*UltiSnips.txt* The Ultimate Plugin for snippets in Vim. UltiSnips *snippet* *snippets* *UltiSnips* 1. Description |UltiSnips-description| 2. Installation and Updating |UltiSnips-installnupgrade| 2.1 Installation |UltiSnips-installation| 2.2 Deinstallation |UltiSnips-deinstallation| 2.3 Updating |UltiSnips-updating| 3. Settings |UltiSnips-settings| 4. Syntax |UltiSnips-syntax| 5. Roadmap |UltiSnips-roadmap| 6. Helping out |UltiSnips-helping| 7. Contact |UltiSnips-contact| For Vim version 7.0 or later. This plugin only works if 'compatible' is not set. {Vi does not have any of these features} This plugin needs Python support compiled into Vim. ============================================================================= DESCRIPTION *UltiSnips-description* UltiSnips aims to provide a snippets solution that users came to expect from editors. A Snippet is a short piece of text which is either typed very often or which contains a lot of redundant text. Such snippets are very often encountered in structured text like Source Code but I also use them for email signatures and to insert the current date or time into the text while typing. UltiSnips is an implementation that is developed with in the philosophy of TDD (Test driven development). This guarantees that features do not disappear and bugs do not reappear after they have been fixed once. ============================================================================= 2. INSTALLATION AND UPDATING *UltiSnips-installnupdate* 2.1 Installation *UltiSnips-installation* ---------------- UltiSnips has only been tested on Mac OS X and Linux. Like TextMates Snippets it also relies heavily on shell integration, therefore Windows users will have only a part of the functionality. To use UltiSnips, you need a python enabled Vim 7. You have python if :echo has("python") yields '1'. If you have Python, you only need to install UltiSnips. The recommended way to do so is by using bzr (http://bazaar-vcs.org/). It is in all major linux distribution (either package bzr or bazaar) and can be easily installed under Mac OS X: > $ easy_install bzr To get UltiSnips, check it out into a directory of your choice. Then add this directory to your Vim runtime path: > $ cd ~/.vim/ $ bzr get lp:ultisnips ultisnips_rep $ vim ~/.vimrc add the line: > set runtimepath+=~/.vim/ultisnips_rep Restart vim. UltiSnips should work now. To access the help, use > :helptags ~/.vim/ultisnips_rep/doc :help UltiSnips 2.2 Deinstallation *UltiSnips-deinstallation* ------------------ To Uninstall UltiSnips, remove the directory you installed it to and remove the path from your vim runtimepath: > $ rm -rf ~/.vim/ultisnips_rep $ vim ~/.vimrc remove the line: > set runtimepath+=~/.vim/ultisnips_rep 2.3 Updating *UltiSnips-updating* ------------ To Update an installation, simply pull the latest revision: > $ cd ~/.vim/ultisnips_rep $ bzr pull ============================================================================= 7. CONTACT *UltiSnips-contact* You can reach me at SirVer -AT- gmx -ADOT- de. You can find the launchpad project for UltiSnips at https://launchpad.net/ultisnips/, there is also the bug tracker. vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: