#include "Drive.h" #include "../../DentRobot.h" Drive::Drive() : Command("Drive"){ Requires(DentRobot::drivetrain); } void Drive::Initialize(){ } void Drive::Execute(){ double x, y, z; x = DentRobot::oi->GetLeftStick()->GetRawAxis(0); z = DentRobot::oi->GetLeftStick()->GetRawAxis(2); y = DentRobot::oi->GetLeftStick()->GetRawAxis(1); //Code to lock the x axis when not holding button 1 //if (DentRobot::oi->GetLeftStick()->GetRawButton(1)){ // x=0; //} //if (DentRobot::oi->GetLeftStick()->GetRawButton(2)){ // y=0; //} //X axis, Y axis, Z axis, sensitivity, speed threshold (usually throttle), gyro DentRobot::drivetrain->DriveMecanum(x, y, z, 0.9, 0.0); } bool Drive::IsFinished(){ return IsTimedOut(); } void Drive::End(){ } void Drive::Interrupted(){ End(); } // vim: ts=2:sw=2:et