" File: UltiSnips.vim " Author: Holger Rapp " Description: The Ultimate Snippets solution for Vim if exists('did_UltiSnips_autoload') || &cp || version < 700 finish endif " Define dummy version of function called by autocommand setup in " ftdetect/UltiSnips.vim. If the function isn't defined (probably due to " using a copy of vim without python support) it will cause an error anytime a " new file is opened. function! UltiSnips_FileTypeChanged() endfunction " Kludge to make sure that if the python module is loaded first, all of this " initialization in this file is indeed done. function! UltiSnips#WasRun() endfunction if !exists("g:UltiSnipsUsePythonVersion") let g:_uspy=":py3 " if !has("python3") if !has("python") if !exists("g:UltiSnipsNoPythonWarning") echo "UltiSnips requires py >= 2.6 or any py3" endif finish endif let g:_uspy=":py " endif let g:UltiSnipsUsePythonVersion = "" else if g:UltiSnipsUsePythonVersion == 2 let g:_uspy=":py " else let g:_uspy=":py3 " endif endif " FUNCTIONS {{{ function! s:compensate_for_pum() """ The CursorMovedI event is not triggered while the popup-menu is visible, """ and it's by this event that UltiSnips updates its vim-state. The fix is """ to explicitly check for the presence of the popup menu, and update """ the vim-state accordingly. if pumvisible() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager._cursor_moved()" endif endfunction function! UltiSnips#Edit(...) if a:0 == 1 && a:1 != '' let type = a:1 else exec g:_uspy "vim.command(\"let type = '%s'\" % UltiSnips_Manager._primary_filetype)" endif exec g:_uspy "vim.command(\"let file = '%s'\" % UltiSnips_Manager._file_to_edit(vim.eval(\"type\")))" let mode = 'e' if exists('g:UltiSnipsEditSplit') if g:UltiSnipsEditSplit == 'vertical' let mode = 'vs' elseif g:UltiSnipsEditSplit == 'horizontal' let mode = 'sp' endif endif exe ':'.mode.' '.file endfunction function! UltiSnips#AddFiletypes(filetypes) exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.add_buffer_filetypes('" . a:filetypes . ".all')" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips#FileTypeComplete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) let ret = {} let items = map( \ split(globpath(&runtimepath, 'syntax/*.vim'), '\n'), \ 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":t:r")' \ ) call insert(items, 'all') for item in items if !has_key(ret, item) && item =~ '^'.a:arglead let ret[item] = 1 endif endfor return sort(keys(ret)) endfunction function! UltiSnips#ExpandSnippet() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.expand()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips#ExpandSnippetOrJump() call s:compensate_for_pum() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.expand_or_jump()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips#ListSnippets() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.list_snippets()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips#SnippetsInCurrentScope() let g:current_ulti_dict = {} exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.snippets_in_current_scope()" return g:current_ulti_dict endfunction function! UltiSnips#SaveLastVisualSelection() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager._save_last_visual_selection()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips#JumpBackwards() call s:compensate_for_pum() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.jump_backwards()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips#JumpForwards() call s:compensate_for_pum() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.jump_forwards()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips#FileTypeChanged() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.reset_buffer_filetypes()" exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.add_buffer_filetypes('" . &ft . "')" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips#AddSnippet(trigger, value, description, options, ...) " Takes the same arguments as SnippetManager.add_snippet: " (trigger, value, description, options, ft = "all", globals = None) exec g:_uspy "args = vim.eval(\"a:000\")" exec g:_uspy "trigger = vim.eval(\"a:trigger\")" exec g:_uspy "value = vim.eval(\"a:value\")" exec g:_uspy "description = vim.eval(\"a:description\")" exec g:_uspy "options = vim.eval(\"a:options\")" exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.add_snippet(trigger, value, description, options, *args)" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips#Anon(value, ...) " Takes the same arguments as SnippetManager.expand_anon: " (value, trigger="", description="", options="", globals = None) exec g:_uspy "args = vim.eval(\"a:000\")" exec g:_uspy "value = vim.eval(\"a:value\")" exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.expand_anon(value, *args)" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips#CursorMoved() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager._cursor_moved()" endf function! UltiSnips#LeavingBuffer() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager._leaving_buffer()" endf function! UltiSnips#LeavingInsertMode() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager._leaving_insert_mode()" endfunction " }}} " Expand our path exec g:_uspy "import vim, os, sys" exec g:_uspy "new_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( \ vim.eval('expand(\":h\")'), '..', 'pythonx'))" exec g:_uspy "vim.command(\"let g:UltiSnipsPythonPath = '%s'\" % new_path)" exec g:_uspy "if not hasattr(vim, 'VIM_SPECIAL_PATH'): sys.path.append(new_path)" exec g:_uspy "from UltiSnips import UltiSnips_Manager" let did_UltiSnips_autoload=1