#include "Shooter.h" ZaphodShooter::ZaphodShooter() { shooterLeft1 = new Jaguar(SHOOTER_LEFT_SIDECAR, SHOOTER_LEFT_MOTOR_ONE); shooterLeft2 = new Jaguar(SHOOTER_LEFT_SIDECAR, SHOOTER_LEFT_MOTOR_TWO); shooterRight1 = new Jaguar(SHOOTER_RIGHT_SIDECAR, SHOOTER_RIGHT_MOTOR_ONE); shooterRight2 = new Jaguar(SHOOTER_RIGHT_SIDECAR, SHOOTER_RIGHT_MOTOR_TWO); shooterAngle = new AnalogChannel(SHOOTER_ANGLE_POT); e_ShooterState = IDLE_PRESHOT; } void ZaphodShooter::startShootingSequence() { //Changes the enum to tell the shooter to be firing e_ShooterState = FIRING; } //First step in shooting process void ZaphodShooter::shootForAngle(float power, float desiredAngle) { if(getAngle() <= desiredAngle) { shootRaw(power); e_ShooterState = FIRING; } else { e_ShooterState = IDLE_POSTSHOT; } } //Second step in shooting process //Probably wont need to be used without shootForAngle void ZaphodShooter::lower(float desiredAngle) { if(getAngle() >= desiredAngle) { shootRaw(-0.1f); e_ShooterState = LOWERING; } else { shootRaw(0.0f); e_ShooterState = IDLE_PRESHOT; } } //Not needed anywhere other than after/before the shooting process void ZaphodShooter::stopShooter() { if(e_ShooterState == IDLE_PRESHOT) { shootRaw(0.0f); } } //Shouldn't be used in any other class but this one void ZaphodShooter::shootRaw(float power) { shooterLeft1->SetRaw(int(floatToPWM(power))); shooterLeft2->SetRaw(int(floatToPWM(power))); shooterRight1->SetRaw(int(floatToPWM(-power))); shooterRight2->SetRaw(int(floatToPWM(-power))); } void ZaphodShooter::updateShooterPosition() { if(e_ShooterState == IDLE_PRESHOT) { stopShooter(); } if(e_ShooterState == FIRING) { shootForAngle(1,110); } if(e_ShooterState == IDLE_POSTSHOT) { lower(40); } } float ZaphodShooter::floatToPWM(float input) { return input * 127.0 + 128; } //Returns angle measure in degrees float ZaphodShooter::getAngle() { float max = -.0003948; float min = 5.0245547; float b = shooterAngle->GetAverageVoltage() - max; min = min - max; // ~5.0027 max = max - max; //=0 return 300 - ((b + max) * (300 / min)); }