm_extra_conf files need it on the path."""
return os.path.join( _DirectoryOfThisScript(), 'completers', 'cpp' )
def _DirectoryOfThisScript():
return os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) )
def _RandomName():
"""Generates a random module name."""
return ''.join( random.choice( string.ascii_lowercase ) for x in range( 15 ) )