#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Convert snipmate compatible snippets to UltiSnips compatible snippets by Phillip Berndt """ import sys import re import os import argparse def convert_snippet_contents(content): " If the snippet contains snipmate style substitutions, convert them to ultisnips style " content = re.sub("`([^`]+`)", "`!v \g<1>", content) return content def convert_snippet_file(source): " One file per filetype " retval = "" state = 0 for line in open(source).readlines(): # Ignore empty lines if line.strip() == "": continue # The rest of the handlig is stateful if state == 0: # Find snippet start if line[:8] == "snippet ": snippet_info = re.match("(\S+)\s*(.*)", line[8:]) if not snippet_info: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Malformed snippet\n %s\n" % line continue retval += 'snippet %s "%s"' % (snippet_info.group(1), snippet_info.group(2) if snippet_info.group(2) else snippet_info.group(1)) + "\n" state = 1 snippet = "" elif state == 1: # First line of snippet: Get indentation whitespace = re.search("^\s+", line) if not whitespace: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Malformed snippet, content not indented.\n" retval += "endsnippet\n\n" state = 0 else: whitespace = whitespace.group(0) snippet += line[len(whitespace):] state = 2 elif state == 2: # In snippet: Check if indentation level is the same. If not, snippet has ended if line[:len(whitespace)] != whitespace: retval += convert_snippet_contents(snippet) + "endsnippet\n\n" # Copy-paste the section from state=0 so that we don't skip every other snippet if line[:8] == "snippet ": snippet_info = re.match("(\S+)\s*(.*)", line[8:]) if not snippet_info: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Malformed snippet\n %s\n" % line continue retval += 'snippet %s "%s"' % (snippet_info.group(1), snippet_info.group(2) if snippet_info.group(2) else snippet_info.group(1)) + "\n" state = 1 snippet = "" else: snippet += line[len(whitespace):] if state == 2: retval += convert_snippet_contents(snippet) + "endsnippet\n\n" return retval def convert_snippet(source): " One file per snippet " name = os.path.basename(source)[:-8] return 'snippet %s "%s"' % (name, name) + "\n" + \ convert_snippet_contents(open(source).read()) + \ "\nendsnippet\n" def convert_snippets(source): if os.path.isdir(source): return "\n".join((convert_snippet(os.path.join(source, x)) for x in os.listdir(source) if x[-8:] == ".snippet")) else: return convert_snippet_file(source) if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse command line argsp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert snipmate compatible snippets to UltiSnips' file format", epilog="example:\n %s drupal/ drupal.snippets\n will convert all drupal specific snippets from snipmate into one file drupal.snippets" % sys.argv[0], formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) argsp.add_argument("source", help="Source directory for one filetype or a snippets file") argsp.add_argument("target", help="File to write the resulting snippets into. If omitted, the snippets will be written to stdout.", nargs="?", default="-") args = argsp.parse_args() source = args.source try: target = sys.stdout if args.target == "-" else open(args.target, "w") except IOError: print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Failed to open output file %s for writing" % args.target sys.exit(1) snippets = convert_snippets(source) print >> target, snippets