" File: UltiSnips.vim " Author: Holger Rapp " Description: The Ultimate Snippets solution for Vim " " Testing Info: {{{ " See directions at the top of the test.py script located one " directory above this file. " }}} if exists('did_UltiSnips_vim') || &cp || version < 700 finish endif let g:_uspy=":py3 " if !has("python3") if !has("python") echo "UltiSnips requires py >= 2.5 or any py3" finish endif let g:_uspy=":py " endif " Global Variables {{{ " The trigger used to expand a snippet. " NOTE: expansion and forward jumping can, but needn't be the same trigger if !exists("g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger") let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = "" endif " The trigger used to display all triggers that could possible " match in the current position. if !exists("g:UltiSnipsListSnippets") let g:UltiSnipsListSnippets = "" endif " The trigger used to jump forward to the next placeholder. " NOTE: expansion and forward jumping can, but needn't be the same trigger if !exists("g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger") let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger = "" endif " The trigger to jump backward inside a snippet if !exists("g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger") let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger = "" endif " Should UltiSnips unmap select mode mappings automagically? if !exists("g:UltiSnipsRemoveSelectModeMappings") let g:UltiSnipsRemoveSelectModeMappings = 1 end " If UltiSnips should remove Mappings, which should be ignored if !exists("g:UltiSnipsMappingsToIgnore") let g:UltiSnipsMappingsToIgnore = [] endif " UltiSnipsEdit will use this variable to decide if a new window " is opened when editing. default is "normal", allowed are also " "vertical", "horizontal" if !exists("g:UltiSnipsEditSplit") let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit = 'normal' endif " A list of directory names that are searched for snippets. if !exists("g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories") let g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories = [ "UltiSnips" ] endif " }}} "" Global Commands {{{ function! UltiSnipsEdit(...) if a:0 == 1 && a:1 != '' let type = a:1 else exec g:_uspy "vim.command(\"let type = '%s'\" % UltiSnips_Manager.filetype)" endif exec g:_uspy "vim.command(\"let file = '%s'\" % UltiSnips_Manager.file_to_edit(vim.eval(\"type\")))" let mode = 'e' if exists('g:UltiSnipsEditSplit') if g:UltiSnipsEditSplit == 'vertical' let mode = 'vs' elseif g:UltiSnipsEditSplit == 'horizontal' let mode = 'sp' endif endif exe ':'.mode.' '.file endfunction " edit snippets, default of current file type or the specified type command! -nargs=? UltiSnipsEdit :call UltiSnipsEdit() "" }}} "" FUNCTIONS {{{ function! CompensateForPUM() """ The CursorMovedI event is not triggered while the popup-menu is visible, """ and it's by this event that UltiSnips updates its vim-state. The fix is """ to explicitly check for the presence of the popup menu, and update """ the vim-state accordingly. if pumvisible() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.cursor_moved()" endif endfunction function! UltiSnips_ExpandSnippet() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.expand()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips_ExpandSnippetOrJump() call CompensateForPUM() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.expand_or_jump()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips_ListSnippets() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.list_snippets()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips_SaveLastVisualSelection() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.save_last_visual_selection()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips_JumpBackwards() call CompensateForPUM() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.jump_backwards()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips_JumpForwards() call CompensateForPUM() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.jump_forwards()" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips_AddSnippet(trigger, value, descr, options, ...) " Takes the same arguments as SnippetManager.add_snippet: " (trigger, value, descr, options, ft = "all", globals = None) exec g:_uspy "args = vim.eval(\"a:000\")" exec g:_uspy "trigger = vim.eval(\"a:trigger\")" exec g:_uspy "value = vim.eval(\"a:value\")" exec g:_uspy "descr = vim.eval(\"a:descr\")" exec g:_uspy "options = vim.eval(\"a:options\")" exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.add_snippet(trigger, value, descr, options, *args)" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips_Anon(value, ...) " Takes the same arguments as SnippetManager.expand_anon: " (value, trigger="", descr="", options="", globals = None) exec g:_uspy "args = vim.eval(\"a:000\")" exec g:_uspy "value = vim.eval(\"a:value\")" exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.expand_anon(value, *args)" return "" endfunction function! UltiSnips_MapKeys() " Map the keys correctly if g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger == g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger exec "inoremap " . g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger . " =UltiSnips_ExpandSnippetOrJump()" exec "snoremap " . g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger . " :call UltiSnips_ExpandSnippetOrJump()" else exec "inoremap " . g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger . " =UltiSnips_ExpandSnippet()" exec "snoremap " . g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger . " :call UltiSnips_ExpandSnippet()" exec "inoremap " . g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger . " =UltiSnips_JumpForwards()" exec "snoremap " . g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger . " :call UltiSnips_JumpForwards()" endif exec 'xnoremap ' . g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger. ' :call UltiSnips_SaveLastVisualSelection()gvs' exec "inoremap " . g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger . " =UltiSnips_JumpBackwards()" exec "snoremap " . g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger . " :call UltiSnips_JumpBackwards()" exec "inoremap " . g:UltiSnipsListSnippets . " =UltiSnips_ListSnippets()" exec "snoremap " . g:UltiSnipsListSnippets . " :call UltiSnips_ListSnippets()" " Do not remap this. snoremap :exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.backspace_while_selected()" endf function! UltiSnips_CursorMoved() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.cursor_moved()" endf function! UltiSnips_EnteredInsertMode() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.entered_insert_mode()" endf function! UltiSnips_LeavingWindow() exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.leaving_window()" endf " }}} "" STARTUP CODE {{{ " Expand our path exec g:_uspy "import vim, os, sys" exec g:_uspy "new_path = vim.eval('expand(\":h\")')" exec g:_uspy "sys.path.append(new_path)" exec g:_uspy "from UltiSnips import UltiSnips_Manager" exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.expand_trigger = vim.eval('g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger')" exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.forward_trigger = vim.eval('g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger')" exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.backward_trigger = vim.eval('g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger')" au CursorMovedI * call UltiSnips_CursorMoved() "au InsertEnter * call UltiSnips_EnteredInsertMode() "au WinLeave * call UltiSnips_LeavingWindow() call UltiSnips_MapKeys() let did_UltiSnips_vim=1 " }}} " vim: ts=8 sts=4 sw=4