from test.vim_test_case import VimTestCase as _VimTest from test.constant import * # Tab Completion of Words {{{# class Completion_SimpleExample_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ("test", "$1 ${1:blah}") keys = "superkallifragilistik\ntest" + EX + "sup" + COMPL_KW + \ COMPL_ACCEPT + " some more" wanted = "superkallifragilistik\nsuperkallifragilistik some more " \ "superkallifragilistik some more" # We need >2 different words with identical starts to create the # popup-menu: COMPLETION_OPTIONS = "completion1\ncompletion2\n" class Completion_ForwardsJumpWithoutCOMPL_ACCEPT(_VimTest): # completions should not be truncated when JF is activated without having # pressed COMPL_ACCEPT (Bug #598903) snippets = ("test", "$1 $2") keys = COMPLETION_OPTIONS + "test" + EX + "com" + COMPL_KW + JF + "foo" wanted = COMPLETION_OPTIONS + "completion1 foo" class Completion_BackwardsJumpWithoutCOMPL_ACCEPT(_VimTest): # completions should not be truncated when JB is activated without having # pressed COMPL_ACCEPT (Bug #598903) snippets = ("test", "$1 $2") keys = COMPLETION_OPTIONS + "test" + EX + "foo" + JF + "com" + COMPL_KW + \ JB + "foo" wanted = COMPLETION_OPTIONS + "foo completion1" # End: Tab Completion of Words #}}}