Holger Rapp 306f0ace5f Add a testing interface that works for Neovim.
- Remove support for python 3.2 to reduce number of test cases and because
  it actually fails with Neovim. It is not a supported version anyways.
- Due to Neovim not handling fast typing through the console properly
  (https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/2454), the typing is actually
  simulated through the Python client. We need to differentiate now if a
  keystroke is meant for the terminal or for the Vim session. Using
  neovim.input() introduces additional chances for races since inputs
  are not buffered but processed right away. This results in more
  retries for some tests.
- Neovim needs more parameters and configuration passed in through the
  test script. Added command line arguments for these.
- Skip an extra test under Neovim due to
2015-07-14 21:58:30 +02:00

85 lines
2.7 KiB

from test.vim_test_case import VimTestCase as _VimTest
from test.constant import *
# Test for bug 1251994 {{{#
class Bug1251994(_VimTest):
snippets = ('test', '${2:#2} ${1:#1};$0')
keys = ' test' + EX + 'hello' + JF + 'world' + JF + 'blub'
wanted = ' world hello;blub'
# End: 1251994 #}}}
# Test for https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips/issues/157 (virtualedit) {{{#
class VirtualEdit(_VimTest):
snippets = ('pd', 'padding: ${1:0}px')
keys = '\t\t\tpd' + EX + '2'
wanted = '\t\t\tpadding: 2px'
def _extra_vim_config(self, vim_config):
vim_config.append('set virtualedit=all')
vim_config.append('set noexpandtab')
# End: 1251994 #}}}
# Test for Github Pull Request #134 - Retain unnamed register {{{#
class RetainsTheUnnamedRegister(_VimTest):
snippets = ('test', '${1:hello} ${2:world} ${0}')
keys = 'yank' + ESC + 'by4lea test' + EX + 'HELLO' + JF + JF + ESC + 'p'
wanted = 'yank HELLO world yank'
class RetainsTheUnnamedRegister_ButOnlyOnce(_VimTest):
snippets = ('test', '${1:hello} ${2:world} ${0}')
keys = 'blahfasel' + ESC + 'v' + 4 * ARR_L + \
'xotest' + EX + ESC + ARR_U + 'v0xo' + ESC + 'p'
wanted = '\nblah\nhello world '
# End: Github Pull Request # 134 #}}}
# Test to ensure that shiftwidth follows tabstop when it's set to zero post
# version 7.3.693. Prior to that version a shiftwidth of zero effectively
# removes tabs.
class ShiftWidthZero(_VimTest):
def _extra_vim_config(self, vim_config):
vim_config += [
"if exists('*shiftwidth')",
' set shiftwidth=0',
snippets = ('test', '\t${1}${0}')
keys = 'test' + EX + 'foo'
wanted = '\tfoo'
# Test for https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips/issues/171 {{{#
# Make sure that we don't crash when trying to save and restore the clipboard
# when it contains data that we can't coerce into Unicode.
class NonUnicodeDataInUnnamedRegister(_VimTest):
snippets = ('test', 'hello')
keys = 'test' + EX + ESC + \
'\n'.join([':redir @a',
':redir END',
(":if match(@a, 'Error') != -1 | " +
"call setline('.', 'error detected') | " +
'3put a | ' +
wanted = 'hello'
def _before_test(self):
# The string below was the one a user had on their clipboard when
# encountering the UnicodeDecodeError and could not be coerced into
# unicode.
':let @" = "\\x80kdI{\\x80@7 1},' +
# End: #171 #}}}