/* Preferences Library Usage: var value = window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].prefs.getPref('my.extension.pref'); window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].prefs.setPref('my.extension.pref', true); window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].prefs.clearPref('my.extension.pref'); var listener = { domains : [ 'browser.tabs', 'extensions.someextension' ], observe : function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic != 'nsPref:changed') return; var value = window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].prefs.getPref(aData); } }; window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].prefs.addPrefListener(listener); window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].prefs.removePrefListener(listener); license: The MIT License, Copyright (c) 2009-2013 YUKI "Piro" Hiroshi original: http://github.com/piroor/fxaddonlib-prefs */ /* To work as a JS Code Module */ if (typeof window == 'undefined' || (window && typeof window.constructor == 'function')) { this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['prefs']; // If namespace.jsm is available, export symbols to the shared namespace. // See: http://github.com/piroor/fxaddonlibs/blob/master/namespace.jsm try { let ns = {}; Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/lib/namespace.jsm', ns); /* var */ window = ns.getNamespaceFor('piro.sakura.ne.jp'); } catch(e) { window = {}; } } (function() { const currentRevision = 10; if (!('piro.sakura.ne.jp' in window)) window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'] = {}; var loadedRevision = 'prefs' in window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'] ? window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].prefs.revision : 0 ; if (loadedRevision && loadedRevision > currentRevision) { return; } const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].prefs = { revision : currentRevision, Prefs : Cc['@mozilla.org/preferences;1'] .getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrefBranch2), DefaultPrefs : Cc['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'] .getService(Ci.nsIPrefService) .getDefaultBranch(null), getPref : function(aPrefstring, aInterface, aBranch) { if (!aInterface || aInterface instanceof Ci.nsIPrefBranch) [aBranch, aInterface] = [aInterface, aBranch]; aBranch = aBranch || this.Prefs; var type = aBranch.getPrefType(aPrefstring); if (type == aBranch.PREF_INVALID) return null; if (aInterface) return aBranch.getComplexValue(aPrefstring, aInterface); try { switch (type) { case aBranch.PREF_STRING: return decodeURIComponent(escape(aBranch.getCharPref(aPrefstring))); case aBranch.PREF_INT: return aBranch.getIntPref(aPrefstring); case aBranch.PREF_BOOL: return aBranch.getBoolPref(aPrefstring); case aBranch.PREF_INVALID: default: return null; } } catch(e) { // getXXXPref can raise an error if it is the default branch. return null; } }, getDefaultPref : function(aPrefstring, aInterface) { return this.getPref(aPrefstring, this.DefaultPrefs, aInterface); }, setPref : function(aPrefstring, aNewValue, aBranch) { aBranch = aBranch || this.Prefs; switch (typeof aNewValue) { case 'string': return aBranch.setCharPref(aPrefstring, unescape(encodeURIComponent(aNewValue))); case 'number': return aBranch.setIntPref(aPrefstring, parseInt(aNewValue)); default: return aBranch.setBoolPref(aPrefstring, !!aNewValue); } }, setDefaultPref : function(aPrefstring, aNewValue) { return this.setPref(aPrefstring, aNewValue, this.DefaultPrefs); }, clearPref : function(aPrefstring) { if (this.Prefs.prefHasUserValue(aPrefstring)) this.Prefs.clearUserPref(aPrefstring); }, getDescendant : function(aRoot, aBranch) { aBranch = aBranch || this.Prefs; return aBranch.getChildList(aRoot, {}).sort(); }, getChildren : function(aRoot, aBranch) { var foundChildren = {}; var possibleChildren = []; var actualChildren = this.getDescendant(aRoot, aBranch) .forEach(function(aPrefstring) { var name = aPrefstring.replace(aRoot, ''); if (name.charAt(0) == '.') name = name.substring(1); if (name.indexOf('.') < 0) { if (!(aPrefstring in foundChildren)) { actualChildren.push(aPrefstring); foundChildren[aPrefstring] = true; } } else { let possibleChildKey = aRoot + name.split('.')[0]; if (possibleChildKey && !(possibleChildKey in foundChildren)) { possibleChildren.push(possibleChildKey); foundChildren[possibleChildKey] = true; } } }); return possibleChildren.concat(actualChildren).sort(); }, addPrefListener : function(aObserver) { var domains = ('domains' in aObserver) ? aObserver.domains : [aObserver.domain] ; try { for each (var domain in domains) this.Prefs.addObserver(domain, aObserver, false); } catch(e) { } }, removePrefListener : function(aObserver) { var domains = ('domains' in aObserver) ? aObserver.domains : [aObserver.domain] ; try { for each (var domain in domains) this.Prefs.removeObserver(domain, aObserver, false); } catch(e) { } } }; })(); if (window != this) { // work as a JS Code Module this.prefs = window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].prefs; }