% git grep allowSubtreeCollapseExpand | grep locale | \ while read line; \ do sed -r -e "/^.+config.allowSubtreeCollapseExpand/d" \ -i "$(echo $line | cut -d ":" -f 1)"; done
203 lines
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203 lines
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<!ENTITY config.title "Configurazione di Tree Style Tab">
<!ENTITY config.scale.min "min">
<!ENTITY config.scale.max "max">
<!ENTITY config.tabs.appearance "Aspetto">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.position.caption "Posiziona barra delle schede">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.position.left "sul lato sinistro">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.position.right "sul lato destro">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.position.top "in alto (comportamento predefinito di Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.position.bottom "in basso">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.invertClosebox.left "Visualizza il pulsante di chiusura alla sinistra di ogni scheda">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.invertClosebox.right "Visualizza il pulsante di chiusura alla destra di ogni scheda"> <!-- NUOVA -->
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.invertTab "Inverti la visualizzazione delle schede">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.invertTabContents "Inverti la visualizzazione dei controlli di contrazione/espansione dei sottoalberi"> <!-- NUOVA -->
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.narrowScrollbar "Narrow scrollbar">
<!ENTITY config.enableSubtreeIndent "Indenta sottoschede">
<!ENTITY config.maxTreeLevel.before "until">
<!ENTITY config.maxTreeLevel.after "level(s)">
<!ENTITY config.tabbarSize.before-horizontal ":">
<!ENTITY config.tabbarSize.after-horizontal "px height">
<!ENTITY config.tabbarSize.before-vertical ":">
<!ENTITY config.tabbarSize.after-vertical "px width">
<!ENTITY config.tabs.style "Style">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.style.caption "Aspetto delle barra delle schede">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.style.plain "Semplice">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.style.flat "Flat">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.style.mixed "Misto">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.style.vertigo "Vertigo">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.style.metal "Metal">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.style.sidebar "Sidebar">
<!ENTITY config.tabbar.style.none "Predefinito (varia in base al tema)">
<!ENTITY config.twisty.style.caption "Aspetto dei controlli di contrazione/espansione dei sottoalberi">
<!ENTITY config.twisty.style.auto "Automatico">
<!ENTITY config.twisty.style.none "Nessuno">
<!ENTITY config.twisty.style.retro "Retro">
<!ENTITY config.twisty.style.modern.black "Black Modern">
<!ENTITY config.twisty.style.modern.white "White Modern">
<!ENTITY config.twisty.style.osx "OS X">
<!ENTITY config.tabs.menu "Menu contestuale">
<!ENTITY config.show.tabContextMenu.caption "Voci da aggiungere al menu contestuale delle schede">
<!ENTITY config.tabs.tab "New Tabs">
<!--ENTITY config.tabs.tab "Navigazione"-->
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabCommand.label_before "Open new blank tab as">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabCommand.independent "an independent tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabCommand.child "a child of the current tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabCommand.sibling "a sibling of the current tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabCommand.nextSibling "the next sibling of the current tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabCommand.label_after "">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabButton.label_before "For middle click on the "New Tab" button, open new blank tab as">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabButton.independent "an independent tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabButton.child "a child of the current tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabButton.sibling "a sibling of the current tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabButton.nextSibling "the next sibling of the current tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.newTabButton.label_after "">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.duplicateTabCommand.label_before "For middle click on the "Reload" button, duplicate the tab as">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.duplicateTabCommand.independent "an independent tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.duplicateTabCommand.child "a child of the source tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.duplicateTabCommand.sibling "a sibling of the source tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.duplicateTabCommand.nextSibling "the next sibling of the source tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.duplicateTabCommand.label_after "">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.goButton.label_before "For middle click on the "Go" button, open new tab as">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.goButton.independent "an independent tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.goButton.child "a child of the current tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.goButton.sibling "a sibling of the current tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.goButton.nextSibling "the next sibling of the current tab">
<!ENTITY config.autoAttach.goButton.label_after "">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "La voce "Apri tutti in schede" nel menu Segnalibri"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "apre i segnalibri come sottoalbero (Raccomandato)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree.type.before "">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree.type.restore "Restore">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree.type.flat "Ignore">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree.type.after "tree structure of tabs saved to bookmarks">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "apre i segnalibri in schede separate (comportamento predefinito di Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.caption "Dropped link, URL, bookmark or file to existing tab">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.ask "Always ask me how to load it">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "Load in the tab (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "Open as a new child tab">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.caption "Il trascinamento di collegamenti o indirizzi su una scheda esistente">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "carica il collegamento nella scheda (comportamento predefinito di Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "apre il collegamento in una nuova sottoscheda">
<!ENTITY config.tabs.autohide "Visualizzazione">
<!ENTITY config.autoHide.mode.normal.caption "for Normal Window Mode">
<!ENTITY config.autoHide.mode.fullscreen.caption "for Full Screen Mode">
<!ENTITY config.autoHide.mode.0 "Mostra sempre la barra delle schede">
<!ENTITY config.autoHide.mode.1 "Nascondi automaticamente la barra delle schede">
<!ENTITY config.autoHide.mode.2 "Riduci automaticamente la barra delle schede">
<!ENTITY config.autoShow.caption "Visualizza la barra della schede quando">
<!ENTITY config.autoShow.mousemove "Viene spostato il mouse in prossimità del bordo della finestra / barra delle schede">
<!ENTITY config.autoHide.area.before "Area di attivazione:">
<!ENTITY config.autoHide.area.after "distanza dai bordi della finestra / barra delle schede (in pixel)">
<!ENTITY config.autoHide.delay.before "Ritardo:">
<!ENTITY config.autoHide.delay.after "msec.">
<!ENTITY config.autoShow.accelKeyDown "Viene tenuto premuto il tasto Control">
<!ENTITY config.autoShow.accelKeyDown.delay.before "Visualizza dopo">
<!ENTITY config.autoShow.accelKeyDown.delay.after "msec.">
<!ENTITY config.autoShow.tabSwitch "Viene utilizzata la scorciatoia Control+Tab per passare da una scheda all'altra">
<!ENTITY config.autoShow.feedback "Something happen on tabs (new tab, closed tab, focus changing, title changing)">
<!--ENTITY config.autoShow.feedback "Viene aperta o chiusa una scheda"-->
<!ENTITY config.autoShow.feedback.delay.before "Nascondi dopo">
<!ENTITY config.autoShow.feedback.delay.after "msec.">
<!ENTITY config.tabs.tree "Tree">
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubtreeOnAttach "When a new tree appears, collapse others automatically">
<!--ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubtreeOnSelect "Contrai automaticamente gli altri sottoalberi quando viene aperta o selezionata una scheda"-->
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubtreeOnSelect "When a tab gets focus, expand his tree and collapse others automatically">
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubtreeOnSelect.onCurrentTabRemove "Exclude focus moving caused by current tab closing">
<!ENTITY config.collapseExpandSubtree.dblclick "Contrai/espandi sottoalberi della scheda con un doppio-clic">
<!ENTITY config.autoExpandSubtreeOnAppendChild "Espandi automaticamente i sottoalberi all'inserimento di nuove schede">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "Alla chiusura della scheda principale">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "chiudi anche le sottoschede">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.promoteFirst "Promote the first child tab as the new parent">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.promoteAll "porta le sottoschede al livello della scheda principale">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "elimina le sottoschede dall'albero">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.replaceWithGroupTab "Replace closed parent with a dummy tab and keep the tree">
<!ENTITY config.closeRootBehavior.promoteFirst "Promote the first child tab as the new parent, if the closed parent has no parent">
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "Elimina le sottoschede dall'albero alla chiusura della scheda principale"-->
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Attiva la scheda successiva/precedente, anche se è nascosta, con Control-Tab">
<!ENTITY config.insertNewChildAt.caption "Posizione di inserimento di nuove sottoschede">
<!ENTITY config.insertNewChildAt.first "Inserisci all'inizio del sottoalbero, come prima sottoscheda">
<!ENTITY config.insertNewChildAt.last "Accoda all'ultimo sottoalbero">
<!ENTITY config.undoCloseTabSet.caption "When a member of a tree is restored by "Undo Close Tab"">
<!ENTITY config.undoCloseTabSet.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.undoCloseTabSet.set "Restore whole of the tree">
<!ENTITY config.undoCloseTabSet.separate "Restore only one tab (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.tabs.advanced "Avanzate">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.bookmarkDroppedTabs.caption "Action for drag and drop of a parent tab to the bookmarks tree">
<!ENTITY config.bookmarkDroppedTabs.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.bookmarkDroppedTabs.all "Bookmark all tabs in the tree">
<!ENTITY config.bookmarkDroppedTabs.parent "Bookmark only the dragged one tab">
<!ENTITY selection.removeTabSubtree.label "Chiudi i sottoalberi selezionati">
<!ENTITY selection.removeTabSubtree.accesskey "s">
<!ENTITY selection.createSubtree.label "Gather to a New Tree">
<!ENTITY selection.createSubtree.accesskey "g">
<!ENTITY context.reloadTabSubtree.label "Reload this Tree">
<!ENTITY context.reloadTabSubtree.accesskey "r">
<!ENTITY context.reloadDescendantTabs.label "Reload Children">
<!ENTITY context.reloadDescendantTabs.accesskey "r">
<!ENTITY context.removeTabSubtree.label "Chiudi questo sottoalbero">
<!ENTITY context.removeTabSubtree.accesskey "u">
<!ENTITY context.removeDescendantTabs.label "Chiudi sottoschede">
<!ENTITY context.removeDescendantTabs.accesskey "i">
<!ENTITY context.removeAllTabsBut.label "Close Other Tabs except this Tree">
<!ENTITY context.removeAllTabsBut.accesskey "a">
<!ENTITY context.collapseAllSubtree.label "Contrai tutti i sottoalberi">
<!ENTITY context.collapseAllSubtree.accesskey "o">
<!ENTITY context.expandAllSubtree.label "Espandi tutti i sottoalberi">
<!ENTITY context.expandAllSubtree.accesskey "E">
<!ENTITY context.toggleAutoHide.label.hide "Nascondi automaticamente la barra delle schede">
<!ENTITY context.toggleAutoHide.label.shrink "Riduci automaticamente la barra delle schede">
<!ENTITY context.toggleAutoHide.accesskey "b">
<!ENTITY context.toggleFixed.label "Fix position and width/height of tab bar">
<!ENTITY context.toggleFixed.label.horizontal "Fix position and height of tab bar">
<!ENTITY context.toggleFixed.label.vertical "Blocca larghezza della barra delle schede">
<!ENTITY context.toggleFixed.accesskey "h">
<!ENTITY context.bookmarkTabSubtree.label "Questo sottoalbero nei segnalibri...">
<!ENTITY context.bookmarkTabSubtree.accesskey "l">
<!ENTITY group.default "New Group">
<!ENTITY group.temporary "Temporary Group">