pyfile function! PyVimSnips_ExpandSnippet() py << EOF from PySnipEmu import PySnipSnippets PySnipSnippets.try_expand() EOF return "" endfunction function! PyVimSnips_JumpBackwards() py << EOF from PySnipEmu import PySnipSnippets PySnipSnippets.try_expand(True) EOF return "" endfunction function! PyVimSnips_SelectWord(len) return "\".'v'.a:len."l\" endf " Run the unit test suite that comes " with the application function! PyVimSnips_RunTests() pyfile endfunction python from PySnipEmu import PySnipSnippets inoremap =PyVimSnips_ExpandSnippet() snoremap :call PyVimSnips_ExpandSnippet() inoremap + =PyVimSnips_JumpBackwards() snoremap + :call PyVimSnips_JumpBackwards() au CursorMovedI * py PySnipSnippets.cursor_moved() au InsertEnter * py PySnipSnippets.entered_insert_mode()