Lots of code cleanups and smaller bug fixes

- Removed some dead code
- Added some unittests, mainly for debugging
This commit is contained in:
Holger Rapp 2012-01-18 23:35:24 +01:00
parent 5982bdf6c3
commit 59dd11690a
6 changed files with 266 additions and 257 deletions

View File

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ exec g:_uspy "UltiSnips_Manager.backward_trigger = vim.eval('g:UltiSnipsJumpBack
au CursorMovedI * call UltiSnips_CursorMoved()
" au CursorMoved * call UltiSnips_CursorMoved()
au InsertEnter * call UltiSnips_EnteredInsertMode()
"au WinLeave * call UltiSnips_LeavingWindow()
au WinLeave * call UltiSnips_LeavingWindow()
call UltiSnips_MapKeys()

View File

@ -5,27 +5,11 @@ import vim
from UltiSnips.Geometry import Position
from UltiSnips.Compatibility import make_suitable_for_vim, as_unicode
__all__ = [ "TextBuffer", "VimBuffer" ]
__all__ = [ "TextBuffer" ]
from debug import debug
class Buffer(object):
def _replace(self, start, end, content, first_line, last_line):
text = content[:]
if len(text) == 1:
arr = [ first_line + text[0] + last_line ]
new_end = start + Position(0,len(text[0]))
arr = [ first_line + text[0] ] + \
text[1:-1] + \
[ text[-1] + last_line ]
new_end = Position(start.line + len(text)-1, len(text[-1]))
self[start.line:end.line+1] = arr
return new_end
class TextBuffer(Buffer):
class TextBuffer(object):
def __init__(self, textblock):
# We do not use splitlines() here because it handles cases like 'text\n'
# differently than we want it here
@ -43,7 +27,6 @@ class TextBuffer(Buffer):
buf = vim.current.buffer
# Open any folds this might have created
cc = vim.current.window.cursor
vim.current.window.cursor = start.line + 1, 0
vim.command("normal zv")
@ -58,15 +41,8 @@ class TextBuffer(Buffer):
lines[-1] += after
buf[start.line:end.line + 1] = make_suitable_for_vim(lines)
vim.current.window.cursor = cc
return new_end
def replace_text( self, start, end, content ): # TODO: no longer needed?
first_line = self[start.line][:start.col]
last_line = self[end.line][end.col:]
return self._replace( start, end, content, first_line, last_line)
def __getitem__(self, a):
s, e = a.start, a.end
@ -86,29 +62,3 @@ class TextBuffer(Buffer):
return repr('\n'.join(self._lines))
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(self._lines)
class VimBuffer(Buffer): # TODO: this should become obsolete
def __init__(self, before, after):
self._bf = before
self._af = after
def __getitem__(self, a):
if isinstance(a, slice):
return [ as_unicode(k) for k in vim.current.buffer[a] ]
return as_unicode(vim.current.buffer[a])
def __setitem__(self, a, b):
if isinstance(a,slice):
vim.current.buffer[a.start:a.stop] = make_suitable_for_vim(b)
vim.current.buffer[a] = make_suitable_for_vim(b)
def __repr__(self):
return "VimBuffer()"
def replace_lines( self, fline, eline, content ):
start = Position(fline,0 )
end = Position(eline, 100000)
return self._replace( start, end, content, self._bf, self._af)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import sys
import vim
__all__ = ['as_unicode', 'compatible_exec', 'CheapTotalOrdering', 'vim_cursor', 'set_vim_cursor']
__all__ = ['as_unicode', 'compatible_exec', 'vim_cursor', 'set_vim_cursor']
if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
from UltiSnips.Compatibility_py3 import *
@ -34,22 +34,6 @@ if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
col = len(raw_bytes.decode("utf-8"))
return line, col
class CheapTotalOrdering:
"""Total ordering only appears in python 2.7. We try to stay compatible with
python 2.5 for now, so we define our own"""
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.__cmp__(other) < 0
def __le__(self, other):
return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.__cmp__(other) > 0
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0
def as_unicode(s):
if isinstance(s, bytes):
return s.decode("utf-8")
@ -80,23 +64,6 @@ else:
col = len(raw_bytes.decode("utf-8"))
return line, col
class CheapTotalOrdering(object):
"""Total ordering only appears in python 2.7. We try to stay compatible with
python 2.5 for now, so we define our own"""
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.__cmp__(other) < 0
def __le__(self, other):
return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.__cmp__(other) > 0
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0
def as_unicode(s):
if isinstance(s, str):
return s.decode("utf-8")

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from UltiSnips.Compatibility import CheapTotalOrdering # TODO: no longer in use
__all__ = [ "Position", "Span" ]
class Position(object):
@ -37,21 +35,31 @@ class Position(object):
return Position(self.line + pos.line, self.col + pos.col)
# def geometric_add(self, delta): # TODO
# assert(delta.line >= 0 and delta.col >= 0)
# if delta.line == 0:
# return Position(self.line, self.col + other.col)
# return Position(self.line + delta.line,
def __sub__(self,pos): # TODO: is this really true?
if not isinstance(pos,Position):
raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for +: " \
"'Position' and %s" % type(pos))
return Position(self.line - pos.line, self.col - pos.col)
def gsub(self,pos): # TODO: is this really true?
if not isinstance(pos,Position):
raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for +: " \
"'Position' and %s" % type(pos))
if self.line == pos.line:
return Position(0, self.col - pos.col)
#if self > pos: # Idea: self + delta = pos
if self > pos:
return Position(self.line - pos.line, self.col)
return Position(self.line - pos.line, pos.col)
# else: return Position(self.line - pos.line, -self.col)
return Position(self.line - pos.line, self.col - pos.col)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self._line, self._col) == (other._line, other._col)
def __ne__(self, other):
return (self._line, self._col) != (other._line, other._col)
def __lt__(self, other):
return (self._line, self._col) < (other._line, other._col)
def __le__(self, other):
@ -87,3 +95,158 @@ class Span(object):
def __repr__(self):
return "(%s -> %s)" % (self._s, self._e)
import unittest
def _move(obj, pivot, diff):
"""pivot is the position of the first changed
character, diff is how text after it moved"""
if obj < pivot: return
# TODO: test >= test here again
if diff.line == 0:
if obj.line == pivot.line:
obj.col += diff.col
elif diff.line > 0:
if obj.line == pivot.line:
obj.col += diff.col - pivot.col
obj.line += diff.line
obj.line += diff.line
if obj.line == pivot.line:
obj.col += - diff.col + pivot.col
class _MPBase(object):
def runTest(self):
obj = Position(*self.obj)
for pivot, diff, wanted in self.steps:
_move(obj, Position(*pivot), Position(*diff))
self.assertEqual(Position(*wanted), obj)
class MovePosition_DelSameLine(_MPBase, unittest.TestCase):
# hello wor*ld -> h*ld -> hl*ld
obj = (0, 9)
steps = (
((0, 1), (0, -8), (0, 1)),
((0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 2)),
class MovePosition_DelSameLine1(_MPBase, unittest.TestCase):
# hel*lo world -> hel*world -> hel*worl
obj = (0,3)
steps = (
((0, 4), (0, -3), (0,3)),
((0, 8), (0, -1), (0,3)),
class MovePosition_InsSameLine1(_MPBase, unittest.TestCase):
# hel*lo world -> hel*woresld
obj = (0, 3)
steps = (
((0, 4), (0, -3), (0, 3)),
((0, 6), (0, 2), (0, 3)),
((0, 8), (0, -1), (0, 3))
class MovePosition_InsSameLine2(_MPBase, unittest.TestCase):
# hello wor*ld -> helesdlo wor*ld
obj = (0, 9)
steps = (
((0, 3), (0, 3), (0, 12)),
class MovePosition_DelSecondLine(_MPBase, unittest.TestCase):
# hello world. sup hello world.*a, was
# *a, was ach nix
# ach nix
obj = (1, 0)
steps = (
((0, 12), (0, -4), (1, 0)),
((0, 12), (-1, 0), (0, 12)),
class MovePosition_DelSecondLine1(_MPBase, unittest.TestCase):
# hello world. sup
# a, *was
# ach nix
# hello world.a*was
# ach nix
obj = (1, 3)
steps = (
((0, 12), (0, -4), (1, 3)),
((0, 12), (-1, 0), (0, 15)),
((0, 12), (0, -3), (0, 12)),
((0, 12), (0, 1), (0, 13)),
class RandomTest1(_MPBase, unittest.TestCase):
a = 'cbaca\nabccAc\nbc'
b = 'Aba\naca\nab'
obj = (1,4)
steps = (
((0, 0), (0, -1), (1, 4)),
((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 4)),
((0, 3), (1, -3), (2, 4)),
((1, 0), (0, 1), (2, 4)),
((2, 2),(-1, -2), (0, 1)),
from edit_distance import transform, edit_script
import random, string
class RandomTests(unittest.TestCase):
def runTest(self):
nlines = random.randint(1, 3)
def make_random_text():
text =[]
for i in range(nlines):
ncols = random.randint(1,5)
text.append(''.join(random.choice("abc") for i in range(ncols)))
lidx = random.randint(0, len(text)-1)
cidx = random.randint(0, len(text[lidx])-1)
text[lidx] = text[lidx][:cidx] + 'A' + text[lidx][cidx:]
return '\n'.join(text), (lidx, cidx)
def find_A(txt):
idx = txt.find('A')
line_idx = txt[:idx].count("\n")
return line_idx, txt.split("\n")[line_idx].find('A')
txt, initial_pos = make_random_text()
txt2 = make_random_text()[0]
self.assertEqual(find_A(txt), initial_pos)
print "txt: %r, txt2: %r" % (txt, txt2)
obj = Position(*initial_pos)
for cmd in edit_script(txt, txt2):
ctype, line, col, text = cmd
if ctype == 'D':
if text == "\n":
delta = Position(-1, 0)
delta = Position(0, -len(text))
if text == "\n":
delta = Position(1, 0)
delta = Position(0, len(text))
txt = transform(txt, (cmd,))
_move(obj, Position(line, col), delta)
# Apos = Position(*find_A(txt))
# self.assertEqual(Apos.line, obj.line)
# if Apos.col != -1:
# self.assertEqual(Apos.col, obj.col)
self.assertEqual(txt, txt2)
Apos = Position(*find_A(txt))
self.assertEqual(Apos, obj)
print "line: %r, col: %r" % (line, col)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# unittest.main()
k = RandomTest1()

View File

@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import os
import re
import stat
import tempfile
import vim
from UltiSnips.Buffer import TextBuffer
from UltiSnips.Compatibility import CheapTotalOrdering
from UltiSnips.Compatibility import compatible_exec, as_unicode
from UltiSnips.Geometry import Span, Position
from UltiSnips.Lexer import tokenize, EscapeCharToken, VisualToken, \
@ -218,34 +218,7 @@ class _TOParser(object):
# Public classes #
# TODO: this function is related to text object and should maybe be private
def _move_nocheck(obj, old_end, new_end, diff):
assert(diff == (new_end - old_end)) # TODO: argument has no sense
if obj < old_end: return
debug("obj: %r, new_end: %r, diff: %r" % (obj, new_end, diff))
if diff.line >= 0:
obj.line += diff.line
if obj.line == new_end.line:
obj.col += diff.col
debug("diff: %r" % (diff))
obj.line += diff.line
if obj.line == new_end.line:
obj.col += diff.col
def _move(obj, sp, diff):
if obj < sp: return
debug("obj: %r, sp: %r, diff: %r" % (obj, sp, diff))
if diff.line >= 0:
if obj.line == sp.line:
obj.col += diff.col
obj.line += diff.line
debug("diff: %r" % (diff))
obj.line += diff.line
if obj.line == sp.line:
obj.col += sp.col
from UltiSnips.Geometry import _move # TODO
class TextObject(object):
@ -276,16 +249,28 @@ class TextObject(object):
def initial_replace(self):
# TODO: could this be replaced via _really_updateman?
ct = self._initial_text # TODO: Initial Text is nearly unused.
tb = self._initial_text # TODO: Initial Text is nearly unused.
old_end = self._end
self._end = ct.to_vim(self._start, self._end)
self.child_end_moved2(old_end, self._end)
self._end = tb.to_vim(self._start, self._end) # TODO: to vim returns something unused
# TODO: child_end_moved2 is a stupid name for this function
self.child_end_moved3(min(old_end, self._end), self._end.gsub(old_end))
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._start < other._start
def __le__(self, other):
return self._start <= other._start
def __repr__(self):
ct = ""
ct = self.current_text
except IndexError:
ct = "<err>"
return "%s(%r->%r,%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
self._start, self._end, ct)
@ -334,15 +319,59 @@ class TextObject(object):
return c._find_parent_for_new_to(pos)
return self
def child_end_moved2(self, old_end, new_end): # TODO: pretty wasteful, give index
def child_end_moved3(self, pivot, diff):
if not (self._parent):
debug("child_end_moved3: self: %r, pivot: %r, diff: %r" % (self, pivot, diff))
_move(self._parent._end, pivot, diff)
def _move_all(o):
_move(o._start, pivot, diff)
_move(o._end, pivot, diff)
for oc in o._childs:
for c in self._parent._childs[self._parent._childs.index(self)+1:]:
st,en = c._start.copy(), c._end.copy()
if (st != c._start) or (en != c._end):
debug("moved -> (%r,%r) c: %r" % (st, en, c))
self._parent.child_end_moved3(pivot, diff)
def child_end_moved2(self, old_end, new_end):
if not (self._parent) or old_end == new_end:
# TODO: rename function
diff = new_end - old_end
diff1 = old_end - new_end
# def _move_obj(obj):
# # if obj < old_end: return
# _move(obj, old_end, diff1)
def _move_obj(obj):
if obj < old_end:
debug("DENIED!") # TODO
if diff.line >= 0:
obj.line += diff.line
if obj.line == new_end.line:
obj.col += diff.col
debug("diff: %r" % (diff))
obj.line += diff.line
if obj.line == new_end.line:
obj.col += diff.col
pold_end = self._parent._end.copy()
_move_nocheck(self._parent._end, old_end, new_end, new_end - old_end)
def _move_all(o):
_move_nocheck(o._start, old_end, new_end, new_end - old_end)
_move_nocheck(o._end, old_end, new_end, new_end - old_end)
for oc in o._childs:
@ -353,6 +382,7 @@ class TextObject(object):
self._parent.child_end_moved2(pold_end, self._parent._end)
def _do_edit(self, cmd):
debug("cmd: %r, self: %r" % (cmd, self))
ctype, line, col, char = cmd
assert( ('\n' not in char) or (char == "\n"))
pos = Position(line, col)
@ -416,17 +446,18 @@ class TextObject(object):
assert(self._start != self._end) # Makes no sense to delete in empty textobject
if char == "\n":
delta = Position(-1, col) # TODO: this feels somehow incorrect:
delta = Position(-1, 0) # TODO: this feels somehow incorrect:
delta = Position(0, -len(char))
if char == "\n":
delta = Position(1, -col) # TODO: this feels somehow incorrect
delta = Position(1, 0) # TODO: this feels somehow incorrect
delta = Position(0, len(char))
old_end = self._end.copy()
_move(self._end, Position(line, col), delta)
self.child_end_moved2(old_end, self._end)
pivot = Position(line, col)
_move(self._end, pivot, delta)
self.child_end_moved3(pivot, delta)
def edited(self, cmds): # TODO: Only in SnippetInstance
assert(len([c for c in self._childs if isinstance(c, VimCursor)]) == 0)
@ -435,13 +466,12 @@ class TextObject(object):
for cmd in cmds:
def do_edits(self): # TODO: only in snippets instance, stupid name
debug("In do_edits")
# Do our own edits; keep track of the Cursor
vc = VimCursor(self)
assert(len([c for c in self._childs if isinstance(c, VimCursor)]) == 1)
# Update all referers # TODO: maybe in a function of its own
done = set()
not_done = set()
@ -462,44 +492,13 @@ class TextObject(object):
raise RuntimeError("Cyclic dependency in TextElements!")
#debug("self._childs: %r, vc: %r" % (self._childs, vc))
assert(len([c for c in self._childs if isinstance(c, VimCursor)]) == 0)
debug("self._childs: %r" % (self._childs))
def update(self):
pass # TODO: remove this function
# def _update_childs(childs):
# for idx,c in childs:
# oldend = Position(c.end.line, c.end.col)
# new_end = c.update()
# moved_lines = new_end.line - oldend.line
# moved_cols = new_end.col - oldend.col
# self._current_text.replace_text(c.start, oldend, c._current_text)
# self._move_textobjects_behind(c.start, oldend, moved_lines,
# moved_cols, idx)
# _update_childs((idx, c) for idx, c in enumerate(self._childs) if isinstance(c, TabStop))
# _update_childs((idx, c) for idx, c in enumerate(self._childs) if not isinstance(c, TabStop))
# self._do_update()
# new_end = self._current_text.calc_end(self._start)
# self._end = new_end
# return new_end
def _get_next_tab(self, no):
debug("_get_next_tab: self: %r, no: %r" % (self, no))
if not len(self._tabstops.keys()):
tno_max = max(self._tabstops.keys())
@ -558,29 +557,6 @@ class TextObject(object):
if self._really_updateman(done, not_done):
# def _move_textobjects_behind(self, start, end, lines, cols, obj_idx):
# if lines == 0 and cols == 0:
# return
# for idx,m in enumerate(self._childs[obj_idx+1:]):
# delta_lines = 0
# delta_cols_begin = 0
# delta_cols_end = 0
# if m.start.line > end.line:
# delta_lines = lines
# elif m.start.line == end.line:
# if m.start.col >= end.col:
# if lines:
# delta_lines = lines
# delta_cols_begin = cols
# if m.start.line == m.end.line:
# delta_cols_end = cols
# m.start.line += delta_lines
# m.end.line += delta_lines
# m.start.col += delta_cols_begin
# m.end.col += delta_cols_end
def _get_tabstop(self, requester, no):
if no in self._tabstops:
return self._tabstops[no]
@ -600,14 +576,12 @@ class TextObject(object):
def _del_child(self,c):
c._is_killed = True # TODO: private parts
debug("len(self._childs): %r, self._childs: %r" % (len(self._childs), self._childs))
debug("len(self._childs): %r, self._childs: %r" % (len(self._childs), self._childs))
if isinstance(c, TabStop):
del self._tabstops[c.no]
def _add_tabstop(self, ts):
def _add_tabstop(self, ts): # Why is tabstop not doing this in __init__? TODO
self._tabstops[ts.no] = ts
class NoneditableTextObject(TextObject):
@ -619,9 +593,10 @@ class NoneditableTextObject(TextObject):
debug("_replace_text: self: %r, tb: %r" % (self, tb))
old_end = self._end
self._end = tb.to_vim(self._start, self._end) # TODO: to vim returns something unused
assert(not len(self._childs))
# TODO: child_end_moved2 is a stupid name for this function
self.child_end_moved2(old_end, self._end)
self.child_end_moved3(min(old_end, self._end), self._end.gsub(old_end))
class EscapedChar(NoneditableTextObject):
@ -643,10 +618,6 @@ class VimCursor(NoneditableTextObject):
assert(self._start == self._end)
vim.current.window.cursor = (self._start.line + 1, self._start.col)
def __repr__(self):
return "VimCursor(%r)" % (self._start)
class Mirror(NoneditableTextObject):
A Mirror object mirrors a TabStop that is, text is repeated here
@ -672,9 +643,6 @@ class Mirror(NoneditableTextObject):
return True
def __repr__(self):
return "Mirror(%s -> %s, %r)" % (self._start, self._end, self.current_text)
class Visual(NoneditableTextObject):
A ${VISUAL} placeholder that will use the text that was last visually
@ -704,11 +672,6 @@ class Visual(NoneditableTextObject):
return True
# TODO: __repr__ is now basically the same for all elements
def __repr__(self):
return "Visual(%s -> %s)" % (self._start, self._end)
class Transformation(Mirror):
def __init__(self, parent, ts, token):
Mirror.__init__(self, parent, ts, token)
@ -743,9 +706,6 @@ class Transformation(Mirror):
return True
def __repr__(self):
return "Transformation(%s -> %s)" % (self._start, self._end)
class ShellCode(NoneditableTextObject):
def __init__(self, parent, token):
code = token.code.replace("\\`", "`")
@ -770,9 +730,6 @@ class ShellCode(NoneditableTextObject):
token.initial_text = output
NoneditableTextObject.__init__(self, parent, token)
def __repr__(self):
return "ShellCode(%s -> %s)" % (self._start, self._end)
class VimLCode(NoneditableTextObject):
def __init__(self, parent, token):
self._code = token.code.replace("\\`", "`").strip()
@ -783,9 +740,6 @@ class VimLCode(NoneditableTextObject):
return True
def __repr__(self):
return "VimLCode(%s -> %s)" % (self._start, self._end)
class _Tabs(object):
def __init__(self, to):
self._to = to
@ -987,9 +941,6 @@ class PythonCode(NoneditableTextObject):
return False
return True
def __repr__(self):
return "PythonCode(%s -> %s)" % (self._start, self._end)
class TabStop(TextObject):
This is the most important TextObject. A TabStop is were the cursor
@ -1007,11 +958,6 @@ class TabStop(TextObject):
return self._no
no = property(no)
# TODO: none of the _repr_ must access _current_text
def __repr__(self):
return "TabStop(%i, %s -> %s, %s)" % (self._no, self._start, self._end,
class SnippetInstance(TextObject):
A Snippet instance is an instance of a Snippet Definition. That is,
@ -1037,9 +983,6 @@ class SnippetInstance(TextObject):
def __repr__(self):
return "SnippetInstance(%s -> %s, %r)" % (self._start, self._end, self.current_text)
def _get_tabstop(self, requester, no):
# SnippetInstances are completely self contained, therefore, we do not
# need to ask our parent for Tabstops

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import vim
from UltiSnips.Geometry import Position, Span
from UltiSnips.Compatibility import make_suitable_for_vim, set_vim_cursor, vim_cursor
from UltiSnips.TextObjects import *
from UltiSnips.Buffer import VimBuffer, TextBuffer
from UltiSnips.Buffer import TextBuffer
from UltiSnips.Util import IndentUtil, vim_string, as_unicode
from UltiSnips.Langmap import LangMapTranslator
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ class VimState(object):
self._cline = as_unicode(vim.current.buffer[line])
def select_span(self, r):
self._unmap_select_mode_mapping() # TODO: Bring this back!
delta = r.end - r.start
lineno, col = r.start.line, r.start.col
@ -557,7 +557,6 @@ class VimState(object):
move_cmd = LangMapTranslator().translate(
r"\<Esc>%sv%s%s\<c-g>" % (move_one_right, move_lines, do_select)
debug("move_cmd: %r" % (move_cmd))
@ -793,7 +792,6 @@ class SnippetManager(object):
def cursor_moved(self):
debug("self._vstate.pos: %r, self._vstate.ppos: %r" % (self._vstate.pos, self._vstate.ppos))
if self._csnippets:
abs_end = self._vstate.pos
@ -804,8 +802,6 @@ class SnippetManager(object):
abs_end = Position(len(vim.current.buffer)-1, 10000)
span = Span(abs_start, abs_end)
debug("span: %r" % (span))
# ct = TextBuffer('\n'.join(vim.current.buffer))[span]
# lt = self._lvb[span]
@ -813,38 +809,34 @@ class SnippetManager(object):
lt = as_unicode(self._lvb)
rv = edit_distance.edit_script(lt, ct, abs_start.line, abs_start.col)
debug("edit_script: %r" % (rv,))
if self._csnippets:
debug("## self._csnippets: %r" % (self._csnippets[0]))
debug("## self._cnsippets._childs: %r" % (self._csnippets[0]._childs))
self._lvb = TextBuffer('\n'.join(vim.current.buffer)) # TODO: no need to cache everything
@err_to_scratch_buffer # TODO: will be needed again
def entered_insert_mode(self):
# TODO: very harsh
# TODO: very harsh, we can be more freely now
if self._cs and self._vstate.has_moved:
while len(self._csnippets):
# @err_to_scratch_buffer # TODO: will be needed again
# def leaving_window(self):
# """
# Called when the user switches tabs. It basically means that all
# snippets must be properly terminated
# """
# self._vstate.update()
# while len(self._csnippets):
# self._current_snippet_is_done()
# self._reinit()
@err_to_scratch_buffer # TODO: does this still does the correct thing?
def leaving_window(self):
Called when the user switches tabs. It basically means that all
snippets must be properly terminated
while len(self._csnippets):
@ -873,8 +865,6 @@ class SnippetManager(object):
self._ctab = None
# Did we leave the snippet with this movement?
if self._cs:
debug("self._vstate.pos: %r, self._cs.span: %r" % (self._vstate.pos, self._cs.span))
if self._cs and not (self._vstate.pos in self._cs.span):
@ -891,11 +881,8 @@ class SnippetManager(object):
def _jump(self, backwards = False):
jumped = False
debug("self._cs: %r" % (self._cs))
if self._cs:
self._ctab = self._cs.select_next_tab(backwards)
debug("self._ctab: %r" % (self._ctab))
debug("self._ctab.span: %r" % (self._ctab.span))
if self._ctab:
jumped = True
@ -1032,7 +1019,6 @@ class SnippetManager(object):
self._visual_content = ""
self._lvb = TextBuffer('\n'.join(vim.current.buffer)) # TODO: no need to cache everything
debug("in launch: self._lvb: %r" % (self._lvb))