# encoding: utf-8 # pylint: skip-file import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import textwrap import time import unittest from constant import * def is_process_running(pid): """Returns true if a process with pid is running, false otherwise.""" # from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/568271/how-to-check-if-there-exists-a-process-with-a-given-pid try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError: return False else: return True def silent_call(cmd): """Calls 'cmd' and returns the exit value.""" return subprocess.call(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) def create_directory(dirname): """Creates 'dirname' and its parents if it does not exist.""" try: os.makedirs(dirname) except OSError: pass def plugin_cache_dir(): """The directory that we check out our bundles to.""" return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "UltiSnips_test_vim_plugins") def read_text_file(filename): """Reads the contens of a text file.""" if PYTHON3: return open(filename,"r", encoding="utf-8").read() else: return open(filename,"r").read() def wait_until_file_exists(file_path, times=None, interval=0.01): while times is None or times: if os.path.exists(file_path): return True time.sleep(interval) if times is not None: times -= 1 return False class TempFileManager(object): """A TempFileManager keeps a unique prefix path for temp files. A temp file, or a name for a temp file generate by a TempFileManager always belongs to the same directory. """ def __init__(self, name=""): """The unique prefix path is UltiSnipsTest_{name}XXXXXX. """ self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="UltiSnipsTest_" + name) def name_temp(self, file_path): """Get the absolute path of a temp file by given file path. """ return os.path.join(self._temp_dir, file_path) def write_temp(self, file_path, content): """Write the content to a temp file by given file path inside the _temp_dir, and return the absolute path of that file. """ abs_path = self.name_temp(file_path) create_directory(os.path.dirname(abs_path)) if PYTHON3: with open(abs_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content) else: with open(abs_path, "w") as f: f.write(content) return abs_path def unique_name_temp(self, suffix="", prefix=""): """Generate a unique name for a temp file with given suffix and prefix, and return full absolute path. """ file_handler, abspath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix, prefix, self._temp_dir) os.close(file_handler) os.remove(abspath) return abspath def clear_temp(self): """Clear the temp file directory, but the directory itself is not removed. """ shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir) create_directory(self._temp_dir) class VimInterface(TempFileManager): def __init__(self, name=""): TempFileManager.__init__(self, name) def get_buffer_data(self): buffer_path = self.unique_name_temp(prefix="buffer_") self.send(ESC + ":w! %s\n" % buffer_path) if wait_until_file_exists(buffer_path, 50): return read_text_file(buffer_path)[:-1] def send(self, s): raise NotImplementedError() def launch(self, config=[]): pid_file = self.name_temp("vim.pid") done_file = self.name_temp("loading_done") if os.path.exists(done_file): os.remove(done_file) post_config = [] post_config.append("%s << EOF" % ("py3" if PYTHON3 else "py")) post_config.append("import vim") post_config.append("with open('%s', 'w') as pid_file: pid_file.write(vim.eval('getpid()'))" % pid_file) post_config.append("with open('%s', 'w') as done_file: pass" % done_file) post_config.append("EOF") config_path = self.write_temp("vim_config.vim", textwrap.dedent(os.linesep.join(config + post_config) + "\n")) # Note the space to exclude it from shell history. self.send(""" vim -u %s\r\n""" % config_path) wait_until_file_exists(done_file) self._vim_pid = int(open(pid_file, "r").read()) def leave_with_wait(self): self.send(3*ESC + ":qa!\n") while is_process_running(self._vim_pid): time.sleep(.05) class VimInterfaceScreen(VimInterface): def __init__(self, session): VimInterface.__init__(self, "Screen") self.session = session self.need_screen_escapes = 0 self.detect_parsing() def send(self, s): if self.need_screen_escapes: # escape characters that are special to some versions of screen repl = lambda m: '\\' + m.group(0) s = re.sub( r"[$^#\\']", repl, s ) if PYTHON3: s = s.encode("utf-8") while True: rv = 0 if len(s) > 30: rv |= silent_call(["screen", "-x", self.session, "-X", "register", "S", s]) rv |= silent_call(["screen", "-x", self.session, "-X", "paste", "S"]) else: rv |= silent_call(["screen", "-x", self.session, "-X", "stuff", s]) if not rv: break time.sleep(.2) def detect_parsing(self): self.launch() # Send a string where the interpretation will depend on version of screen string = "$TERM" self.send("i" + string + ESC) output = self.get_buffer_data() # If the output doesn't match the input, need to do additional escaping if output != string: self.need_screen_escapes = 1 self.leave_with_wait() class VimInterfaceTmux(VimInterface): def __init__(self, session): self.session = session self._check_version() def send(self, s): # I did not find any documentation on what needs escaping when sending # to tmux, but it seems like this is all that is needed for now. s = s.replace(';', r'\;') if PYTHON3: s = s.encode("utf-8") silent_call(["tmux", "send-keys", "-t", self.session, "-l", s]) def _check_version(self): stdout, _ = subprocess.Popen(["tmux", "-V"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() if PYTHON3: stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8") m = re.match(r"tmux (\d+).(\d+)", stdout) if not m or not (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))) >= (1, 9): raise RuntimeError("Need at least tmux 1.9, you have %s." % stdout.strip()) class VimInterfaceWindows(VimInterface): BRACES = re.compile("([}{])") WIN_ESCAPES = ["+", "^", "%", "~", "[", "]", "<", ">", "(", ")"] WIN_REPLACES = [ (BS, "{BS}"), (ARR_L, "{LEFT}"), (ARR_R, "{RIGHT}"), (ARR_U, "{UP}"), (ARR_D, "{DOWN}"), ("\t", "{TAB}"), ("\n", "~"), (ESC, "{ESC}"), # On my system ` waits for a second keystroke, so `+SPACE = "`". On # most systems, `+Space = "` ". I work around this, by sending the host # ` as `+_+BS. Awkward, but the only way I found to get this working. ("`", "`_{BS}"), ("´", "´_{BS}"), ("{^}", "{^}_{BS}"), ] def __init__(self): self.seq_buf = [] # import windows specific modules import win32com.client, win32gui self.win32gui = win32gui self.shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell") def is_focused(self, title=None): cur_title = self.win32gui.GetWindowText(self.win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()) if (title or "- GVIM") in cur_title: return True return False def focus(self, title=None): if not self.shell.AppActivate(title or "- GVIM"): raise Exception("Failed to switch to GVim window") time.sleep(1) def convert_keys(self, keys): keys = self.BRACES.sub(r"{\1}", keys) for k in self.WIN_ESCAPES: keys = keys.replace(k, "{%s}" % k) for f, r in self.WIN_REPLACES: keys = keys.replace(f, r) return keys def send(self, keys): self.seq_buf.append(keys) seq = "".join(self.seq_buf) for f in SEQUENCES: if f.startswith(seq) and f != seq: return self.seq_buf = [] seq = self.convert_keys(seq) if not self.is_focused(): time.sleep(2) self.focus() if not self.is_focused(): # This is the only way I can find to stop test execution raise KeyboardInterrupt("Failed to focus GVIM") self.shell.SendKeys(seq) class VimTestCase(unittest.TestCase, TempFileManager): snippets = () files = {} text_before = " --- some text before --- \n\n" text_after = "\n\n --- some text after --- " expected_error = "" wanted = "" keys = "" sleeptime = 0.00 output = "" plugins = [] # Skip this test for the given reason or None for not skipping it. skip_if = lambda self: None version = None # Will be set to vim --version output def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) TempFileManager.__init__(self, "Case") def runTest(self): # Only checks the output. All work is done in setUp(). wanted = self.text_before + self.wanted + self.text_after if self.expected_error: self.assertRegexpMatches(self.output, self.expected_error) return for i in range(self.retries): if self.output != wanted: # Redo this, but slower self.sleeptime += 0.02 self.tearDown() self.setUp() self.assertEqual(self.output, wanted) def _extra_options_pre_init(self, vim_config): """Adds extra lines to the vim_config list.""" pass def _extra_options_post_init(self, vim_config): """Adds extra lines to the vim_config list.""" pass def _before_test(self): """Send these keys before the test runs. Used for buffer local variables and other options.""" pass def _create_file(self, file_path, content): """Creates a file in the runtimepath that is created for this test. Returns the absolute path to the file.""" return self.write_temp(file_path, textwrap.dedent(content + "\n")) def _link_file(self, source, relative_destination): """Creates a link from 'source' to the 'relative_destination' in our temp dir.""" absdir = self.name_temp(relative_destination) create_directory(absdir) os.symlink(source, os.path.join(absdir, os.path.basename(source))) def setUp(self): if not VimTestCase.version: VimTestCase.version, _ = subprocess.Popen(["vim", "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() if PYTHON3: VimTestCase.version = VimTestCase.version.decode("utf-8") if self.plugins and not self.test_plugins: return self.skipTest("Not testing integration with other plugins.") reason_for_skipping = self.skip_if() if reason_for_skipping is not None: return self.skipTest(reason_for_skipping) vim_config = [] vim_config.append('set nocompatible') vim_config.append('set runtimepath=$VIMRUNTIME,.,%s' % self._temp_dir) if self.plugins: self._link_file(os.path.join(plugin_cache_dir(), "vim-pathogen", "autoload"), ".") for plugin in self.plugins: self._link_file(os.path.join(plugin_cache_dir(), os.path.basename(plugin)), "bundle") vim_config.append("execute pathogen#infect()") # Vim parameters. vim_config.append('syntax on') vim_config.append('filetype plugin indent on') vim_config.append('set clipboard=""') vim_config.append('set encoding=utf-8') vim_config.append('set fileencoding=utf-8') vim_config.append('set buftype=nofile') vim_config.append('set shortmess=at') vim_config.append('let @" = ""') vim_config.append('let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger=""') vim_config.append('let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="?"') vim_config.append('let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="+"') vim_config.append('let g:UltiSnipsListSnippets="@"') vim_config.append('let g:UltiSnipsUsePythonVersion="%i"' % (3 if PYTHON3 else 2)) vim_config.append('let g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories=["us"]') self._extra_options_pre_init(vim_config) # Now activate UltiSnips. vim_config.append('call UltiSnips#bootstrap#Bootstrap()') self._extra_options_post_init(vim_config) # Finally, add the snippets and some configuration for the test. vim_config.append("%s << EOF" % ("py3" if PYTHON3 else "py")) if len(self.snippets) and not isinstance(self.snippets[0],tuple): self.snippets = ( self.snippets, ) for s in self.snippets: sv, content = s[:2] description = "" options = "" priority = 0 if len(s) > 2: description = s[2] if len(s) > 3: options = s[3] if len(s) > 4: priority = s[4] vim_config.append("UltiSnips_Manager.add_snippet(%r, %r, %r, %r, priority=%i)" % ( sv, content, description, options, priority)) # fill buffer with default text and place cursor in between. prefilled_text = (self.text_before + self.text_after).splitlines() vim_config.append("vim.current.buffer[:] = %r\n" % prefilled_text) vim_config.append("vim.current.window.cursor = (max(len(vim.current.buffer)//2, 1), 0)") # End of python stuff. vim_config.append("EOF") for name, content in self.files.items(): self._create_file(name, content) self.vim.launch(vim_config) self._before_test() if not self.interrupt: # Go into insert mode and type the keys but leave Vim some time to # react. for c in 'i' + self.keys: self.vim.send(c) time.sleep(self.sleeptime) self.output = self.vim.get_buffer_data() def tearDown(self): if self.interrupt: print("Working directory: %s" % (self._temp_dir)) return self.vim.leave_with_wait() self.clear_temp() # vim:fileencoding=utf-8:foldmarker={{{#,#}}}: