/** * @mainpage Dent * * The Hitchhikers Team 2015 robot, Dent. Features an elevator, bin elevator, and mecanum drive * @section Subsystems * -# @ref Drivetrain * -# @ref BinElevator * -# @ref BinCollector * -# @ref Elevator * -# @ref Collector * -# @ref Pneumatics (unused) * @section Commands * -# @ref AutoDrive * -# @ref Turn * -# @ref BinCloseArms * -# @ref BinLower * -# @ref BinOpenArms * -# @ref BinRaise * -# @ref BinIn * -# @ref BinOut * -# @ref RollIn * -# @ref RollOut * -# @ref Drive * -# @ref Lower * -# @ref Raise * @section Command Groups * -# @ref Autonomous * -# @ref CollectTote * -# @ref ReleaseTote * * Note: Recycling containers are referred to bins throughout the project */