@ -49,6 +49,52 @@ if true; then
# This function takes a single argument F and returns True iff F is an autoload stub.
_zsh_highlight__function_is_autoload_stub_p() {
if zmodload -e zsh/parameter; then
#(( ${+functions[$1]} )) &&
[[ "$functions[$1]" == *"builtin autoload -X"* ]]
#[[ $(type -wa -- "$1") == *'function'* ]] &&
[[ "${${(@f)"$(which -- "$1")"}[2]}" == $'\t'$histchars[3]' undefined' ]]
# Do nothing here: return the exit code of the if.
# Return True iff the argument denotes a function name.
_zsh_highlight__is_function_p() {
if zmodload -e zsh/parameter; then
(( ${+functions[$1]} ))
[[ $(type -wa -- "$1") == *'function'* ]]
# This function takes a single argument F and returns True iff F denotes the
# name of a callable function. A function is callable if it is fully defined
# or if it is marked for autoloading and autoloading it at the first call to it
# will succeed. In particular, if a function has been marked for autoloading
# but is not available in $fpath, then this function will return False therefor.
# See users/21671 http://www.zsh.org/cgi-bin/mla/redirect?USERNUMBER=21671
_zsh_highlight__function_callable_p() {
if _zsh_highlight__is_function_p "$1" &&
! _zsh_highlight__function_is_autoload_stub_p "$1"
# Already fully loaded.
return 0 # true
# "$1" is either an autoload stub, or not a function at all.
# Use a subshell to avoid affecting the calling shell.
# We expect 'autoload +X' to return non-zero if it fails to fully load
# the function.
( autoload -U +X -- "$1" 2>/dev/null )
return $?
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Core highlighting update system
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -286,76 +332,103 @@ _zsh_highlight_add_highlight()
# $1 is name of widget to call
builtin zle "$@" &&
builtin zle "$@" &&
# Rebind all ZLE widgets to make them invoke _zsh_highlights.
setopt localoptions noksharrays
typeset -F SECONDS
local prefix=orig-s$SECONDS-r$RANDOM # unique each time, in case we're sourced more than once
# Load ZSH module zsh/zleparameter, needed to override user defined widgets.
zmodload zsh/zleparameter 2>/dev/null || {
print -r -- >&2 'zsh-syntax-highlighting: failed loading zsh/zleparameter.'
return 1
if _zsh_highlight__function_callable_p add-zle-hook-widget
autoload -U add-zle-hook-widget
_zsh_highlight__zle-line-finish() {
# Reset $WIDGET since the 'main' highlighter depends on it.
# Since $WIDGET is declared by zle as read-only in this function's scope,
# a nested function is required in order to shadow its built-in value;
# see "User-defined widgets" in zshall.
() {
local -h -r WIDGET=zle-line-finish
_zsh_highlight__zle-line-pre-redraw() {
# Set $? to 0 for _zsh_highlight. Without this, subsequent
# zle-line-pre-redraw hooks won't run, since add-zle-hook-widget happens to
# call us with $? == 1 in the common case.
true && _zsh_highlight "$@"
if [[ -o zle ]]; then
add-zle-hook-widget zle-line-pre-redraw _zsh_highlight__zle-line-pre-redraw
add-zle-hook-widget zle-line-finish _zsh_highlight__zle-line-finish
# Rebind all ZLE widgets to make them invoke _zsh_highlights.
setopt localoptions noksharrays
typeset -F SECONDS
local prefix=orig-s$SECONDS-r$RANDOM # unique each time, in case we're sourced more than once
# Override ZLE widgets to make them invoke _zsh_highlight.
local -U widgets_to_bind
# Load ZSH module zsh/zleparameter, needed to override user defined widgets.
zmodload zsh/zleparameter 2>/dev/null || {
print -r -- >&2 'zsh-syntax-highlighting: failed loading zsh/zleparameter.'
return 1
# Always wrap special zle-line-finish widget. This is needed to decide if the
# current line ends and special highlighting logic needs to be applied.
# E.g. remove cursor imprint, don't highlight partial paths, ...
# Override ZLE widgets to make them invoke _zsh_highlight.
local -U widgets_to_bind
# Always wrap special zle-isearch-update widget to be notified of updates in isearch.
# This is needed because we need to disable highlighting in that case.
# Always wrap special zle-line-finish widget. This is needed to decide if the
# current line ends and special highlighting logic needs to be applied.
# E.g. remove cursor imprint, don't highlight partial paths, ...
local cur_widget
for cur_widget in $widgets_to_bind; do
case ${widgets[$cur_widget]:-""} in
# Always wrap special zle-isearch-update widget to be notified of updates in isearch.
# This is needed because we need to disable highlighting in that case.
# Already rebound event: do nothing.
local cur_widget
for cur_widget in $widgets_to_bind; do
case ${widgets[$cur_widget]:-""} in
# The "eval"'s are required to make $cur_widget a closure: the value of the parameter at function
# definition time is used.
# We can't use ${0/_zsh_highlight_widget_} because these widgets are always invoked with
# NO_function_argzero, regardless of the option's setting here.
# Already rebound event: do nothing.
# User defined widget: override and rebind old one with prefix "orig-".
user:*) zle -N $prefix-$cur_widget ${widgets[$cur_widget]#*:}
eval "_zsh_highlight_widget_${(q)prefix}-${(q)cur_widget}() { _zsh_highlight_call_widget ${(q)prefix}-${(q)cur_widget} -- \"\$@\" }"
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$prefix-$cur_widget;;
# The "eval"'s are required to make $cur_widget a closure: the value of the parameter at function
# definition time is used.
# We can't use ${0/_zsh_highlight_widget_} because these widgets are always invoked with
# NO_function_argzero, regardless of the option's setting here.
# Completion widget: override and rebind old one with prefix "orig-".
completion:*) zle -C $prefix-$cur_widget ${${(s.:.)widgets[$cur_widget]}[2,3]}
eval "_zsh_highlight_widget_${(q)prefix}-${(q)cur_widget}() { _zsh_highlight_call_widget ${(q)prefix}-${(q)cur_widget} -- \"\$@\" }"
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$prefix-$cur_widget;;
# User defined widget: override and rebind old one with prefix "orig-".
user:*) zle -N $prefix-$cur_widget ${widgets[$cur_widget]#*:}
eval "_zsh_highlight_widget_${(q)prefix}-${(q)cur_widget}() { _zsh_highlight_call_widget ${(q)prefix}-${(q)cur_widget} -- \"\$@\" }"
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$prefix-$cur_widget;;
# Builtin widget: override and make it call the builtin ".widget".
builtin) eval "_zsh_highlight_widget_${(q)prefix}-${(q)cur_widget}() { _zsh_highlight_call_widget .${(q)cur_widget} -- \"\$@\" }"
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$prefix-$cur_widget;;
# Completion widget: override and rebind old one with prefix "orig-".
completion:*) zle -C $prefix-$cur_widget ${${(s.:.)widgets[$cur_widget]}[2,3]}
eval "_zsh_highlight_widget_${(q)prefix}-${(q)cur_widget}() { _zsh_highlight_call_widget ${(q)prefix}-${(q)cur_widget} -- \"\$@\" }"
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$prefix-$cur_widget;;
# Incomplete or nonexistent widget: Bind to z-sy-h directly.
if [[ $cur_widget == zle-* ]] && (( ! ${+widgets[$cur_widget]} )); then
_zsh_highlight_widget_${cur_widget}() { :; _zsh_highlight }
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget
# Default: unhandled case.
print -r -- >&2 "zsh-syntax-highlighting: unhandled ZLE widget ${(qq)cur_widget}"
print -r -- >&2 "zsh-syntax-highlighting: (This is sometimes caused by doing \`bindkey <keys> ${(q-)cur_widget}\` without creating the ${(qq)cur_widget} widget with \`zle -N\` or \`zle -C\`.)"
# Builtin widget: override and make it call the builtin ".widget".
builtin) eval "_zsh_highlight_widget_${(q)prefix}-${(q)cur_widget}() { _zsh_highlight_call_widget .${(q)cur_widget} -- \"\$@\" }"
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$prefix-$cur_widget;;
# Incomplete or nonexistent widget: Bind to z-sy-h directly.
if [[ $cur_widget == zle-* ]] && (( ! ${+widgets[$cur_widget]} )); then
_zsh_highlight_widget_${cur_widget}() { :; _zsh_highlight }
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget
# Default: unhandled case.
print -r -- >&2 "zsh-syntax-highlighting: unhandled ZLE widget ${(qq)cur_widget}"
print -r -- >&2 "zsh-syntax-highlighting: (This is sometimes caused by doing \`bindkey <keys> ${(q-)cur_widget}\` without creating the ${(qq)cur_widget} widget with \`zle -N\` or \`zle -C\`.)"
# Load highlighters from directory.