1037 lines
35 KiB
1037 lines
35 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import glob
import os
import re
import string
import vim
from UltiSnips.Geometry import Position
from UltiSnips.TextObjects import *
from UltiSnips.Buffer import VimBuffer
from UltiSnips.Util import IndentUtil
from UltiSnips.Langmap import LangMapTranslator
# The following lines silence DeprecationWarnings. They are raised
# by python2.6 for vim.error (which is a string that is used as an exception,
# which is deprecated since 2.5 and will no longer work in 2.7. Let's hope
# vim gets this fixed before)
import sys
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2,6):
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
def _vim_quote(s):
"""Quote string s as Vim literal string."""
return "'" + s.replace("'", "''") + "'"
def feedkeys(s, mode='n'):
"""Wrapper around vim's feedkeys function. Mainly for convenience."""
vim.command(r'call feedkeys("%s", "%s")' % (s, mode))
class _SnippetDictionary(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._snippets = []
self._extends = []
def add_snippet(self, s):
def get_matching_snippets(self, trigger, potentially):
"""Returns all snippets matching the given trigger."""
if not potentially:
return [ s for s in self._snippets if s.matches(trigger) ]
return [ s for s in self._snippets if s.could_match(trigger) ]
def clear_snippets(self, triggers=[]):
"""Remove all snippets that match each trigger in triggers.
When triggers is empty, removes all snippets.
if triggers:
for t in triggers:
for s in self.get_matching_snippets(t, potentially=False):
self._snippets = []
def extends():
def fget(self):
return self._extends
def fset(self, value):
self._extends = value
return locals()
extends = property(**extends())
class _SnippetsFileParser(object):
def __init__(self, ft, fn, snip_manager, file_data=None):
self._sm = snip_manager
self._ft = ft
self._fn = fn
self._globals = {}
if file_data is None:
self._lines = open(fn).readlines()
self._lines = file_data.splitlines(True)
self._idx = 0
def _error(self, msg):
fn = vim.eval("""fnamemodify(%s, ":~:.")""" % _vim_quote(self._fn))
self._sm._error("%s in %s(%d)" % (msg, fn, self._idx + 1))
def _line(self):
if self._idx < len(self._lines):
line = self._lines[self._idx]
line = ""
return line
def _line_head_tail(self):
parts = re.split(r"\s+", self._line().rstrip(), maxsplit=1)
return parts[:2]
def _line_head(self):
return self._line_head_tail()[0]
def _line_tail(self):
return self._line_head_tail()[1]
def _goto_next_line(self):
self._idx += 1
return self._line()
def _parse_first(self, line):
""" Parses the first line of the snippet definition. Returns the
snippet type, trigger, description, and options in a tuple in that
cdescr = ""
coptions = ""
cs = ""
# Ensure this is a snippet
snip = line.split()[0]
# Get and strip options if they exist
remain = line[len(snip):].strip()
words = remain.split()
if len(words) > 2:
# second to last word ends with a quote
if '"' not in words[-1] and words[-2][-1] == '"':
coptions = words[-1]
remain = remain[:-len(coptions) - 1].rstrip()
# Get and strip description if it exists
remain = remain.strip()
if len(remain.split()) > 1 and remain[-1] == '"':
left = remain[:-1].rfind('"')
if left != -1 and left != 0:
cdescr, remain = remain[left:], remain[:left]
# The rest is the trigger
cs = remain.strip()
if len(cs.split()) > 1 or "r" in coptions:
if cs[0] != cs[-1]:
self._error("Invalid multiword trigger: '%s'" % cs)
cs = ""
cs = cs[1:-1]
return (snip, cs, cdescr, coptions)
def _parse_snippet(self):
line = self._line()
(snip, trig, desc, opts) = self._parse_first(line)
end = "end" + snip
cv = ""
while self._goto_next_line():
line = self._line()
if line.rstrip() == end:
cv = cv[:-1] # Chop the last newline
cv += line
self._error("Missing 'endsnippet' for %r" % trig)
return None
if not trig:
# there was an error
return None
elif snip == "global":
# add snippet contents to file globals
if trig not in self._globals:
self._globals[trig] = []
elif snip == "snippet":
self._sm.add_snippet(trig, cv, desc, opts, self._ft, self._globals)
self._error("Invalid snippet type: '%s'" % snip)
def parse(self):
while self._line():
head, tail = self._line_head_tail()
if head == "extends":
if tail:
[ p.strip() for p in tail.split(',') ])
self._error("'extends' without file types")
elif head in ("snippet", "global"):
elif head == "clearsnippets":
self._sm.clear_snippets(tail.split(), self._ft)
elif head and not head.startswith('#'):
self._error("Invalid line %r" % self._line().rstrip())
class Snippet(object):
_INDENT = re.compile(r"^[ \t]*")
_TABS = re.compile(r"^\t*")
def __init__(self, trigger, value, descr, options, globals):
self._t = trigger
self._v = value
self._d = descr
self._opts = options
self._matched = ""
self._last_re = None
self._globals = globals
self._util = IndentUtil()
def __repr__(self):
return "Snippet(%s,%s,%s)" % (self._t,self._d,self._opts)
def _words_for_line(self, before, num_words=None):
""" Gets the final num_words words from before.
If num_words is None, then use the number of words in
the trigger.
words = ''
if not len(before):
return ''
if num_words is None:
num_words = len(self._t.split())
word_list = before.split()
if len(word_list) <= num_words:
return before.strip()
before_words = before
for i in xrange(-1, -(num_words + 1), -1):
left = before_words.rfind(word_list[i])
before_words = before_words[:left]
return before[len(before_words):].strip()
def _re_match(self, trigger):
""" Test if a the current regex trigger matches
`trigger`. If so, set _last_re and _matched.
for match in re.finditer(self._t, trigger):
if match.end() != len(trigger):
self._matched = trigger[match.start():match.end()]
self._last_re = match
return match
return False
def matches(self, trigger):
# If user supplies both "w" and "i", it should perhaps be an
# error, but if permitted it seems that "w" should take precedence
# (since matching at word boundary and within a word == matching at word
# boundary).
self._matched = ""
# Don't expand on whitespace
if trigger and trigger[-1] in string.whitespace:
return False
words = self._words_for_line(trigger)
if "r" in self._opts:
match = self._re_match(trigger)
elif "w" in self._opts:
words_len = len(self._t)
words_prefix = words[:-words_len]
words_suffix = words[-words_len:]
match = (words_suffix == self._t)
if match and words_prefix:
# Require a word boundary between prefix and suffix.
boundaryChars = words_prefix[-1:] + words_suffix[:1]
match = re.match(r'.\b.', boundaryChars)
elif "i" in self._opts:
match = words.endswith(self._t)
match = (words == self._t)
# By default, we match the whole trigger
if match and not self._matched:
self._matched = self._t
# Ensure the match was on a word boundry if needed
if "b" in self._opts and match:
text_before = trigger.rstrip()[:-len(self._matched)]
if text_before.strip(" \t") != '':
self._matched = ""
return False
return match
def could_match(self, trigger):
self._matched = ""
# Don't expand on whitespace
if trigger and trigger[-1] in string.whitespace:
return False
words = self._words_for_line(trigger)
if "r" in self._opts:
# Test for full match only
match = self._re_match(trigger)
elif "w" in self._opts:
# Trim non-empty prefix up to word boundary, if present.
words_suffix = re.sub(r'^.+\b(.+)$', r'\1', words)
match = self._t.startswith(words_suffix)
self._matched = words_suffix
# TODO: list_snippets() function cannot handle partial-trigger
# matches yet, so for now fail if we trimmed the prefix.
if words_suffix != words:
match = False
elif "i" in self._opts:
# TODO: It is hard to define when a inword snippet could match,
# therefore we check only for full-word trigger.
match = self._t.startswith(words)
match = self._t.startswith(words)
# By default, we match the words from the trigger
if match and not self._matched:
self._matched = words
# Ensure the match was on a word boundry if needed
if "b" in self._opts and match:
text_before = trigger.rstrip()[:-len(self._matched)]
if text_before.strip(" \t") != '':
self._matched = ""
return False
return match
def overwrites_previous(self):
return "!" in self._opts
overwrites_previous = property(overwrites_previous)
def description(self):
return ("(%s) %s" % (self._t, self._d)).strip()
description = property(description)
def trigger(self):
return self._t
trigger = property(trigger)
def matched(self):
""" The last text that was matched. """
return self._matched
matched = property(matched)
def launch(self, text_before, parent, start, end = None):
indent = self._INDENT.match(text_before).group(0)
lines = (self._v + "\n").splitlines()
v = []
for line_num, line in enumerate(lines[0:]):
if "t" in self._opts:
tabs = 0
tabs = len(self._TABS.match(line).group(0))
if line_num == 0:
line_ind = ""
line_ind = indent
line_ind += tabs * self._util.sw * " "
line_ind = self._util.indent_to_spaces(line_ind)
line_ind = self._util.spaces_to_indent(line_ind)
v.append(line_ind + line[tabs:])
v = os.linesep.join(v)
if parent is None:
return SnippetInstance(StartMarker(start), indent,
v, last_re = self._last_re, globals = self._globals)
return SnippetInstance(parent, indent, v, start,
end, last_re = self._last_re, globals = self._globals)
class VimState(object):
def __init__(self):
self._abs_pos = None
self._moved = Position(0,0)
self._lines = None
self._dlines = None
self._cols = None
self._dcols = None
self._cline = None
self._lline = None
self._text_changed = None
def update(self):
line, col = vim.current.window.cursor
line -= 1
abs_pos = Position(line,col)
if self._abs_pos:
self._moved = abs_pos - self._abs_pos
self._abs_pos = abs_pos
# Update buffer infos
cols = len(vim.current.buffer[line])
if self._cols:
self._dcols = cols - self._cols
self._cols = cols
lines = len(vim.current.buffer)
if self._lines:
self._dlines = lines - self._lines
self._lines = lines
# Check if the buffer has changed in any ways
self._text_changed = False
# does it have more lines?
if self._dlines:
self._text_changed = True
# did we stay in the same line and it has more columns now?
elif not self.moved.line and self._dcols:
self._text_changed = True
# If the length didn't change but we moved a column, check if
# the char under the cursor has changed (might be one char tab).
elif self.moved.col == 1:
self._text_changed = self._cline != vim.current.buffer[line]
self._lline = self._cline
self._cline = vim.current.buffer[line]
def select_span(self, r):
delta = r.end - r.start
lineno, col = r.start.line, r.start.col
vim.current.window.cursor = lineno + 1, col
if delta.line == delta.col == 0:
if col == 0 or vim.eval("mode()") != 'i':
# If a tabstop immediately starts with a newline, the selection
# must start after the last character in the current line. But if
# we are in insert mode and <Esc> out of it, we cannot go past the
# last character with move_one_right and therefore cannot
# visual-select this newline. We have to hack around this by adding
# an extra space which we can select. Note that this problem could
# be circumvent by selecting the tab backwards (that is starting
# at the end); one would not need to modify the line for this.
if col >= len(vim.current.buffer[lineno]):
vim.current.buffer[lineno] += " "
if delta.line:
move_lines = "%ij" % delta.line
move_lines = ""
# Depending on the current mode and position, we
# might need to move escape out of the mode and this
# will move our cursor one left
if col != 0 and vim.eval("mode()") == 'i':
move_one_right = "l"
move_one_right = ""
# After moving to the correct line, we go back to column 0
# and select right from there. Note that the we have to select
# one column less since vim's visual selection is including the
# ending while Python slicing is excluding the ending.
if r.end.col == 0 and not len(vim.current.buffer[r.end.line]):
# Selecting should end on an empty line -> Select the previous
# line till its end
do_select = "k$"
elif r.end.col > 1:
do_select = "0%il" % (r.end.col-1)
do_select = "0"
move_cmd = LangMapTranslator().translate(
r"\<Esc>%sv%s%s\<c-g>" % (move_one_right, move_lines, do_select)
def buf_changed(self):
return self._text_changed
buf_changed = property(buf_changed)
def pos(self):
return self._abs_pos
pos = property(pos)
def ppos(self):
if not self.has_moved:
return self.pos
return self.pos - self.moved
ppos = property(ppos)
def moved(self):
return self._moved
moved = property(moved)
def has_moved(self):
return bool(self._moved.line or self._moved.col)
has_moved = property(has_moved)
def last_line(self):
return self._lline
last_line = property(last_line)
# Private functions below #
def _unmap_select_mode_mapping(self):
"""This function unmaps select mode mappings if so wished by the user.
Removes select mode mappings that can actually be typed by the user
(ie, ignores things like <Plug>).
if int(vim.eval("g:UltiSnipsRemoveSelectModeMappings")):
ignores = vim.eval("g:UltiSnipsMappingsToIgnore") + ['UltiSnips']
for option in ("<buffer>", ""):
# Put all smaps into a var, and then read the var
vim.command(r"redir => _tmp_smaps | silent smap %s " % option +
"| redir END")
# Check if any mappings where found
all_maps = filter(len, vim.eval(r"_tmp_smaps").splitlines())
if (len(all_maps) == 1 and all_maps[0][0] not in " sv"):
# "No maps found". String could be localized. Hopefully
# it doesn't start with any of these letters in any
# language
# Only keep mappings that should not be ignored
maps = [m for m in all_maps if
not any(i in m for i in ignores) and len(m.strip())]
for m in maps:
# The first three chars are the modes, that might be listed.
# We are not interested in them here.
trig = m[3:].split()[0]
# The bar separates commands
if trig[-1] == "|":
trig = trig[:-1] + "<Bar>"
# Special ones
if trig[0] == "<":
add = False
# Only allow these
for valid in ["Tab", "NL", "CR", "C-Tab", "BS"]:
if trig == "<%s>" % valid:
add = True
if not add:
# Actually unmap it
vim.command("sunmap %s %s" % (option,trig))
class SnippetManager(object):
def __init__(self):
self._vstate = VimState()
self._supertab_keys = None
def reset(self, test_error=False):
self._test_error = test_error
self._snippets = {}
self._csnippets = []
def jump_forwards(self):
if not self._jump():
return self._handle_failure(self.forward_trigger)
def jump_backwards(self):
if not self._jump(True):
return self._handle_failure(self.backward_trigger)
def expand(self):
if not self._try_expand():
def list_snippets(self):
before, after = self._get_before_after()
snippets = self._snips(before, True)
if not snippets:
return True
snippet = self._ask_snippets(snippets)
if not snippet:
return True
self._do_snippet(snippet, before, after)
return True
def expand_or_jump(self):
This function is used for people who wants to have the same trigger for
expansion and forward jumping. It first tries to expand a snippet, if
this fails, it tries to jump forward.
rv = self._try_expand()
if not rv:
rv = self._jump()
if not rv:
def add_snippet(self, trigger, value, descr, options, ft = "all", globals = None):
if ft not in self._snippets:
self._snippets[ft] = _SnippetDictionary()
l = self._snippets[ft].add_snippet(
Snippet(trigger, value, descr, options, globals or {})
def expand_anon(self, value, trigger="", descr="", options="", globals=None):
if globals is None:
globals = {}
before, after = self._get_before_after()
snip = Snippet(trigger, value, descr, options, globals)
if snip.matches(before):
self._do_snippet(snip, before, after)
return True
return False
def clear_snippets(self, triggers = [], ft = "all"):
if ft in self._snippets:
def add_extending_info(self, ft, parents):
if ft not in self._snippets:
self._snippets[ft] = _SnippetDictionary()
sd = self._snippets[ft]
for p in parents:
if p in sd.extends:
def backspace_while_selected(self):
This is called when backspace was pressed while vim was in select
mode. For us this might mean that a TabStop was selected and it's
content should be deleted.
if self._cs and (self._span_selected is not None):
# This only happens when a default value is delted using backspace.
# This does not change the buffer at all, only moves the cursor.
def cursor_moved(self):
if not self._vstate.buf_changed and not self._expect_move_wo_change:
if not self._ctab:
if self._vstate.buf_changed and self._ctab:
# Detect a carriage return
if self._vstate.moved.col <= 0 and self._vstate.moved.line == 1:
# Multiple things might have happened: either the user entered
# a newline character or pasted some text which means we have
# to copy everything he entered on the last line and keep the
# indent vim chose for this line.
lline = vim.current.buffer[self._vstate.ppos.line]
# Another thing that might have happened is that a word
# wrapped, in this case the last line is shortened and we must
# delete what Vim deleted there
line_was_shortened = len(self._vstate.last_line) > len(lline)
# Another thing that might have happened is that vim has
# adjusted the indent of the last line and therefore the line
# effectively got longer. This means a newline was entered and
# we quite definitively do not want the indent that vim added
line_was_lengthened = len(lline) > len(self._vstate.last_line)
user_didnt_enter_newline = len(lline) != self._vstate.ppos.col
cline = vim.current.buffer[self._vstate.pos.line]
if line_was_lengthened:
this_entered = vim.current.line[:self._vstate.pos.col]
self._chars_entered('\n' + cline + this_entered, 1)
if line_was_shortened and user_didnt_enter_newline:
nchars_deleted_in_lline = self._vstate.ppos.col - len(lline)
nchars_wrapped_from_lline_after_cursor = \
len(self._vstate.last_line) - self._vstate.ppos.col
self._chars_entered('\n' + cline
[:len(cline)-nchars_wrapped_from_lline_after_cursor], 1)
pentered = lline[self._vstate.ppos.col:]
this_entered = vim.current.line[:self._vstate.pos.col]
self._chars_entered(pentered + '\n' + this_entered)
elif self._vstate.moved.line == 0 and self._vstate.moved.col<0:
# Some deleting was going on
elif self._vstate.moved.line < 0:
# Backspace over line end
line = vim.current.line
chars = line[self._vstate.pos.col - self._vstate.moved.col:
self._expect_move_wo_change = False
def entered_insert_mode(self):
if self._cs and self._vstate.has_moved:
self._csnippets = []
# Private/Protect Functions Below #
def _error(self, msg):
msg = _vim_quote("UltiSnips: " + msg)
if self._test_error:
msg = msg.replace('"', r'\"')
msg = msg.replace('|', r'\|')
vim.command("let saved_pos=getpos('.')")
vim.command("$:put =%s" % msg)
vim.command("call setpos('.', saved_pos)")
elif False:
vim.command("echohl WarningMsg")
vim.command("echomsg %s" % msg)
vim.command("echohl None")
vim.command("echoerr %s" % msg)
def _reinit(self):
self._ctab = None
self._span_selected = None
self._expect_move_wo_change = False
def _check_if_still_inside_snippet(self):
# Cursor moved without input.
self._ctab = None
# Did we leave the snippet with this movement?
if self._cs and not (self._vstate.pos in self._cs.abs_span):
def _jump(self, backwards = False):
jumped = False
if self._cs:
self._expect_move_wo_change = True
self._ctab = self._cs.select_next_tab(backwards)
if self._ctab:
self._span_selected = self._ctab.abs_span
jumped = True
if self._ctab.no == 0:
self._ctab = None
# This really shouldn't happen, because a snippet should
# have been popped when its final tabstop was used.
# Cleanup by removing current snippet and recursing.
jumped = self._jump(backwards)
return jumped
def _handle_failure(self, trigger):
Mainly make sure that we play well with SuperTab
if trigger.lower() == "<tab>":
feedkey = "\\" + trigger
feedkey = None
mode = "n"
if not self._supertab_keys:
if vim.eval("exists('g:SuperTabMappingForward')") != "0":
self._supertab_keys = (
self._supertab_keys = [ '', '' ]
for idx, sttrig in enumerate(self._supertab_keys):
if trigger.lower() == sttrig.lower():
if idx == 0:
feedkey= r"\<c-n>"
elif idx == 1:
feedkey = r"\<c-p>"
# Use remap mode so SuperTab mappings will be invoked.
mode = "m"
if feedkey:
feedkeys(feedkey, mode)
def _ensure_snippets_loaded(self):
filetypes = vim.eval("&filetype").split(".") + [ "all" ]
for ft in filetypes[::-1]:
if len(ft) and ft not in self._snippets:
return filetypes
def _get_before_after(self):
""" Returns the text before and after the cursor as a
lineno,col = vim.current.window.cursor
line = vim.current.line
# Get the word to the left of the current edit position
before, after = line[:col], line[col:]
return before, after
def _snips(self, before, possible):
""" Returns all the snippets for the given text
before the cursor. If possible is True, then get all
possible matches.
filetypes = self._ensure_snippets_loaded()
found_snippets = []
for ft in filetypes[::-1]:
found_snippets += self._find_snippets(ft, before, possible)
# Search if any of the snippets overwrites the previous
snippets = []
for s in found_snippets:
if s.overwrites_previous:
snippets = []
return snippets
def _ask_snippets(self, snippets):
""" Given a list of snippets, ask the user which one they
want to use, and return it.
display = repr(
[ "%i: %s" % (i+1,s.description) for i,s in
rv = vim.eval("inputlist(%s)" % display)
if rv is None or rv == '0':
return None
rv = int(rv)
if rv > len(snippets):
rv = len(snippets)
return snippets[rv-1]
except vim.error, e:
if str(e) == 'invalid expression':
return None
def _do_snippet(self, snippet, before, after):
""" Expands the given snippet, and handles everything
that needs to be done with it. 'before' and 'after' should
come from _get_before_after.
lineno,col = vim.current.window.cursor
# Adjust before, maybe the trigger is not the complete word
text_before = before
if snippet.matched:
text_before = before[:-len(snippet.matched)]
self._expect_move_wo_change = True
if self._cs:
# Determine position
pos = self._vstate.pos
p_start = self._ctab.abs_start
if pos.line == p_start.line:
end = Position(0, pos.col - p_start.col)
end = Position(pos.line - p_start.line, pos.col)
start = Position(end.line, end.col - len(snippet.matched))
si = snippet.launch(text_before, self._ctab, start, end)
if si.has_tabs:
self._vb = VimBuffer(text_before, after)
start = Position(lineno-1, len(text_before))
self._csnippets.append(snippet.launch(text_before, None, start))
self._vb.replace_lines(lineno-1, lineno-1,
def _try_expand(self):
self._expect_move_wo_change = False
before, after = self._get_before_after()
if not before:
return False
snippets = self._snips(before, False)
if not snippets:
# No snippet found
return False
elif len(snippets) == 1:
snippet = snippets[0]
snippet = self._ask_snippets(snippets)
if not snippet:
return True
self._do_snippet(snippet, before, after)
return True
# Input Handling
def _chars_entered(self, chars, del_more_lines = 0):
if (self._span_selected is not None):
self._ctab.current_text = chars
moved = 0
# If this edit changed the buffer in any ways we might have to
# delete more or less lines, according how the cursors has moved
if self._vstate.buf_changed:
moved = self._span_selected.start.line - \
self._span_selected = None
self._update_vim_buffer(moved + del_more_lines)
self._ctab.current_text += chars
def _backspace(self, count):
self._ctab.current_text = self._ctab.current_text[:-count]
def _update_vim_buffer(self, del_more_lines = 0):
if not len(self._csnippets):
s = self._csnippets[0]
sline = s.abs_start.line
dlines = s.end.line - s.start.line
# Replace
if self._vstate.buf_changed:
dlines += self._vstate.moved.line
dlines += del_more_lines
self._vb.replace_lines(sline, sline + dlines,
ct_end = self._ctab.abs_end
vim.current.window.cursor = ct_end.line +1, ct_end.col
def _cs(self):
if not len(self._csnippets):
return None
return self._csnippets[-1]
_cs = property(_cs)
def _parse_snippets(self, ft, fn, file_data=None):
_SnippetsFileParser(ft, fn, self, file_data).parse()
# Loading
def _load_snippets_for(self, ft):
self._snippets[ft] = _SnippetDictionary()
for p in vim.eval("&runtimepath").split(',')[::-1]:
pattern = p + os.path.sep + "UltiSnips" + os.path.sep + \
"*%s.snippets" % ft
for fn in glob.glob(pattern):
self._parse_snippets(ft, fn)
# Now load for the parents
for p in self._snippets[ft].extends:
if p not in self._snippets:
def _find_snippets(self, ft, trigger, potentially = False):
Find snippets matching trigger
ft - file type to search
trigger - trigger to match against
potentially - also returns snippets that could potentially match; that
is which triggers start with the current trigger
snips = self._snippets.get(ft,None)
if not snips:
return []
parent_results = reduce( lambda a,b: a+b,
[ self._find_snippets(p, trigger, potentially)
for p in snips.extends ], [])
return parent_results + snips.get_matching_snippets(
trigger, potentially)
UltiSnips_Manager = SnippetManager()