lacygoill 1a99766b73 Give the abort argument to all functions (#1048)
It prevents Vim from processing the rest of the statements inside a function, after having encountered an error.

It also gives shorter and more relevant stack traces in case of an error.
2019-05-05 07:05:57 +02:00

83 lines
2.6 KiB

let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
let s:unite_source = {
\ 'name': 'ultisnips',
\ 'hooks': {},
\ 'action_table': {},
\ 'syntax' : 'uniteSource__Ultisnips',
\ 'default_action': 'expand',
\ }
let s:unite_source.action_table.preview = {
\ 'description' : 'ultisnips snippets',
\ 'is_quit' : 0,
\ }
function! s:unite_source.hooks.on_syntax(args, context) abort
syntax case ignore
syntax match uniteSource__UltisnipsHeader /^.*$/
\ containedin=uniteSource__Ultisnips
syntax match uniteSource__UltisnipsTrigger /\v^\s.{-}\ze\s/ contained
\ containedin=uniteSource__UltisnipsHeader
\ nextgroup=uniteSource__UltisnipsDescription
syntax match uniteSource__UltisnipsDescription /\v.{3}\s\zs\w.*$/ contained
\ containedin=uniteSource__UltisnipsHeader
highlight default link uniteSource__UltisnipsTrigger Identifier
highlight default link uniteSource__UltisnipsDescription Statement
function! s:unite_source.action_table.preview.func(candidate) abort
" no nice preview at this point, cannot get snippet text
let snippet_preview = a:candidate['word']
echo snippet_preview
let s:unite_source.action_table.expand = {
\ 'description': 'expand the current snippet',
\ 'is_quit': 1
function! s:unite_source.action_table.expand.func(candidate) abort
let delCurrWord = (getline(".")[col(".")-1] == " ") ? "" : "diw"
exe "normal " . delCurrWord . "a" . a:candidate['trigger'] . " "
call UltiSnips#ExpandSnippet()
return ''
function! s:unite_source.get_longest_snippet_len(snippet_list) abort
let longest = 0
for snip in items(a:snippet_list)
if strlen(snip['word']) > longest
let longest = strlen(snip['word'])
return longest
function! s:unite_source.gather_candidates(args, context) abort
let default_val = {'word': '', 'unite__abbr': '', 'is_dummy': 0, 'source':
\ 'ultisnips', 'unite__is_marked': 0, 'kind': 'command', 'is_matched': 1,
\ 'is_multiline': 0}
let snippet_list = UltiSnips#SnippetsInCurrentScope()
let max_len = s:unite_source.get_longest_snippet_len(snippet_list)
let canditates = []
for snip in items(snippet_list)
let curr_val = copy(default_val)
let curr_val['word'] = printf('%-*s', max_len, snip[0]) . " " . snip[1]
let curr_val['trigger'] = snip[0]
call add(canditates, curr_val)
return canditates
function! unite#sources#ultisnips#define() abort
return s:unite_source
"unlet s:unite_source
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo