#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # import os import tempfile import unittest import time # Some constants for better reading BS = '\x7f' ESC = '\x1b' ARR_L = '\x1bOD' ARR_R = '\x1bOC' ARR_U = '\x1bOA' ARR_D = '\x1bOB' def send(s,session): os.system("screen -x %s -X stuff '%s'" % (session,s)) def type(str, session): """ Send the keystrokes to vim via screen. Pause after each char, so vim can handle this """ for c in str: send(c, session) class _VimTest(unittest.TestCase): snippets = ("dummy", "donotdefine") text_before = " --- some text before --- " text_after = " --- some text after --- " wanted = "" keys = "" def send(self,s): send(s, self.session) def type(self,s): type(s, self.session) def check_output(self): wanted = self.text_before + '\n\n' + self.wanted + \ '\n\n' + self.text_after self.assertEqual(self.output, wanted) def runTest(self): self.check_output() def setUp(self): self.send(ESC) self.send(":py PySnipSnippets.reset()\n") if not isinstance(self.snippets[0],tuple): self.snippets = ( self.snippets, ) for s in self.snippets: sv,content = s[:2] descr = "" if len(s) == 3: descr = s[-1] self.send(''':py << EOF PySnipSnippets.add_snippet("%s","""%s""", "%s") EOF ''' % (sv,content.encode("string-escape"), descr.encode("string-escape")) ) # Clear the buffer self.send("bggVGd") if not self.interrupt: # Enter insert mode self.send("i") self.send(self.text_before + '\n\n') self.send('\n\n' + self.text_after) # Go to the middle of the buffer self.send(ESC + "ggjji") # Execute the command self.type(self.keys) handle, fn = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="PySnipEmuTest",suffix=".txt") os.close(handle) os.unlink(fn) self.send(ESC + ":w! %s\n" % fn) # Read the output, chop the trailing newline tries = 50 while tries: if os.path.exists(fn): self.output = open(fn,"r").read()[:-1] break time.sleep(.05) tries -= 1 ################## # Simple Expands # ################## class _SimpleExpands(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "Hallo Welt!") class SimpleExpand_ExceptCorrectResult(_SimpleExpands): keys = "hallo\t" wanted = "Hallo Welt!" class SimpleExpandTypeAfterExpand_ExceptCorrectResult(_SimpleExpands): keys = "hallo\tand again" wanted = "Hallo Welt!and again" class SimpleExpandTypeAndDelete_ExceptCorrectResult(_SimpleExpands): keys = "na du hallo\tand again\b\b\b\b\bblub" wanted = "na du Hallo Welt!and blub" class DoNotExpandAfterSpace_ExceptCorrectResult(_SimpleExpands): keys = "hallo \t" wanted = "hallo " class ExpandInTheMiddleOfLine_ExceptCorrectResult(_SimpleExpands): keys = "Wie hallo gehts?" + ESC + "bhi\t" wanted = "Wie Hallo Welt! gehts?" class MultilineExpand_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "Hallo Welt!\nUnd Wie gehts?") keys = "Wie hallo gehts?" + ESC + "bhi\t" wanted = "Wie Hallo Welt!\nUnd Wie gehts? gehts?" class MultilineExpandTestTyping_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "Hallo Welt!\nUnd Wie gehts?") wanted = "Wie Hallo Welt!\nUnd Wie gehts?Huiui! gehts?" keys = "Wie hallo gehts?" + ESC + "bhi\tHuiui!" ############ # TabStops # ############ class TabStopSimpleReplace_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "hallo ${0:End} ${1:Beginning}") keys = "hallo\tna\tDu Nase" wanted = "hallo Du Nase na" class TabStopSimpleReplaceSurrounded_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "hallo ${0:End} a small feed") keys = "hallo\tNase" wanted = "hallo Nase a small feed" class TabStopSimpleReplaceSurrounded1_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "hallo $0 a small feed") keys = "hallo\tNase" wanted = "hallo Nase a small feed" class ExitTabStop_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("echo", "$0 run") keys = "echo\ttest" wanted = "test run" class TabStopNoReplace_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("echo", "echo ${1:Hallo}") keys = "echo\t" wanted = "echo Hallo" # TODO: multiline tabstops, maybe? class TabStopEscapingWhenSelected_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "snip ${1:default}") keys = "test\t" + ESC + "0ihi" wanted = "hisnip default" class TabStopEscapingWhenSelectedSingleCharTS_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "snip ${1:i}") keys = "test\t" + ESC + "0ihi" wanted = "hisnip i" class TabStopEscapingWhenSelectedNoCharTS_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "snip $1") keys = "test\t" + ESC + "0ihi" wanted = "hisnip " class TabStopUsingBackspaceToDeleteDefaultValue_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "snip ${1/.+/(?0:matched)/} ${1:default}") keys = "test\t" + BS wanted = "snip " class TabStopUsingBackspaceToDeleteDefaultValueInFirstTab_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "snip ${1/.+/(?0:m1)/} ${2/.+/(?0:m2)/} " "${1:default} ${2:def}") keys = "test\t" + BS + "\thi" wanted = "snip m2 hi" class TabStopUsingBackspaceToDeleteDefaultValueInSecondTab_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "snip ${1/.+/(?0:m1)/} ${2/.+/(?0:m2)/} " "${1:default} ${2:def}") keys = "test\thi\t" + BS wanted = "snip m1 hi " class TabStopUsingBackspaceToDeleteDefaultValueTypeSomethingThen_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "snip ${1/.+/(?0:matched)/} ${1:default}") keys = "test\t" + BS + "hallo" wanted = "snip matched hallo" class TabStopWithOneChar_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "nothing ${1:i} hups") keys = "hallo\tship" wanted = "nothing ship hups" class TabStopTestJumping_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "hallo ${2:End} mitte ${1:Beginning}") keys = "hallo\t\tTest\tHi" wanted = "hallo Test mitte BeginningHi" class TabStopTestJumping2_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "hallo $2 $1") keys = "hallo\t\tTest\tHi" wanted = "hallo Test Hi" class TestJumpingDontJumpToEndIfThereIsTabZero_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "hallo $0 $1") keys = "hallo\tTest\tHi\t\tdu" wanted = "hallo Hidu Test" class TabStopTestBackwardJumping_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "hallo ${2:End} mitte${1:Beginning}") keys = "hallo\tSomelengthy Text\tHi+Lets replace it again\tBlah\t++\t" wanted = "hallo Blah mitteLets replace it again" class TabStopTestBackwardJumping2_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "hallo $2 $1") keys = "hallo\tSomelengthy Text\tHi+Lets replace it again\tBlah\t++\t" wanted = "hallo Blah Lets replace it again" class TabStopTestMultilineExpand_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("hallo", "hallo $0\nnice $1 work\n$3 $2\nSeem to work") keys ="test hallo World" + ESC + "02f i\tworld\ttry\ttest\tone more\t\t" wanted = "test hallo one more\nnice world work\n" \ "test try\nSeem to work World" print "expand, jump forward, jump backwards should all be individual" print "Shell eval snippets" print "Tabstop in default text of tabstop. Like in Ruby Dir snippet in TextMate" # functions # Multiline text pasting print "Recursive Tabstops: TODO: this will still take some time" # class RecTabStops_SimpleCase_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): # snippets = ("m", "[ ${1:first} ${2:sec} ]") # keys = "m\tm\thello\tworld\tend" # wanted = "[ [ hello world ] end ]" # class RecTabStops_SimpleCaseLeaveSecond_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): # snippets = ("m", "[ ${1:first} ${2:sec} ]") # keys = "m\tm\thello\tworld\t" # wanted = "[ [ hello world ] sec ]" # # TODO: pasting with while mirroring, also multiline # ########### # # MIRRORS # # ########### class TextTabStopTextAfterTab_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 Hinten\n$1") keys = "test\thallo" wanted = "hallo Hinten\nhallo" class TextTabStopTextBeforeTab_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "Vorne $1\n$1") keys = "test\thallo" wanted = "Vorne hallo\nhallo" class TextTabStopTextSurroundedTab_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "Vorne $1 Hinten\n$1") keys = "test\thallo test" wanted = "Vorne hallo test Hinten\nhallo test" class TextTabStopTextBeforeMirror_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1\nVorne $1") keys = "test\thallo" wanted = "hallo\nVorne hallo" class TextTabStopAfterMirror_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1\n$1 Hinten") keys = "test\thallo" wanted = "hallo\nhallo Hinten" class TextTabStopSurroundMirror_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1\nVorne $1 Hinten") keys = "test\thallo welt" wanted = "hallo welt\nVorne hallo welt Hinten" class TextTabStopAllSurrounded_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ObenVorne $1 ObenHinten\nVorne $1 Hinten") keys = "test\thallo welt" wanted = "ObenVorne hallo welt ObenHinten\nVorne hallo welt Hinten" class MirrorBeforeTabstopLeave_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1:this is it} $1") keys = "test\t" wanted = "this is it this is it this is it" class MirrorBeforeTabstopOverwrite_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1:this is it} $1") keys = "test\ta" wanted = "a a a" class TextTabStopSimpleMirrorMultiline_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1\n$1") keys = "test\thallo" wanted = "hallo\nhallo" class SimpleMirrorMultilineMany_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", " $1\n$1\na$1b\n$1\ntest $1 mich") keys = "test\thallo" wanted = " hallo\nhallo\nahallob\nhallo\ntest hallo mich" class MultilineTabStopSimpleMirrorMultiline_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1\n\n$1\n\n$1") keys = "test\thallo Du\nHi" wanted = "hallo Du\nHi\n\nhallo Du\nHi\n\nhallo Du\nHi" class MultilineTabStopSimpleMirrorMultiline1_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1\n$1\n$1") keys = "test\thallo Du\nHi" wanted = "hallo Du\nHi\nhallo Du\nHi\nhallo Du\nHi" # TODO: Multiline delete over line endings class MultilineTabStopSimpleMirrorDeleteInLine_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1\n$1\n$1") keys = "test\thallo Du\nHi\b\bAch Blah" wanted = "hallo Du\nAch Blah\nhallo Du\nAch Blah\nhallo Du\nAch Blah" class TextTabStopSimpleMirrorMultilineMirrorInFront_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1\n${1:sometext}") keys = "test\thallo\nagain" wanted = "hallo\nagain\nhallo\nagain" class SimpleMirrorDelete_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1\n$1") keys = "test\thallo\b\b" wanted = "hal\nhal" class SimpleMirrorSameLine_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 $1") keys = "test\thallo" wanted = "hallo hallo" class Transformation_SimpleMirrorSameLineBeforeTabDefVal_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1:replace me}") keys = "test\thallo foo" wanted = "hallo foo hallo foo" class SimpleMirrorSameLineMany_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 $1 $1 $1") keys = "test\thallo du" wanted = "hallo du hallo du hallo du hallo du" class SimpleMirrorSameLineManyMultiline_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 $1 $1 $1") keys = "test\thallo du\nwie gehts?" wanted = "hallo du\nwie gehts? hallo du\nwie gehts? hallo du\nwie gehts?" \ " hallo du\nwie gehts?" class SimpleMirrorDeleteSomeEnterSome_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1\n$1") keys = "test\thallo\b\bhups" wanted = "halhups\nhalhups" class SimpleTabstopWithDefaultSimpelType_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ha ${1:defa}\n$1") keys = "test\tworld" wanted = "ha world\nworld" class SimpleTabstopWithDefaultComplexType_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ha ${1:default value} $1\nanother: $1 mirror") keys = "test\tworld" wanted = "ha world world\nanother: world mirror" class SimpleTabstopWithDefaultSimpelKeep_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ha ${1:defa}\n$1") keys = "test\t" wanted = "ha defa\ndefa" class SimpleTabstopWithDefaultComplexKeep_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ha ${1:default value} $1\nanother: $1 mirror") keys = "test\t" wanted = "ha default value default value\nanother: default value mirror" class TabstopWithMirrorManyFromAll_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ha $5 ${1:blub} $4 $0 ${2:$1.h} $1 $3 ${4:More}") keys = "test\thi\thu\thub\thulla\tblah\tend" wanted = "ha blah hi hulla end hu hi hub hulla" class TabstopWithMirrorInDefaultNoType_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ha ${1:blub} ${2:$1.h}") keys = "test\t" wanted = "ha blub blub.h" class TabstopWithMirrorInDefaultTwiceAndExtra_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ha $1 ${2:$1.h $1.c}\ntest $1") keys = "test\tstdin" wanted = "ha stdin stdin.h stdin.c\ntest stdin" class TabstopWithMirrorInDefaultMultipleLeave_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ha $1 ${2:snip} ${3:$1.h $2}") keys = "test\tstdin" wanted = "ha stdin snip stdin.h snip" class TabstopWithMirrorInDefaultMultipleOverwrite_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ha $1 ${2:snip} ${3:$1.h $2}") keys = "test\tstdin\tdo snap" wanted = "ha stdin do snap stdin.h do snap" class TabstopWithMirrorInDefaultOverwrite_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "ha $1 ${2:$1.h}") keys = "test\tstdin\toverwritten" wanted = "ha stdin overwritten" class MirrorRealLifeExample_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ( ("for", "for(size_t ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; ${3:++$2})" \ "\n{\n\t${0:/* code */}\n}"), ) keys ="for\t100\tavar\b\b\b\ba_variable\ta_variable *= 2\t// do nothing" wanted = """for(size_t a_variable = 0; a_variable < 100; a_variable *= 2) { \t// do nothing }""" ################### # TRANSFORMATIONS # ################### class Transformation_SimpleCase_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1/foo/batzl/}") keys = "test\thallo foo boy" wanted = "hallo foo boy hallo batzl boy" class Transformation_SimpleCaseNoTransform_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1/foo/batzl/}") keys = "test\thallo" wanted = "hallo hallo" class Transformation_SimpleCaseTransformInFront_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "${1/foo/batzl/} $1") keys = "test\thallo foo" wanted = "hallo batzl hallo foo" class Transformation_SimpleCaseTransformInFrontDefVal_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "${1/foo/batzl/} ${1:replace me}") keys = "test\thallo foo" wanted = "hallo batzl hallo foo" class Transformation_MultipleTransformations_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "${1:Some Text}${1/.+/\U$0\E/}\n${1/.+/\L$0\E/}") keys = "test\tSomE tExt " wanted = "SomE tExt SOME TEXT \nsome text " class Transformation_TabIsAtEndAndDeleted_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "${1/.+/is something/}${1:some}") keys = "hallo test\tsome\b\b\b\b\b" wanted = "hallo " class Transformation_TabIsAtEndAndDeleted1_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "${1/.+/is something/}${1:some}") keys = "hallo test\tsome\b\b\b\bmore" wanted = "hallo is somethingmore" class Transformation_TabIsAtEndNoTextLeave_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "${1/.+/is something/}${1}") keys = "hallo test\t" wanted = "hallo " class Transformation_TabIsAtEndNoTextType_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "${1/.+/is something/}${1}") keys = "hallo test\tb" wanted = "hallo is somethingb" class Transformation_InsideTabLeaveAtDefault_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${2:${1/.+/(?0:defined $0)/}}") keys = "test\tsometext\t" wanted = "sometext defined sometext" class Transformation_InsideTabOvertype_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${2:${1/.+/(?0:defined $0)/}}") keys = "test\tsometext\toverwrite" wanted = "sometext overwrite" class Transformation_Backreference_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1/([ab])oo/$1ull/}") keys = "test\tfoo boo aoo" wanted = "foo boo aoo foo bull aoo" class Transformation_BackreferenceTwice_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${1/(dead) (par[^ ]*)/this $2 is a bit $1/}") keys = "test\tdead parrot" wanted = "dead parrot this parrot is a bit dead" class Transformation_CleverTransformUpercaseChar_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1/(.)/\u$1/}") keys = "test\thallo" wanted = "hallo Hallo" class Transformation_CleverTransformLowercaseChar_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1/(.*)/\l$1/}") keys = "test\tHallo" wanted = "Hallo hallo" class Transformation_CleverTransformLongUpper_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1/(.*)/\U$1\E/}") keys = "test\thallo" wanted = "hallo HALLO" class Transformation_CleverTransformLongLower_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1/(.*)/\L$1\E/}") keys = "test\tHALLO" wanted = "HALLO hallo" class Transformation_ConditionalInsertionSimple_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1/(^a).*/(?0:began with an a)/}") keys = "test\ta some more text" wanted = "a some more text began with an a" class Transformation_CIBothDefinedNegative_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1/(?:(^a)|(^b)).*/(?1:yes:no)/}") keys = "test\tb some" wanted = "b some no" class Transformation_CIBothDefinedPositive_ExceptCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1/(?:(^a)|(^b)).*/(?1:yes:no)/}") keys = "test\ta some" wanted = "a some yes" class Transformation_ConditionalInsertRWEllipsis_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${1/(\w+(?:\W+\w+){,7})\W*(.+)?/$1(?2:...)/}") keys = "test\ta b c d e f ghhh h oha" wanted = "a b c d e f ghhh h oha a b c d e f ghhh h..." class Transformation_CINewlines_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${1/, */\n/}") keys = "test\ttest, hallo" wanted = "test, hallo test\nhallo" class Transformation_CIEscapedParensinReplace_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${1/hal((?:lo)|(?:ul))/(?1:ha\($1\))/}") keys = "test\ttest, halul" wanted = "test, halul test, ha(ul)" class Transformation_OptionIgnoreCase_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${1/test/blah/i}") keys = "test\tTEST" wanted = "TEST blah" class Transformation_OptionReplaceGlobal_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${1/, */-/g}") keys = "test\ta, nice, building" wanted = "a, nice, building a-nice-building" class Transformation_OptionReplaceGlobalMatchInReplace_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${1/, */, /g}") keys = "test\ta, nice, building" wanted = "a, nice, building a, nice, building" # TODO: conditional in conditional, case folding recursive ################### # CURSOR MOVEMENT # ################### class CursorMovement_Multiline_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${1:a tab}") keys = "test\tthis is something\nvery nice\nnot?\tmore text" wanted = "this is something\nvery nice\nnot? " \ "this is something\nvery nice\nnot?more text" # TODO: expandtab and therelikes ###################### # INSERT MODE MOVING # ###################### class IMMoving_CursorsKeys_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "${1:Some}") keys = "test\ttext" + 3*ARR_U + 6*ARR_D wanted = "text" class IMMoving_DoNotAcceptInputWhenMoved_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${1:a tab}") keys = "test\tthis" + ARR_L + "hallo" wanted = "this thihallos" class IMMoving_NoExiting_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${2:a tab} ${1:Tab}") keys = "hello test this" + ESC + "02f i\ttab" + 7*ARR_L + "\thallo" wanted = "hello tab hallo tab this" class IMMoving_NoExitingEventAtEnd_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${2:a tab} ${1:Tab}") keys = "hello test this" + ESC + "02f i\ttab" + "\thallo" wanted = "hello tab hallo tab this" class IMMoving_ExitWhenOutsideRight_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"$1 ${2:blub} ${1:Tab}") keys = "hello test this" + ESC + "02f i\ttab" + ARR_R + "\thallo" wanted = "hello tab blub tab hallothis" class IMMoving_NotExitingWhenBarelyOutsideLeft_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"${1:Hi} ${2:blub}") keys = "hello test this" + ESC + "02f i\ttab" + 3*ARR_L + "\thallo" wanted = "hello tab hallo this" class IMMoving_ExitWhenOutsideLeft_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", r"${1:Hi} ${2:blub}") keys = "hello test this" + ESC + "02f i\ttab" + 4*ARR_L + "\thallo" wanted = "hellohallo tab blub this" class IMMoving_ExitWhenOutsideAbove_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "${1:Hi}\n${2:blub}") keys = "hello test this" + ESC + "02f i\ttab" + 1*ARR_U + "\t\nhallo" wanted = "hallo\nhello tab\nblub this" class IMMoving_ExitWhenOutsideBelow_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "${1:Hi}\n${2:blub}") keys = "hello test this" + ESC + "02f i\ttab" + 2*ARR_D + "\ttesthallo\n" wanted = "hello tab\nblub this\ntesthallo" #################### # PROPER INDENTING # #################### class ProperIndenting_SimpleCase_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "for\n blah") keys = " test\tHui" wanted = " for\n blahHui" class ProperIndenting_SingleLineNoReindenting_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "hui") keys = " test\tblah" wanted = " huiblah" ###################### # SELECTING MULTIPLE # ###################### class Multiple_SimpleCaseSelectFirst_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ( ("test", "Case1", "This is Case 1"), ("test", "Case2", "This is Case 2") ) keys = "test\t1\n" wanted = "Case1" class Multiple_SimpleCaseSelectSecond_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ( ("test", "Case1", "This is Case 1"), ("test", "Case2", "This is Case 2") ) keys = "test\t2\n" wanted = "Case2" ########################################################################### # END OF TEST # ########################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import optparse def parse_args(): p = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [OPTIONS] ") p.set_defaults(session="vim", interrupt=False, verbose=False) p.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="print name of tests as they are executed") p.add_option("-s", "--session", dest="session", metavar="SESSION", help="send commands to screen session SESSION [%default]") p.add_option("-i", "--interrupt", dest="interrupt", action="store_true", help="Stop after defining the snippet. This allows the user" \ "to interactively test the snippet in vim. You must give exactly" \ "one test case on the cmdline. The test will always fail." ) o, args = p.parse_args() return o, args options,selected_tests = parse_args() # The next line doesn't work in python 2.3 test_loader = unittest.TestLoader() all_test_suites = test_loader.loadTestsFromModule(__import__("test")) # Send some mappings to vim send(":inoremap + =PyVimSnips_JumpBackwards()\n", options.session) send(":snoremap + :call PyVimSnips_JumpBackwards()\n", options.session) # Inform all test case which screen session to use suite = unittest.TestSuite() for s in all_test_suites: for test in s: test.session = options.session test.interrupt = options.interrupt if len(selected_tests): id = test.id().split('.')[1] if not any([ id.startswith(t) for t in selected_tests ]): continue suite.addTest(test) if options.verbose: v = 2 else: v = 1 res = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=v).run(suite)