1208 lines
40 KiB
1208 lines
40 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from functools import wraps
import traceback
import glob
import os
import re
import string
import vim
from UltiSnips.Geometry import Position
from UltiSnips.TextObjects import *
from UltiSnips.Buffer import VimBuffer
from UltiSnips.Util import IndentUtil
from UltiSnips.Langmap import LangMapTranslator
# The following lines silence DeprecationWarnings. They are raised
# by python2.6 for vim.error (which is a string that is used as an exception,
# which is deprecated since 2.5 and will no longer work in 2.7. Let's hope
# vim gets this fixed before)
import sys
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2,6):
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
def _to_scratch_buffer(text):
"""Create a new scratch buffer with the text given"""
vim.command("botright new")
vim.command("set ft=text")
vim.command("set buftype=nofile")
vim.buffers[-1][:] = text.splitlines()
def err_to_scratch_buffer(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
return f(*args, **kwds)
s = \
"""An error occured. This is either a bug in UltiSnips or a bug in a
snippet definition. If you think this is a bug, please report it to
Following is the full stack trace:
s += traceback.format_exc()
return wrapper
def _vim_quote(s):
"""Quote string s as Vim literal string."""
return "'" + s.replace("'", "''") + "'"
def feedkeys(s, mode='n'):
"""Wrapper around vim's feedkeys function. Mainly for convenience."""
vim.command(r'call feedkeys("%s", "%s")' % (s, mode))
class _SnippetDictionary(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._snippets = []
self._extends = []
def add_snippet(self, s):
def get_matching_snippets(self, trigger, potentially):
"""Returns all snippets matching the given trigger."""
if not potentially:
return [ s for s in self._snippets if s.matches(trigger) ]
return [ s for s in self._snippets if s.could_match(trigger) ]
def clear_snippets(self, triggers=[]):
"""Remove all snippets that match each trigger in triggers.
When triggers is empty, removes all snippets.
if triggers:
for t in triggers:
for s in self.get_matching_snippets(t, potentially=False):
self._snippets = []
def extends():
def fget(self):
return self._extends
def fset(self, value):
self._extends = value
return locals()
extends = property(**extends())
class _SnippetsFileParser(object):
def __init__(self, ft, fn, snip_manager, file_data=None):
self._sm = snip_manager
self._ft = ft
self._fn = fn
self._globals = {}
if file_data is None:
self._lines = open(fn).readlines()
self._lines = file_data.splitlines(True)
self._idx = 0
def _error(self, msg):
fn = vim.eval("""fnamemodify(%s, ":~:.")""" % _vim_quote(self._fn))
self._sm._error("%s in %s(%d)" % (msg, fn, self._idx + 1))
def _line(self):
if self._idx < len(self._lines):
line = self._lines[self._idx]
line = ""
return line
def _line_head_tail(self):
parts = re.split(r"\s+", self._line().rstrip(), maxsplit=1)
return parts[:2]
def _line_head(self):
return self._line_head_tail()[0]
def _line_tail(self):
return self._line_head_tail()[1]
def _goto_next_line(self):
self._idx += 1
return self._line()
def _parse_first(self, line):
""" Parses the first line of the snippet definition. Returns the
snippet type, trigger, description, and options in a tuple in that
cdescr = ""
coptions = ""
cs = ""
# Ensure this is a snippet
snip = line.split()[0]
# Get and strip options if they exist
remain = line[len(snip):].strip()
words = remain.split()
if len(words) > 2:
# second to last word ends with a quote
if '"' not in words[-1] and words[-2][-1] == '"':
coptions = words[-1]
remain = remain[:-len(coptions) - 1].rstrip()
# Get and strip description if it exists
remain = remain.strip()
if len(remain.split()) > 1 and remain[-1] == '"':
left = remain[:-1].rfind('"')
if left != -1 and left != 0:
cdescr, remain = remain[left:], remain[:left]
# The rest is the trigger
cs = remain.strip()
if len(cs.split()) > 1 or "r" in coptions:
if cs[0] != cs[-1]:
self._error("Invalid multiword trigger: '%s'" % cs)
cs = ""
cs = cs[1:-1]
return (snip, cs, cdescr, coptions)
def _parse_snippet(self):
line = self._line()
(snip, trig, desc, opts) = self._parse_first(line)
end = "end" + snip
cv = ""
while self._goto_next_line():
line = self._line()
if line.rstrip() == end:
cv = cv[:-1] # Chop the last newline
cv += line
self._error("Missing 'endsnippet' for %r" % trig)
return None
if not trig:
# there was an error
return None
elif snip == "global":
# add snippet contents to file globals
if trig not in self._globals:
self._globals[trig] = []
elif snip == "snippet":
self._sm.add_snippet(trig, cv, desc, opts, self._ft, self._globals)
self._error("Invalid snippet type: '%s'" % snip)
def parse(self):
while self._line():
head, tail = self._line_head_tail()
if head == "extends":
if tail:
[ p.strip() for p in tail.split(',') ])
self._error("'extends' without file types")
elif head in ("snippet", "global"):
elif head == "clearsnippets":
self._sm.clear_snippets(tail.split(), self._ft)
elif head and not head.startswith('#'):
self._error("Invalid line %r" % self._line().rstrip())
class Snippet(object):
_INDENT = re.compile(r"^[ \t]*")
_TABS = re.compile(r"^\t*")
def __init__(self, trigger, value, descr, options, globals):
self._t = trigger
self._v = value
self._d = descr
self._opts = options
self._matched = ""
self._last_re = None
self._globals = globals
self._util = IndentUtil()
def __repr__(self):
return "Snippet(%s,%s,%s)" % (self._t,self._d,self._opts)
def _words_for_line(self, before, num_words=None):
""" Gets the final num_words words from before.
If num_words is None, then use the number of words in
the trigger.
words = ''
if not len(before):
return ''
if num_words is None:
num_words = len(self._t.split())
word_list = before.split()
if len(word_list) <= num_words:
return before.strip()
before_words = before
for i in xrange(-1, -(num_words + 1), -1):
left = before_words.rfind(word_list[i])
before_words = before_words[:left]
return before[len(before_words):].strip()
def _re_match(self, trigger):
""" Test if a the current regex trigger matches
`trigger`. If so, set _last_re and _matched.
for match in re.finditer(self._t, trigger):
if match.end() != len(trigger):
self._matched = trigger[match.start():match.end()]
self._last_re = match
return match
return False
def matches(self, trigger):
# If user supplies both "w" and "i", it should perhaps be an
# error, but if permitted it seems that "w" should take precedence
# (since matching at word boundary and within a word == matching at word
# boundary).
self._matched = ""
# Don't expand on whitespace
if trigger and trigger[-1] in string.whitespace:
return False
words = self._words_for_line(trigger)
if "r" in self._opts:
match = self._re_match(trigger)
elif "w" in self._opts:
words_len = len(self._t)
words_prefix = words[:-words_len]
words_suffix = words[-words_len:]
match = (words_suffix == self._t)
if match and words_prefix:
# Require a word boundary between prefix and suffix.
boundaryChars = words_prefix[-1:] + words_suffix[:1]
match = re.match(r'.\b.', boundaryChars)
elif "i" in self._opts:
match = words.endswith(self._t)
match = (words == self._t)
# By default, we match the whole trigger
if match and not self._matched:
self._matched = self._t
# Ensure the match was on a word boundry if needed
if "b" in self._opts and match:
text_before = trigger.rstrip()[:-len(self._matched)]
if text_before.strip(" \t") != '':
self._matched = ""
return False
return match
def could_match(self, trigger):
self._matched = ""
# Don't expand on whitespace
if trigger and trigger[-1] in string.whitespace:
return False
words = self._words_for_line(trigger)
if "r" in self._opts:
# Test for full match only
match = self._re_match(trigger)
elif "w" in self._opts:
# Trim non-empty prefix up to word boundary, if present.
words_suffix = re.sub(r'^.+\b(.+)$', r'\1', words)
match = self._t.startswith(words_suffix)
self._matched = words_suffix
# TODO: list_snippets() function cannot handle partial-trigger
# matches yet, so for now fail if we trimmed the prefix.
if words_suffix != words:
match = False
elif "i" in self._opts:
# TODO: It is hard to define when a inword snippet could match,
# therefore we check only for full-word trigger.
match = self._t.startswith(words)
match = self._t.startswith(words)
# By default, we match the words from the trigger
if match and not self._matched:
self._matched = words
# Ensure the match was on a word boundry if needed
if "b" in self._opts and match:
text_before = trigger.rstrip()[:-len(self._matched)]
if text_before.strip(" \t") != '':
self._matched = ""
return False
return match
def keep_formatoptions_unchanged(self):
return "f" in self._opts
keep_formatoptions_unchanged = property(keep_formatoptions_unchanged)
def overwrites_previous(self):
return "!" in self._opts
overwrites_previous = property(overwrites_previous)
def description(self):
return ("(%s) %s" % (self._t, self._d)).strip()
description = property(description)
def trigger(self):
return self._t
trigger = property(trigger)
def matched(self):
""" The last text that was matched. """
return self._matched
matched = property(matched)
def launch(self, text_before, parent, start, end = None):
indent = self._INDENT.match(text_before).group(0)
lines = (self._v + "\n").splitlines()
v = []
for line_num, line in enumerate(lines):
if "t" in self._opts:
tabs = 0
tabs = len(self._TABS.match(line).group(0))
line_ind = tabs * self._util.sw * " "
line_ind = self._util.indent_to_spaces(line_ind)
line_ind = self._util.spaces_to_indent(line_ind)
if line_num != 0:
line_ind = indent + line_ind
v.append(line_ind + line[tabs:])
v = os.linesep.join(v)
if parent is None:
return SnippetInstance(StartMarker(start), indent,
v, last_re = self._last_re, globals = self._globals)
return SnippetInstance(parent, indent, v, start,
end, last_re = self._last_re, globals = self._globals)
class VimState(object):
def __init__(self):
self._abs_pos = None
self._moved = Position(0,0)
self._lines = None
self._dlines = None
self._cols = None
self._dcols = None
self._cline = None
self._lline = None
self._text_changed = None
def update(self):
line, col = vim.current.window.cursor
line -= 1
abs_pos = Position(line,col)
if self._abs_pos:
self._moved = abs_pos - self._abs_pos
self._abs_pos = abs_pos
# Update buffer infos
cols = len(vim.current.buffer[line])
if self._cols:
self._dcols = cols - self._cols
self._cols = cols
lines = len(vim.current.buffer)
if self._lines:
self._dlines = lines - self._lines
self._lines = lines
# Check if the buffer has changed in any ways
self._text_changed = False
# does it have more lines?
if self._dlines:
self._text_changed = True
# did we stay in the same line and it has more columns now?
elif not self.moved.line and self._dcols:
self._text_changed = True
# If the length didn't change but we moved a column, check if
# the char under the cursor has changed (might be one char tab).
elif self.moved.col == 1:
self._text_changed = self._cline != vim.current.buffer[line]
self._lline = self._cline
self._cline = vim.current.buffer[line]
def select_span(self, r):
delta = r.end - r.start
lineno, col = r.start.line, r.start.col
vim.current.window.cursor = lineno + 1, col
if delta.line == delta.col == 0:
if col == 0 or vim.eval("mode()") != 'i':
# If a tabstop immediately starts with a newline, the selection
# must start after the last character in the current line. But if
# we are in insert mode and <Esc> out of it, we cannot go past the
# last character with move_one_right and therefore cannot
# visual-select this newline. We have to hack around this by adding
# an extra space which we can select. Note that this problem could
# be circumvent by selecting the tab backwards (that is starting
# at the end); one would not need to modify the line for this.
if col >= len(vim.current.buffer[lineno]):
vim.current.buffer[lineno] += " "
if delta.line:
move_lines = "%ij" % delta.line
move_lines = ""
# Depending on the current mode and position, we
# might need to move escape out of the mode and this
# will move our cursor one left
if col != 0 and vim.eval("mode()") == 'i':
move_one_right = "l"
move_one_right = ""
# After moving to the correct line, we go back to column 0
# and select right from there. Note that the we have to select
# one column less since vim's visual selection is including the
# ending while Python slicing is excluding the ending.
if r.end.col == 0 and not len(vim.current.buffer[r.end.line]):
# Selecting should end on an empty line -> Select the previous
# line till its end
do_select = "k$"
elif r.end.col > 1:
do_select = "0%il" % (r.end.col-1)
do_select = "0"
move_cmd = LangMapTranslator().translate(
r"\<Esc>%sv%s%s\<c-g>" % (move_one_right, move_lines, do_select)
def buf_changed(self):
return self._text_changed
buf_changed = property(buf_changed)
def pos(self):
return self._abs_pos
pos = property(pos)
def ppos(self):
if not self.has_moved:
return self.pos
return self.pos - self.moved
ppos = property(ppos)
def moved(self):
return self._moved
moved = property(moved)
def has_moved(self):
return bool(self._moved.line or self._moved.col)
has_moved = property(has_moved)
def last_line(self):
return self._lline
last_line = property(last_line)
# Private functions below #
def _unmap_select_mode_mapping(self):
"""This function unmaps select mode mappings if so wished by the user.
Removes select mode mappings that can actually be typed by the user
(ie, ignores things like <Plug>).
if int(vim.eval("g:UltiSnipsRemoveSelectModeMappings")):
ignores = vim.eval("g:UltiSnipsMappingsToIgnore") + ['UltiSnips']
for option in ("<buffer>", ""):
# Put all smaps into a var, and then read the var
vim.command(r"redir => _tmp_smaps | silent smap %s " % option +
"| redir END")
# Check if any mappings where found
all_maps = filter(len, vim.eval(r"_tmp_smaps").splitlines())
if (len(all_maps) == 1 and all_maps[0][0] not in " sv"):
# "No maps found". String could be localized. Hopefully
# it doesn't start with any of these letters in any
# language
# Only keep mappings that should not be ignored
maps = [m for m in all_maps if
not any(i in m for i in ignores) and len(m.strip())]
for m in maps:
# The first three chars are the modes, that might be listed.
# We are not interested in them here.
trig = m[3:].split()[0]
# The bar separates commands
if trig[-1] == "|":
trig = trig[:-1] + "<Bar>"
# Special ones
if trig[0] == "<":
add = False
# Only allow these
for valid in ["Tab", "NL", "CR", "C-Tab", "BS"]:
if trig == "<%s>" % valid:
add = True
if not add:
# Actually unmap it
vim.command("sunmap %s %s" % (option,trig))
class SnippetManager(object):
def __init__(self):
self._vstate = VimState()
self._supertab_keys = None
self._csnippets = []
self._cached_offending_vim_options = {}
def reset(self, test_error=False):
self._test_error = test_error
self._snippets = {}
while len(self._csnippets):
def jump_forwards(self):
if not self._jump():
return self._handle_failure(self.forward_trigger)
def jump_backwards(self):
if not self._jump(True):
return self._handle_failure(self.backward_trigger)
def expand(self):
if not self._try_expand():
def list_snippets(self):
before, after = self._get_before_after()
snippets = self._snips(before, True)
if not snippets:
return True
snippet = self._ask_snippets(snippets)
if not snippet:
return True
self._do_snippet(snippet, before, after)
return True
def expand_or_jump(self):
This function is used for people who wants to have the same trigger for
expansion and forward jumping. It first tries to expand a snippet, if
this fails, it tries to jump forward.
rv = self._try_expand()
if not rv:
rv = self._jump()
if not rv:
def add_snippet(self, trigger, value, descr, options, ft = "all", globals = None):
if ft not in self._snippets:
self._snippets[ft] = _SnippetDictionary()
l = self._snippets[ft].add_snippet(
Snippet(trigger, value, descr, options, globals or {})
def expand_anon(self, value, trigger="", descr="", options="", globals=None):
if globals is None:
globals = {}
before, after = self._get_before_after()
snip = Snippet(trigger, value, descr, options, globals)
if snip.matches(before):
self._do_snippet(snip, before, after)
return True
return False
def clear_snippets(self, triggers = [], ft = "all"):
if ft in self._snippets:
def add_extending_info(self, ft, parents):
if ft not in self._snippets:
self._snippets[ft] = _SnippetDictionary()
sd = self._snippets[ft]
for p in parents:
if p in sd.extends:
def backspace_while_selected(self):
This is called when backspace was pressed while vim was in select
mode. For us this might mean that a TabStop was selected and it's
content should be deleted.
if self._cs and (self._span_selected is not None):
# This only happens when a default value is delted using backspace.
# This does not change the buffer at all, only moves the cursor.
def cursor_moved(self):
if not self._vstate.buf_changed and not self._expect_move_wo_change:
if not self._ctab:
if self._vstate.buf_changed and self._ctab:
# Detect a carriage return
if self._vstate.moved.col <= 0 and self._vstate.moved.line == 1:
# Multiple things might have happened: either the user entered
# a newline character or pasted some text which means we have
# to copy everything he entered on the last line and keep the
# indent vim chose for this line.
lline = vim.current.buffer[self._vstate.ppos.line]
# Another thing that might have happened is that a word
# wrapped, in this case the last line is shortened and we must
# delete what Vim deleted there
line_was_shortened = len(self._vstate.last_line) > len(lline)
# Another thing that might have happened is that vim has
# adjusted the indent of the last line and therefore the line
# effectively got longer. This means a newline was entered and
# we quite definitively do not want the indent that vim added
line_was_lengthened = len(lline) > len(self._vstate.last_line)
user_didnt_enter_newline = len(lline) != self._vstate.ppos.col
cline = vim.current.buffer[self._vstate.pos.line]
if line_was_lengthened:
this_entered = vim.current.line[:self._vstate.pos.col]
self._chars_entered('\n' + cline + this_entered, 1)
if line_was_shortened and user_didnt_enter_newline:
nchars_deleted_in_lline = self._vstate.ppos.col - len(lline)
nchars_wrapped_from_lline_after_cursor = \
len(self._vstate.last_line) - self._vstate.ppos.col
self._chars_entered('\n' + cline
[:len(cline)-nchars_wrapped_from_lline_after_cursor], 1)
pentered = lline[self._vstate.ppos.col:]
this_entered = vim.current.line[:self._vstate.pos.col]
self._chars_entered(pentered + '\n' + this_entered)
elif self._vstate.moved.line == 0 and self._vstate.moved.col<0:
# Some deleting was going on
elif self._vstate.moved.line < 0:
# Backspace over line end
line = vim.current.line
chars = line[self._vstate.pos.col - self._vstate.moved.col:
self._expect_move_wo_change = False
def entered_insert_mode(self):
if self._cs and self._vstate.has_moved:
while len(self._csnippets):
# Private/Protect Functions Below #
def _error(self, msg):
msg = _vim_quote("UltiSnips: " + msg)
if self._test_error:
msg = msg.replace('"', r'\"')
msg = msg.replace('|', r'\|')
vim.command("let saved_pos=getpos('.')")
vim.command("$:put =%s" % msg)
vim.command("call setpos('.', saved_pos)")
elif False:
vim.command("echohl WarningMsg")
vim.command("echomsg %s" % msg)
vim.command("echohl None")
vim.command("echoerr %s" % msg)
def _reinit(self):
self._ctab = None
self._span_selected = None
self._expect_move_wo_change = False
def _check_if_still_inside_snippet(self):
# Cursor moved without input.
self._ctab = None
# Did we leave the snippet with this movement?
if self._cs and not (self._vstate.pos in self._cs.abs_span):
def _current_snippet_is_done(self):
if not len(self._csnippets):
def _jump(self, backwards = False):
jumped = False
if self._cs:
self._expect_move_wo_change = True
self._ctab = self._cs.select_next_tab(backwards)
if self._ctab:
self._span_selected = self._ctab.abs_span
jumped = True
if self._ctab.no == 0:
self._ctab = None
# This really shouldn't happen, because a snippet should
# have been popped when its final tabstop was used.
# Cleanup by removing current snippet and recursing.
jumped = self._jump(backwards)
return jumped
def _handle_failure(self, trigger):
Mainly make sure that we play well with SuperTab
if trigger.lower() == "<tab>":
feedkey = "\\" + trigger
feedkey = None
mode = "n"
if not self._supertab_keys:
if vim.eval("exists('g:SuperTabMappingForward')") != "0":
self._supertab_keys = (
self._supertab_keys = [ '', '' ]
for idx, sttrig in enumerate(self._supertab_keys):
if trigger.lower() == sttrig.lower():
if idx == 0:
feedkey= r"\<c-n>"
elif idx == 1:
feedkey = r"\<c-p>"
# Use remap mode so SuperTab mappings will be invoked.
mode = "m"
if feedkey:
feedkeys(feedkey, mode)
def _ensure_snippets_loaded(self):
for ft in self._filetypes():
if ft not in self._snippets:
return filetypes
def _get_before_after(self):
""" Returns the text before and after the cursor as a
lineno,col = vim.current.window.cursor
line = vim.current.line
# Get the word to the left of the current edit position
before, after = line[:col], line[col:]
return before, after
def _snips(self, before, possible):
""" Returns all the snippets for the given text
before the cursor. If possible is True, then get all
possible matches.
filetypes = self._ensure_snippets_loaded()
found_snippets = []
for ft in filetypes[::-1]:
found_snippets += self._find_snippets(ft, before, possible)
# Search if any of the snippets overwrites the previous
snippets = []
for s in found_snippets:
if s.overwrites_previous:
snippets = []
return snippets
def _ask_snippets(self, snippets):
""" Given a list of snippets, ask the user which one they
want to use, and return it.
display = repr(
[ "%i: %s" % (i+1,s.description) for i,s in
rv = vim.eval("inputlist(%s)" % display)
if rv is None or rv == '0':
return None
rv = int(rv)
if rv > len(snippets):
rv = len(snippets)
return snippets[rv-1]
except vim.error, e:
if str(e) == 'invalid expression':
return None
def _do_snippet(self, snippet, before, after):
""" Expands the given snippet, and handles everything
that needs to be done with it. 'before' and 'after' should
come from _get_before_after.
lineno,col = vim.current.window.cursor
# Adjust before, maybe the trigger is not the complete word
text_before = before
if snippet.matched:
text_before = before[:-len(snippet.matched)]
self._expect_move_wo_change = True
if self._cs:
# Determine position
pos = self._vstate.pos
p_start = self._ctab.abs_start
if pos.line == p_start.line:
end = Position(0, pos.col - p_start.col)
end = Position(pos.line - p_start.line, pos.col)
start = Position(end.line, end.col - len(snippet.matched))
si = snippet.launch(text_before, self._ctab, start, end)
if si.has_tabs:
self._vb = VimBuffer(text_before, after)
start = Position(lineno-1, len(text_before))
self._csnippets.append(snippet.launch(text_before, None, start))
self._vb.replace_lines(lineno-1, lineno-1,
def _try_expand(self):
self._expect_move_wo_change = False
before, after = self._get_before_after()
if not before:
return False
snippets = self._snips(before, False)
if not snippets:
# No snippet found
return False
elif len(snippets) == 1:
snippet = snippets[0]
snippet = self._ask_snippets(snippets)
if not snippet:
return True
self._do_snippet(snippet, before, after)
return True
# Handling of offending vim options
def _unset_offending_vim_options(self, snippet):
# Care for textwrapping
if not snippet.keep_formatoptions_unchanged:
self._cached_offending_vim_options["fo"] = ''.join(
c for c in vim.eval("&fo") if c in "ct"
for c in "ct": vim.command("set fo-=%s" % c)
def _reset_offending_vim_options(self):
# Textwrapping
for c in self._cached_offending_vim_options.pop("fo", []):
vim.command("set fo+=%s" % c)
# Input Handling
def _chars_entered(self, chars, del_more_lines = 0):
if (self._span_selected is not None):
self._ctab.current_text = chars
moved = 0
# If this edit changed the buffer in any ways we might have to
# delete more or less lines, according how the cursors has moved
if self._vstate.buf_changed:
moved = self._span_selected.start.line - \
self._span_selected = None
self._update_vim_buffer(moved + del_more_lines)
self._ctab.current_text += chars
def _backspace(self, count):
self._ctab.current_text = self._ctab.current_text[:-count]
def _update_vim_buffer(self, del_more_lines = 0):
if not len(self._csnippets):
s = self._csnippets[0]
sline = s.abs_start.line
dlines = s.end.line - s.start.line
# Replace
if self._vstate.buf_changed:
dlines += self._vstate.moved.line
dlines += del_more_lines
self._vb.replace_lines(sline, sline + dlines,
ct_end = self._ctab.abs_end
vim.current.window.cursor = ct_end.line +1, ct_end.col
def _cs(self):
if not len(self._csnippets):
return None
return self._csnippets[-1]
_cs = property(_cs)
def _parse_snippets(self, ft, fn, file_data=None):
_SnippetsFileParser(ft, fn, self, file_data).parse()
def base_snippet_files_for(self, ft, default=True):
""" Returns a list of snippet files matching the given filetype (ft).
If default is set to false, it doesn't include shipped files.
Searches through each path in 'runtimepath' in reverse order,
in each of these, it searches each directory name listed in
'g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories' in order, then looks for files in these
directories called 'ft.snippets' or '*_ft.snippets' replacing ft with
the filetype.
snippet_dirs = vim.eval("g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories")
base_snippets = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(__file__, "../../../UltiSnips"))
ret = []
for rtp in vim.eval("&runtimepath").split(',')[::-1]:
for snippet_dir in snippet_dirs:
pth = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(rtp, snippet_dir))
patterns = ["%s.snippets", "*_%s.snippets"]
if not default and pth == base_snippets:
for pattern in patterns:
for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(pth, pattern % ft)):
if fn not in ret:
return ret
def _filetypes(self, dotft=None):
if dotft is None:
dotft = vim.eval("&filetype")
fts = dotft.split(".") + [ "all" ]
return [ft for ft in fts[::-1] if ft]
def filetype(self):
""" Property for the current (undotted) filetype. """
return self._filetypes()[-1]
filetype = property(filetype)
def file_to_edit(self, ft=None):
""" Gets a file to edit based on the given filetype.
If no filetype is given, uses the current filetype from vim.
Checks 'g:UltiSnipsSnippetsDir' and uses it if it exists
If a non-shipped file already exists, it uses it.
Otherwise uses a file in ~/.vim/ or ~/vimfiles
if not ft:
ft = self.filetype
edit = None
existing = self.base_snippet_files_for(ft, False)
filename = ft + ".snippets"
if vim.eval("exists('g:UltiSnipsSnippetsDir')") == 1:
snipdir = vim.eval("g:UltiSnipsSnippetsDir")
edit = os.path.join(snipdir, filename)
elif existing:
edit = existing[-1] # last sourced/highest priority
home = vim.eval("$HOME")
rtp = vim.eval("&rtp").split(",")
snippet_dirs = ["UltiSnips"] + vim.eval("g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories")
us = snippet_dirs[-1]
path = os.path.join(home, ".vim", us)
for dirname in [".vim", "vimfiles"]:
pth = os.path.join(home, dirname)
if pth in rtp:
path = os.path.join(pth, us)
if not os.path.isdir(path):
edit = os.path.join(path, filename)
return edit
def base_snippet_files(self, dotft=None):
""" Returns a list of all snippet files for the given filetype.
If no filetype is given, uses furrent filetype.
If the filetype is dotted (e.g. 'cuda.cpp.c') then it is split and
each filetype is checked.
ret = []
filetypes = self._filetypes(dotft)
for ft in filetypes:
ret += self.base_snippet_files_for(ft)
return ret
# Loading
def _load_snippets_for(self, ft):
self._snippets[ft] = _SnippetDictionary()
for fn in self.base_snippet_files_for(ft):
self._parse_snippets(ft, fn)
# Now load for the parents
for p in self._snippets[ft].extends:
if p not in self._snippets:
def _find_snippets(self, ft, trigger, potentially = False, seen=None):
Find snippets matching trigger
ft - file type to search
trigger - trigger to match against
potentially - also returns snippets that could potentially match; that
is which triggers start with the current trigger
snips = self._snippets.get(ft,None)
if not snips:
return []
if not seen:
seen = []
parent_results = []
for p in snips.extends:
if p not in seen:
parent_results += self._find_snippets(p, trigger,
potentially, seen)
return parent_results + snips.get_matching_snippets(
trigger, potentially)
UltiSnips_Manager = SnippetManager()