In _zsh_highlight_main__type : - the calls to "builtin type -w -- $1" are replaced by call to "sh_highlight_main__test_type_builtin" - if ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_SPECIAL_PATH exists but is empty, "foo" in "sudo foo" is always red - if ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_SPECIAL_PATH is not empty, zsh searchs in the PATH "ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_SPECIAL_PATH" to know if the command "foo" in "sudo foo" exists - if "foo" is in ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_SPECIAL_COMMAND then "Admin" says that user has access to this command : foo in "sudo foo" is green
zsh-syntax-highlighting / highlighters
Navigate into the individual highlighters' documentation to see
keys) each highlighter defines.
Refer to the documentation on highlighters for further information.