628 lines
18 KiB
628 lines
18 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import os
import re
import stat
import tempfile
from PySnipEmu.Buffer import TextBuffer
from PySnipEmu.Geometry import Span, Position
__all__ = [ "Mirror", "Transformation", "SnippetInstance", "StartMarker" ]
# Helper class #
class _CleverReplace(object):
This class mimics TextMates replace syntax
_DOLLAR = re.compile(r"\$(\d+)", re.DOTALL)
_SIMPLE_CASEFOLDINGS = re.compile(r"\\([ul].)", re.DOTALL)
_LONG_CASEFOLDINGS = re.compile(r"\\([UL].*?)\\E", re.DOTALL)
_CONDITIONAL = re.compile(r"\(\?(\d+):(.*?)(?<!\\)\)", re.DOTALL)
_UNESCAPE = re.compile(r'\\[^ntrab]')
def __init__(self, s):
self._s = s
def _scase_folding(self, m):
if m.group(1)[0] == 'u':
return m.group(1)[-1].upper()
return m.group(1)[-1].lower()
def _lcase_folding(self, m):
if m.group(1)[0] == 'U':
return m.group(1)[1:].upper()
return m.group(1)[1:].lower()
def _unescape(self, v):
return self._UNESCAPE.subn(lambda m: m.group(0)[-1], v)[0]
def replace(self, match):
start, end = match.span()
tv = self._s
# Replace all $? with capture groups
tv = self._DOLLAR.subn(lambda m: match.group(int(m.group(1))), tv)[0]
def _conditional(m):
args = m.group(2).split(':')
# TODO: the returned string should be checked for conditionals
if match.group(int(m.group(1))):
return self._unescape(args[0])
elif len(args) > 1:
return self._unescape(args[1])
return ""
# Replace CaseFoldings
tv = self._SIMPLE_CASEFOLDINGS.subn(self._scase_folding, tv)[0]
tv = self._LONG_CASEFOLDINGS.subn(self._lcase_folding, tv)[0]
tv = self._CONDITIONAL.subn(_conditional, tv)[0]
rv = tv.decode("string-escape")
return rv
class _TOParser(object):
# A simple tabstop with default value
_TABSTOP = re.compile(r'''\${(\d+)[:}]''')
# A mirror or a tabstop without default value.
_MIRROR_OR_TS = re.compile(r'\$(\d+)')
# A mirror or a tabstop without default value.
_TRANSFORMATION = re.compile(r'\${(\d+)/(.*?)/(.*?)/([a-zA-z]*)}')
# The beginning of a shell code fragment
_SHELLCODE = re.compile(r'(?!<\\)`')
def __init__(self, parent, val):
self._v = val
self._p = parent
self._childs = []
def __repr__(self):
return "TOParser(%s)" % self._p
def parse(self):
# Shell Code #
def _parse_shellcode(self):
m = self._SHELLCODE.search(self._v)
while m:
m = self._SHELLCODE.search(self._v)
for c in self._childs:
def _handle_shellcode(self, m):
def _find_closing(start_pos):
for idx,c in enumerate(self._v[start_pos:]):
if c == '`' and self._v[idx+start_pos-1] != '\\':
return idx + start_pos + 1
start_pos = m.start()
end_pos = _find_closing(start_pos+1)
content = self._v[start_pos+1:end_pos-1]
start, end = self._get_start_end(self._v,start_pos,end_pos)
return ShellCode(self._p, start, end, content)
# TABS #
def _parse_tabs(self):
ts = []
m = self._TABSTOP.search(self._v)
while m:
m = self._TABSTOP.search(self._v)
for t, def_text in ts:
child_parser = _TOParser(t, def_text)
def _handle_tabstop(self, m):
def _find_closingbracket(v,start_pos):
bracks_open = 1
for idx, c in enumerate(v[start_pos:]):
if c == '{':
if v[idx+start_pos-1] != '\\':
bracks_open += 1
elif c == '}':
if v[idx+start_pos-1] != '\\':
bracks_open -= 1
if not bracks_open:
return start_pos+idx+1
start_pos = m.start()
end_pos = _find_closingbracket(self._v, start_pos+2)
def_text = self._v[m.end():end_pos-1]
start, end = self._get_start_end(self._v,start_pos,end_pos)
ts = TabStop(self._p, start, end, def_text)
self._overwrite_area(start_pos, end_pos)
return ts, def_text
def _parse_transformations(self):
self._trans = []
for m in self._TRANSFORMATION.finditer(self._v):
for t in self._childs:
def _handle_transformation(self, m):
no = int(m.group(1))
search = m.group(2)
replace = m.group(3)
options = m.group(4)
start_pos, end_pos = m.span()
start, end = self._get_start_end(self._v,start_pos,end_pos)
return Transformation(self._p, no, start, end, search, replace, options)
def _parse_mirrors_or_ts(self):
for m in self._MIRROR_OR_TS.finditer(self._v):
for t in self._childs:
def _handle_ts_or_mirror(self, m):
no = int(m.group(1))
start_pos, end_pos = m.span()
start, end = self._get_start_end(self._v,start_pos,end_pos)
ts = self._p._get_tabstop(self._p, no)
if ts is not None:
rv = Mirror(self._p, ts, start, end)
rv = TabStop(self._p, start, end)
return rv
# Resolve symbols #
def _finish(self):
for c in self._childs:
for t in self._trans:
ts = self._p._get_tabstop(self._p,t._ts)
if ts is None:
raise RuntimeError, "Tabstop %i is not known" % t._ts
t._ts = ts
# Helper functions #
def _get_start_end(self, val, start_pos, end_pos):
def _get_pos(s, pos):
line_idx = s[:pos].count('\n')
line_start = s[:pos].rfind('\n') + 1
start_in_line = pos - line_start
return Position(line_idx, start_in_line)
return _get_pos(val, start_pos), _get_pos(val, end_pos)
def _overwrite_area(self, s, e):
"""Overwrite the given span with spaces. But keep newlines in place"""
area = self._v[s:e]
area = '\n'.join( [" "*len(i) for i in area.splitlines()] )
self._v = self._v[:s] + area + self._v[e:]
# Public classes #
class TextObject(object):
This base class represents any object in the text
that has a span in any ways
def __init__(self, parent, start, end, initial_text):
self._start = start
self._end = end
self._parent = parent
self._childs = []
self._tabstops = {}
if parent is not None:
self._current_text = TextBuffer(initial_text)
self._cts = 0
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self._start, other._start)
def current_text():
def fget(self):
return str(self._current_text)
def fset(self, text):
self._current_text = TextBuffer(text)
# All our childs are set to "" so they
# do no longer disturb anything that mirrors it
for c in self._childs:
c.current_text = ""
self._childs = []
self._tabstops = {}
return locals()
current_text = property(**current_text())
def abs_start(self):
if self._parent:
ps = self._parent.abs_start
if self._start.line == 0:
return ps + self._start
return Position(ps.line + self._start.line, self._start.col)
return self._start
abs_start = property(abs_start)
def abs_end(self):
if self._parent:
ps = self._parent.abs_start
if self._end.line == 0:
return ps + self._end
return Position(ps.line + self._end.line, self._end.col)
return self._end
abs_end = property(abs_end)
def span(self):
return Span(self._start, self._end)
span = property(span)
def start(self):
return self._start
start = property(start)
def end(self):
return self._end
end = property(end)
def abs_span(self):
return Span(self.abs_start, self.abs_end)
abs_span = property(abs_span)
# Public functions #
def update(self):
for idx,c in enumerate(self._childs):
oldend = Position(c.end.line, c.end.col)
new_end = c.update()
moved_lines = new_end.line - oldend.line
moved_cols = new_end.col - oldend.col
self._current_text.replace_text(c.start, oldend, c._current_text)
self._move_textobjects_behind(c.start, oldend, moved_lines,
moved_cols, idx)
new_end = self._current_text.calc_end(self._start)
self._end = new_end
return new_end
def _get_next_tab(self, no):
if not len(self._tabstops.keys()):
tno_max = max(self._tabstops.keys())
posible_sol = []
i = no + 1
while i <= tno_max:
if i in self._tabstops:
posible_sol.append( (i, self._tabstops[i]) )
i += 1
c = [ c._get_next_tab(no) for c in self._childs ]
c = filter(lambda i: i, c)
posible_sol += c
if not len(posible_sol):
return None
return min(posible_sol)
def _get_prev_tab(self, no):
if not len(self._tabstops.keys()):
tno_min = min(self._tabstops.keys())
posible_sol = []
i = no - 1
while i >= tno_min and i > 0:
if i in self._tabstops:
posible_sol.append( (i, self._tabstops[i]) )
i -= 1
c = [ c._get_prev_tab(no) for c in self._childs ]
c = filter(lambda i: i, c)
posible_sol += c
if not len(posible_sol):
return None
return max(posible_sol)
# Private/Protected functions #
def _do_update(self):
def _move_textobjects_behind(self, start, end, lines, cols, obj_idx):
if lines == 0 and cols == 0:
for idx,m in enumerate(self._childs[obj_idx+1:]):
delta_lines = 0
delta_cols_begin = 0
delta_cols_end = 0
if m.start.line > end.line:
delta_lines = lines
elif m.start.line == end.line:
if m.start.col >= end.col:
if lines:
delta_lines = lines
delta_cols_begin = cols
if m.start.line == m.end.line:
delta_cols_end = cols
m.start.line += delta_lines
m.end.line += delta_lines
m.start.col += delta_cols_begin
m.end.col += delta_cols_end
def _get_tabstop(self, requester, no):
if no in self._tabstops:
return self._tabstops[no]
for c in self._childs:
if c == requester:
rv = c._get_tabstop(self, no)
if rv is not None:
return rv
if self._parent and requester != self._parent:
return self._parent._get_tabstop(self, no)
def _add_child(self,c):
def _add_tabstop(self, no, ts):
self._tabstops[no] = ts
class StartMarker(TextObject):
This class only remembers it's starting position. It is used to
transform relative values into absolute position values in the vim
def __init__(self, start):
end = Position(start.line, start.col)
TextObject.__init__(self, None, start, end, "")
class Mirror(TextObject):
A Mirror object mirrors a TabStop that is, text is repeated here
def __init__(self, parent, ts, start, end):
TextObject.__init__(self, parent, start, end, "")
self._ts = ts
def _do_update(self):
self.current_text = self._ts.current_text
def __repr__(self):
return "Mirror(%s -> %s)" % (self._start, self._end)
class Transformation(Mirror):
def __init__(self, parent, ts, start, end, s, r, options):
Mirror.__init__(self, parent, ts, start, end)
flags = 0
self._match_this_many = 1
if options:
if "g" in options:
self._match_this_many = 0
if "i" in options:
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
self._find = re.compile(s, flags)
self._replace = _CleverReplace(r)
def _do_update(self):
t = self._ts.current_text
t = self._find.subn(self._replace.replace, t, self._match_this_many)[0]
self.current_text = t
def __repr__(self):
return "Transformation(%s -> %s)" % (self._start, self._end)
class ShellCode(TextObject):
def __init__(self, parent, start, end, code):
code = code.replace("\\`", "`")
# Write the code to a temporary file
handle, path = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
os.write(handle, code)
os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU)
# Interpolate the shell code. We try to stay as compatible with Python
# 2.3, therefore, we do not use the subprocess module here
output = os.popen(path, "r").read()
if len(output) and output[-1] == '\n':
output = output[:-1]
if len(output) and output[-1] == '\r':
output = output[:-1]
TextObject.__init__(self, parent, start, end, output)
def __repr__(self):
return "ShellCode(%s -> %s)" % (self._start, self._end)
class TabStop(TextObject):
This is the most important TextObject. A TabStop is were the cursor
comes to rest when the user taps through the Snippet.
def __init__(self, parent, start, end, default_text = ""):
TextObject.__init__(self, parent, start, end, default_text)
def __repr__(self):
return "TabStop(%s -> %s, %s)" % (self._start, self._end,
class SnippetInstance(TextObject):
A Snippet instance is an instance of a Snippet Definition. That is,
when the user expands a snippet, a SnippetInstance is created to
keep track of the corresponding TextObjects. The Snippet itself is
also a TextObject because it has a start an end
def __init__(self, parent, initial_text):
start = Position(0,0)
end = Position(0,0)
TextObject.__init__(self, parent, start, end, initial_text)
_TOParser(self, initial_text).parse()
# Check if we have a zero Tab, if not, add one at the end
if 0 not in self._tabstops:
delta = self._end - self._start
col = self.end.col
if delta.line == 0:
col -= self.start.col
start = Position(delta.line, col)
end = Position(delta.line, col)
ts = TabStop(self, start, end, "")
def __repr__(self):
return "SnippetInstance(%s -> %s)" % (self._start, self._end)
def _get_tabstop(self, requester, no):
# SnippetInstances are completly self contained,
# therefore, we do not need to ask our parent
# for Tabstops
# TODO: otherwise, this code is identical to
# TextObject._get_tabstop
if no in self._tabstops:
return self._tabstops[no]
for c in self._childs:
if c == requester:
rv = c._get_tabstop(self, no)
if rv is not None:
return rv
def select_next_tab(self, backwards = False):
if self._cts is None:
if backwards:
cts_bf = self._cts
res = self._get_prev_tab(self._cts)
if res is None:
self._cts = cts_bf
return self._tabstops[self._cts]
self._cts, ts = res
return ts
res = self._get_next_tab(self._cts)
if res is None:
self._cts = None
if 0 in self._tabstops:
return self._tabstops[0]
self._cts, ts = res
return ts
return self._tabstops[self._cts]